XC-332B, Human Female Pelvis Section, XC-332B Human Female Pelvis Section (4 parts), 3B Scientific XC-332B Human Female Pelvis Section (4 parts), China XC-332B, XC-BLS, XC-BLS Basic life support, BLS manikin (CPR & AED simulator) AED monitor, XC-101, XC-101 Life size skeleton (180 cm) with stand, XC-101 A, XC-101 A Skeleton (180 cm) Muscles & Ligaments, XC-101 E, XC-101 E Skeleton (180 cm) Flexible, XC-101 F, XC-101 F Flexible Skeleton with Ligaments, XC-102, XC-102 Skeleton (85 cm), XC-102 A, XC-102 A Skeleton (85 cm) with Spinal Nerves, XC-102 B, XC-102 B Skeleton (85 cm) with Spinal Nerves & Blood Vessel, XC-102 C, XC-102 C Skeleton (85 cm) with Painted Muscles, XC-102 CN, XC-102 CN Skeleton (85 cm) with Painted Muscles, XC-103, XC-103 Mini Skeleton, XC-104, XC-104 Life size Skull, XC-104 B, XC-104 B Life size Skull Painted, XC-104 C, XC-104 C Life size Skull colored bones, XC-104 D, XC-104 D Deluxe Life size Skull (Style D), XC-104 E, XC-104 E Skull with 8 parts Brain, XC-105, XC-105 Life size Vertebrae Column with Pelvis, XC-105 A, XC-105 A Vertebrae Column with Pelvis & Painted Muscles, XC-105 AN, XC-105 AN Vertebrae Column with Pelvis & Numbered Painted Muscles, XC-105 C, XC-105 C Didactic Flexible Vertebrae Column with Pelvis, XC-106, XC-106 Miniature Plastic Skull, XC-107, XC-107 Life size Vertebral column, XC-107 A, XC-107 A Vertebral column with painted muscles, XC-107 C, XC-107 C Didactic Vertebral column, XC-107 D, XC-107 D Vertebral column disarticulate model, XC-109, XC-109 Life size shoulder joint, XC-109 A, XC-109 A Life size muscled Shoulder joint, XC-110, XC-110 Life size Hip Joint, XC-111, XC-111 Life size Knee Joint, XC-112, XC-112 Life size Elbow Joint, XC-113, XC-113 Life size foot Joint, XC-113 A, XC-113 A Life size foot Joint with Ligaments, XC-114 Life size hand Joint, XC-114 A, XC-114 A Life size hand Joint with Ligaments, XC-115, XC-115 Life size pelvis with 5 pcs Lumber Vertebrae, XC-115 A, XC-115 A Half size pelvis with 5 pcs Lumber Vertebrae, XC-116, XC-116 Lumber set 2 Pcs, XC-117, XC-117 Lumber set 3 Pcs, XC-118, XC-118 Lumber set 4 Pcs, XC-119, XC-119 Life size lumber Vertebrae with sacrum & Coccyx & Herniated, XC-119 A, XC-119 A Mini Lumber Vertebrae with Sacrum & Coccyx & Herniated Disc, XC-120, XC-120 Thoracic Spinal Column, XC-121, XC-121 Life size Upper Extremity, XC-122, XC-122 Life size lower Extremity, XC-123, XC-123 Adult male Pelvis, XC-124, XC-124 Adult Female Pelvis, XC-125, XC-125 Female Pelvic Muscles & Organs, XC-126, XC-126 Life size vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur head, XC-126A, XC-126A vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur heads & Painted Muscies, XC-126AN, XC-126AN vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur heads and numbered Painted Muscies, XC-126 C, XC-126 C Didactic vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur head, XC-126 D, XC-126 D Flexible vertebral with removable Pelvis & Femur, XC-127, XC-127 Birth Demonstration, XC-128, XC-128 Life size pelvis with 2 Pcs Lumber Vertebrae, XC-130, XC-130 Disarticulated Skeleton with Skull, XC-133, XC-133 Cervical Vertebral Clumn with Nack Artery, XC-134, XC-134 Cutaway Osteoporosis, XC-135, XC-135 Skull with CervicalmSpine, XC-135 E, XC-135 E Skull with Brain and Cervical Spain 8 Parts, XC-201, XC-201 Male Torso (85 cm) 19 Parts, XC-202 A, XC-202 A Male Torso (42 cm) 13 Parts, XC-203, XC-203 Torso (26 cm) 15 Parts, XC-204, XC-204 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 23 Parts, XC-205, XC-205 Unisex Torso (45 cm) 23 Parts, XC-206, XC-206 Sexless Torso (85 cm) 20 Parts, XC-207, XC-207 Sexless Torso (42 cm) 18 Parts, XC-208, XC-208 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 40 Parts, XC-209, XC-209 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 20 Parts, XC-210, XC-210 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 30 Parts, XC-301, XC-301 Magnified Human Lartnx, XC-302, XC-302 Magnified Pulmonary Alveoli, XC-303 A, XC-303 A Giant Ear, XC-303 B, XC-303 B Middle Ear, XC-303 C, XC-303 C New Style Giant Ear, XC-303 D, XC-303 D Desktop Ear, XC-304, XC-304 Brain, XC-304 A, XC-304 A New Style Brain, XC-304 B, XC-304 B Brain, XC-305, XC-305 Expansion of Human Teeth, XC-306, XC-306 Stomach, XC-307, XC-307 Jumbo Heart, XC-307 A, XC-307 A Life size Heart, XC-307 B, XC-307 B New style life size heart, XC-307C, XC-307C New style Jumbo Heart, XC-307 D, XC-307 D Middle Heart, XC-308, XC-308 Brain with Arteries, XC-308 A, XC-308 A Brain with Arterial, XC-308 D, XC-308 D Brain with Arterial 9 Parts, XC-309, XC-309 Anatomy Nasal Cavity, XC-310-1, XC-310-1 Kidney, XC-310-2, XC-310-2 Kidney 2 Parts, XC-310-3, XC-310-3 Kidney with Adrenal Gland, XC-310-4, XC-310-4 Enlarged Kidney, XC-311, XC-311 Liver, Pancreas & Duodenum, XC-312, XC-312 Liver, XC-313, XC-313 Enlarge Skin, XC-313-2, XC-313-2 Skin Block, XC-313-3, XC-313-3 Skin Section, XC-315, XC-315 Digestive System, XC-316, XC-316 Giant Eye, XC-316 A, XC-316 A Giant Eye A, XC-316 B, XC-316 B Eye with Orbit, XC-317, XC-317 Expansion of Urinary Bladder, XC-318, XC-318 Brain with Arteries on Head, XC-318 B, XC-318 B Head with Brain, XC-319, XC-319 Median section of the Head, XC-319 A, XC-319 A Frontal Section & Median Section of the Head, XC-319 B, XC-319 B Frontal section of Head, XC-320, XC-320 Larynx, Heart & Lung, XC-321, XC-321 Lung, XC-321 B, XC-321 B Lung, XC-322, XC-322 Circulatory system, XC-324, XC-324 The Head, XC-325, XC-325 Plam Anatomy, XC-326, XC-326 Normal Flat & Arched Foot, XC-330, XC-330 Transparent Lung Segment, XC-331, XC-331 Male Urogenital system, XC-331 A, XC-331 A Human male Pelvis section Part 1, XC-331 B, XC-331 B Human male Pelvis section Part 2, XC-331 C, XC-331 C Advanced Male internal & external Gental Organs, XC-331 D, XC-331 D Male Gental Organ, XC-332, XC-332 Female Urogenital System, XC-332 A, XC-332 A Female Pelvis section 1 Part, XC-332 B, XC-332 B Female Pelvis section 4 Parts, XC-332 B-1, XC-332 B-1Female Pelvis section 2 Part2, XC-332 C, XC-332 C Advanced Female internal & external Gental Organ, XC-332 D, XC-332 D Female Pelvis, XC-333, XC-333 Urinary system, XC-334, XC-334 Human (80 cm) Muscles Male (27 Parts), XC-335, XC-335 Human Muscles 50 cm 1 Part, XC-336, XC-336 Muscles of human Arm 7 parts, XC-337, XC-337 Muscles of Lower Limb 13 Parts, XC-338, XC-338 Life size human Muscle foot (7 parts), XC-401, XC 401Multifunctional patient care Manikin, XC-401 A, XC-401 A High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Male), XC-401 A-1, XC-401 A-1 New style High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Male), XC-401 A-2, XC-401 A-2 Advanced Nurse Trainning Doll (with BP Trainning Arm Male), XC-401 B, XC-401 B High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Female), XC-401 B-1, XC-401 B-1 New style High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Female), XC-401 B-2, XC-401 B-2 Advanced Nurse trainning doll (with BP Trainning Arm Female), XC-401 C, XC-401 C Advanced Multifunctional Nursing Trainning Doll, XC-401 D, XC-401 D Advanced Trauma Simulator, XC-401 D-1, XC-401 D-1 Advance Trauma Accessories, XC-401 M, XC-401 M Multifunctional patient care Manikin (Male), XC-402, XC-402 Course of delivery, XC-402 A, XC-402 A Advanced Course of delivery, XC-402 A-1, XC-402 A-1 Delivery Machine, XC-403, XC-403 Dental Care (28 teeth), XC-403 A, XC-403 A Dental Care (32 teeth), XC-403 B, XC-403 B Small Dental Care (28 teeth), XC-403 C, XC-403 C Small Dental Care (32 teeth), XC-403 D, XC-403 D Dental Care with Cheek, XC-404, XC-404 Basic CPR Trainning (half Body), XC-404 A, XC-404 A Half body CPR Trainninf (male), XC-404 B, XC-404 B Half body CPR Trainninf (Female), XC-405, XC-405 Nurse Basic Practice Teaching 5 parts, XC-405 A, XC-405 A Simple male Urethral catheterization simulator, XC-405 B, XC-405 B Simple Female Urethral catheterization simulator, XC-405-2, XC-405-2 Transparent gastric lavage model, XC-406-1, XC-406-1 Whole body basic CPR Manikin style 100 (Male/Female), XC-406-2, XC-406-2 Whole body basic CPR Manikin style 200 (Male/Female), XC-406-5, XC-406-5 Whole body basic CPR Manikin style 500 (Male/Female), XC-406-5 Plus, XC-406-5 Plus New style CPR Trainning Manikin, XC-406A 5 Plus, XC-406A 5 Plus Whole advanced CPR Manikin style 500 (Female), XC-407, XC-407 Human Trachea Intubation, XC-407 A, XC-407 A Advanced Human Trachea Intubation, XC-408, XC-408 Electronic Urinary, XC-408 C, XC-408 C Advanced male Urethral Catheterization simulator, XC-408 D, XC-408 D Advanced female Urethral Catheterization simulator, XC-408 E, XC-408 E Transparant male Urethral Catheterization simulator, XC-408 F, XC-408 F Transparent female Urethral Catheterization simulator, XC-409, XC-409 New Born baby, XC-409 A, XC-409 A New style New Born baby, XC-409A-1, XC-409A-1 New style New Born baby model (Girl), XC-409 B, XC-409 B Advanced New Born care, XC-409 C, XC-409 C Advanced neonate Umbilical cord, XC-409 C-1, XC-409 C-1 Umbilical Cord, XC-409 D, XC-409 D Tracheostomy care infant, XC-409 E, XC-409 E Neonate scalp venipuncture, XC-410, XC-410 New born Intubation, XC-410 A, XC-410 A Infant Intubation trainning, XC-411, XC-411 Gynecological Trainning simulator, XC-412, XC-412 Advanced maternity, XC-414, XC-414 Development process for ferus, XC-414 A, XC-414 A The development process for ferus (half size), XC-416, XC-416 New born CPR Trainning manikin, XC-417, XC-417 Conception Guidance, XC-417 A, XC-417 A Female Contraception Guidance, XC-417 B, XC-417 B Male Condom Simulator (Transparent Base), XC-418, XC-418 Breast Examination, XC-418 B, XC-418 B Lactation Trainning model, Xincheng Scientific Industries Co., Ltd, Xincheng Scientific Model, Xincheng Scientific Human model, Xincheng Scientific Human body models, Models, Charts, Human body charts, China Models, China Chart, XC-BLS price in bd, XC-BLS Basic life support price in bd, BLS manikin (CPR & AED simulator) AED monitor price in bd, XC-101 price in bd, XC-101 Life size skeleton (180 cm) with stand price in bd, XC-101 A price in bd, XC-101 A Skeleton (180 cm) Muscles & Ligaments price in bd, XC-101 E price in bd, XC-101 E Skeleton (180 cm) Flexible price in bd, XC-101 F price in bd, XC-101 F Flexible Skeleton with Ligaments price in bd, XC-102 price in bd, XC-102 Skeleton (85 cm) price in bd, XC-102 A price in bd, XC-102 A Skeleton (85 cm) with Spinal Nerves price in bd, XC-102 B price in bd, XC-102 B Skeleton (85 cm) with Spinal Nerves & Blood Vessel price in bd, XC-102 C price in bd, XC-102 C Skeleton (85 cm) with Painted Muscles price in bd, XC-102 CN price in bd, XC-102 CN Skeleton (85 cm) with Painted Muscles price in bd, XC-103 price in bd, XC-103 Mini Skeleton price in bd, XC-104 price in bd, XC-104 Life size Skull price in bd, XC-104 B price in bd, XC-104 B Life size Skull Painted price in bd, XC-104 C price in bd, XC-104 C Life size Skull colored bones price in bd, XC-104 D price in bd, XC-104 D Deluxe Life size Skull (Style D) price in bd, XC-104 E price in bd, XC-104 E Skull with 8 parts Brain price in bd, XC-105 price in bd, XC-105 Life size Vertebrae Column with Pelvis price in bd, XC-105 A price in bd, XC-105 A Vertebrae Column with Pelvis & Painted Muscles price in bd, XC-105 AN price in bd, XC-105 AN Vertebrae Column with Pelvis & Numbered Painted Muscles price in bd, XC-105 C price in bd, XC-105 C Didactic Flexible Vertebrae Column with Pelvis price in bd, XC-106 price in bd, XC-106 Miniature Plastic Skull price in bd, XC-107 price in bd, XC-107 Life size Vertebral column price in bd, XC-107 A price in bd, XC-107 A Vertebral column with painted muscles price in bd, XC-107 C price in bd, XC-107 C Didactic Vertebral column price in bd, XC-107 D price in bd, XC-107 D Vertebral column disarticulate model price in bd, XC-109 price in bd, XC-109 Life size shoulder joint price in bd, XC-109 A price in bd, XC-109 A Life size muscled Shoulder joint price in bd, XC-110 price in bd, XC-110 Life size Hip Joint price in bd, XC-111 price in bd, XC-111 Life size Knee Joint price in bd, XC-112 price in bd, XC-112 Life size Elbow Joint price in bd, XC-113 price in bd, XC-113 Life size foot Joint price in bd, XC-113 A price in bd, XC-113 A Life size foot Joint with Ligaments price in bd, XC-114 Life size hand Joint price in bd, XC-114 A price in bd, XC-114 A Life size hand Joint with Ligaments price in bd, XC-115 price in bd, XC-115 Life size pelvis with 5 pcs Lumber Vertebrae price in bd, XC-115 A price in bd, XC-115 A Half size pelvis with 5 pcs Lumber Vertebrae price in bd, XC-116 price in bd, XC-116 Lumber set 2 Pcs price in bd, XC-117 price in bd, XC-117 Lumber set 3 Pcs price in bd, XC-118 price in bd, XC-118 Lumber set 4 Pcs price in bd, XC-119 price in bd, XC-119 Life size lumber Vertebrae with sacrum & Coccyx & Herniated price in bd, XC-119 A price in bd, XC-119 A Mini Lumber Vertebrae with Sacrum & Coccyx & Herniated Disc price in bd, XC-120 price in bd, XC-120 Thoracic Spinal Column price in bd, XC-121 price in bd, XC-121 Life size Upper Extremity price in bd, XC-122 price in bd, XC-122 Life size lower Extremity price in bd, XC-123 price in bd, XC-123 Adult male Pelvis price in bd, XC-124 price in bd, XC-124 Adult Female Pelvis price in bd, XC-125 price in bd, XC-125 Female Pelvic Muscles & Organs price in bd, XC-126 price in bd, XC-126 Life size vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur head price in bd, XC-126A price in bd, XC-126A vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur heads & Painted Muscies price in bd, XC-126AN price in bd, XC-126AN vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur heads and numbered Painted Muscies price in bd, XC-126 C price in bd, XC-126 C Didactic vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur head price in bd, XC-126 D price in bd, XC-126 D Flexible vertebral with removable Pelvis & Femur price in bd, XC-127 price in bd, XC-127 Birth Demonstration price in bd, XC-128 price in bd, XC-128 Life size pelvis with 2 Pcs Lumber Vertebrae price in bd, XC-130 price in bd, XC-130 Disarticulated Skeleton with Skull price in bd, XC-133 price in bd, XC-133 Cervical Vertebral Clumn with Nack Artery price in bd, XC-134 price in bd, XC-134 Cutaway Osteoporosis price in bd, XC-135 price in bd, XC-135 Skull with CervicalmSpine price in bd, XC-135 E price in bd, XC-135 E Skull with Brain and Cervical Spain 8 Parts price in bd, XC-201 price in bd, XC-201 Male Torso (85 cm) 19 Parts price in bd, XC-202 A price in bd, XC-202 A Male Torso (42 cm) 13 Parts price in bd, XC-203 price in bd, XC-203 Torso (26 cm) 15 Parts price in bd, XC-204 price in bd, XC-204 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 23 Parts price in bd, XC-205 price in bd, XC-205 Unisex Torso (45 cm) 23 Parts price in bd, XC-206 price in bd, XC-206 Sexless Torso (85 cm) 20 Parts price in bd, XC-207 price in bd, XC-207 Sexless Torso (42 cm) 18 Parts price in bd, XC-208 price in bd, XC-208 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 40 Parts price in bd, XC-209 price in bd, XC-209 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 20 Parts price in bd, XC-210 price in bd, XC-210 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 30 Parts price in bd, XC-301 price in bd, XC-301 Magnified Human Lartnx price in bd, XC-302 price in bd, XC-302 Magnified Pulmonary Alveoli price in bd, XC-303 A price in bd, XC-303 A Giant Ear price in bd, XC-303 B price in bd, XC-303 B Middle Ear price in bd, XC-303 C price in bd, XC-303 C New Style Giant Ear price in bd, XC-303 D price in bd, XC-303 D Desktop Ear price in bd, XC-304 price in bd, XC-304 Brain price in bd, XC-304 A price in bd, XC-304 A New Style Brain price in bd, XC-304 B price in bd, XC-304 B Brain price in bd, XC-305 price in bd, XC-305 Expansion of Human Teeth price in bd, XC-306 price in bd, XC-306 Stomach price in bd, XC-307 price in bd, XC-307 Jumbo Heart price in bd, XC-307 A price in bd, XC-307 A Life size Heart price in bd, XC-307 B price in bd, XC-307 B New style life size heart price in bd, XC-307C price in bd, XC-307C New style Jumbo Heart price in bd, XC-307 D price in bd, XC-307 D Middle Heart price in bd, XC-308 price in bd, XC-308 Brain with Arteries price in bd, XC-308 A price in bd, XC-308 A Brain with Arterial price in bd, XC-308 D price in bd, XC-308 D Brain with Arterial 9 Parts price in bd, XC-309 price in bd, XC-309 Anatomy Nasal Cavity price in bd, XC-310-1 price in bd, XC-310-1 Kidney price in bd, XC-310-2 price in bd, XC-310-2 Kidney 2 Parts price in bd, XC-310-3 price in bd, XC-310-3 Kidney with Adrenal Gland price in bd, XC-310-4 price in bd, XC-310-4 Enlarged Kidney price in bd, XC-311 price in bd, XC-311 Liver price in bd, Pancreas & Duodenum price in bd, XC-312 price in bd, XC-312 Liver price in bd, XC-313 price in bd, XC-313 Enlarge Skin price in bd, XC-313-2 price in bd, XC-313-2 Skin Block price in bd, XC-313-3 price in bd, XC-313-3 Skin Section price in bd, XC-315 price in bd, XC-315 Digestive System price in bd, XC-316 price in bd, XC-316 Giant Eye price in bd, XC-316 A price in bd, XC-316 A Giant Eye A price in bd, XC-316 B price in bd, XC-316 B Eye with Orbit price in bd, XC-317 price in bd, XC-317 Expansion of Urinary Bladder price in bd, XC-318 price in bd, XC-318 Brain with Arteries on Head price in bd, XC-318 B price in bd, XC-318 B Head with Brain price in bd, XC-319 price in bd, XC-319 Median section of the Head price in bd, XC-319 A price in bd, XC-319 A Frontal Section & Median Section of the Head price in bd, XC-319 B price in bd, XC-319 B Frontal section of Head price in bd, XC-320 price in bd, XC-320 Larynx price in bd, Heart & Lung price in bd, XC-321 price in bd, XC-321 Lung price in bd, XC-321 B price in bd, XC-321 B Lung price in bd, XC-322 price in bd, XC-322 Circulatory system price in bd, XC-324 price in bd, XC-324 The Head price in bd, XC-325 price in bd, XC-325 Plam Anatomy price in bd, XC-326 price in bd, XC-326 Normal Flat & Arched Foot price in bd, XC-330 price in bd, XC-330 Transparent Lung Segment price in bd, XC-331 price in bd, XC-331 Male Urogenital system price in bd, XC-331 A price in bd, XC-331 A Human male Pelvis section Part 1 price in bd, XC-331 B price in bd, XC-331 B Human male Pelvis section Part 2 price in bd, XC-331 C price in bd, XC-331 C Advanced Male internal & external Gental Organs price in bd, XC-331 D price in bd, XC-331 D Male Gental Organ price in bd, XC-332 price in bd, XC-332 Female Urogenital System price in bd, XC-332 A price in bd, XC-332 A Female Pelvis section 1 Part price in bd, XC-332 B price in bd, XC-332 B Female Pelvis section 4 Parts price in bd, XC-332 B-1 price in bd, XC-332 B-1Female Pelvis section 2 Part2 price in bd, XC-332 C price in bd, XC-332 C Advanced Female internal & external Gental Organ price in bd, XC-332 D price in bd, XC-332 D Female Pelvis price in bd, XC-333 price in bd, XC-333 Urinary system price in bd, XC-334 price in bd, XC-334 Human (80 cm) Muscles Male (27 Parts) price in bd, XC-335 price in bd, XC-335 Human Muscles 50 cm 1 Part price in bd, XC-336 price in bd, XC-336 Muscles of human Arm 7 parts price in bd, XC-337 price in bd, XC-337 Muscles of Lower Limb 13 Parts price in bd, XC-338 price in bd, XC-338 Life size human Muscle foot (7 parts) price in bd, XC-401 price in bd, XC 401Multifunctional patient care Manikin price in bd, XC-401 A price in bd, XC-401 A High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Male) price in bd, XC-401 A-1 price in bd, XC-401 A-1 New style High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Male) price in bd, XC-401 A-2 price in bd, XC-401 A-2 Advanced Nurse Trainning Doll (with BP Trainning Arm Male) price in bd, XC-401 B price in bd, XC-401 B High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Female) price in bd, XC-401 B-1 price in bd, XC-401 B-1 New style High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Female) price in bd, XC-401 B-2 price in bd, XC-401 B-2 Advanced Nurse trainning doll (with BP Trainning Arm Female) price in bd, XC-401 C price in bd, XC-401 C Advanced Multifunctional Nursing Trainning Doll price in bd, XC-401 D price in bd, XC-401 D Advanced Trauma Simulator price in bd, XC-401 D-1 price in bd, XC-401 D-1 Advance Trauma Accessories price in bd, XC-401 M price in bd, XC-401 M Multifunctional patient care Manikin (Male) price in bd, XC-402 price in bd, XC-402 Course of delivery price in bd, XC-402 A price in bd, XC-402 A Advanced Course of delivery price in bd, XC-402 A-1 price in bd, XC-402 A-1 Delivery Machine price in bd, XC-403 price in bd, XC-403 Dental Care (28 teeth) price in bd, XC-403 A price in bd, XC-403 A Dental Care (32 teeth) price in bd, XC-403 B price in bd, XC-403 B Small Dental Care (28 teeth) price in bd, XC-403 C price in bd, XC-403 C Small Dental Care (32 teeth) price in bd, XC-403 D price in bd, XC-403 D Dental Care with Cheek price in bd, XC-404 price in bd, XC-404 Basic CPR Trainning (half Body) price in bd, XC-404 A price in bd, XC-404 A Half body CPR Trainninf (male) price in bd, XC-404 B price in bd, XC-404 B Half body CPR Trainninf (Female) price in bd, XC-405 price in bd, XC-405 Nurse Basic Practice Teaching 5 parts price in bd, XC-405 A price in bd, XC-405 A Simple male Urethral catheterization simulator price in bd, XC-405 B price in bd, XC-405 B Simple Female Urethral catheterization simulator price in bd, XC-405-2 price in bd, XC-405-2 Transparent gastric lavage model price in bd, XC-406-1 price in bd, XC-406-1 Whole body basic CPR Manikin style 100 (Male/Female) price in bd, XC-406-2 price in bd, XC-406-2 Whole body basic CPR Manikin style 200 (Male/Female) price in bd, XC-406-5 price in bd, XC-406-5 Whole body basic CPR Manikin style 500 (Male/Female) price in bd, XC-406-5 Plus price in bd, XC-406-5 Plus New style CPR Trainning Manikin price in bd, XC-406A 5 Plus price in bd, XC-406A 5 Plus Whole advanced CPR Manikin style 500 (Female) price in bd, XC-407 price in bd, XC-407 Human Trachea Intubation price in bd, XC-407 A price in bd, XC-407 A Advanced Human Trachea Intubation price in bd, XC-408 price in bd, XC-408 Electronic Urinary price in bd, XC-408 C price in bd, XC-408 C Advanced male Urethral Catheterization simulator price in bd, XC-408 D price in bd, XC-408 D Advanced female Urethral Catheterization simulator price in bd, XC-408 E price in bd, XC-408 E Transparant male Urethral Catheterization simulator price in bd, XC-408 F price in bd, XC-408 F Transparent female Urethral Catheterization simulator price in bd, XC-409 price in bd, XC-409 New Born baby price in bd, XC-409 A price in bd, XC-409 A New style New Born baby price in bd, XC-409A-1 price in bd, XC-409A-1 New style New Born baby model (Girl) price in bd, XC-409 B price in bd, XC-409 B Advanced New Born care price in bd, XC-409 C price in bd, XC-409 C Advanced neonate Umbilical cord price in bd, XC-409 C-1 price in bd, XC-409 C-1 Umbilical Cord price in bd, XC-409 D price in bd, XC-409 D Tracheostomy care infant price in bd, XC-409 E price in bd, XC-409 E Neonate scalp venipuncture price in bd, XC-410 price in bd, XC-410 New born Intubation price in bd, XC-410 A price in bd, XC-410 A Infant Intubation trainning price in bd, XC-411 price in bd, XC-411 Gynecological Trainning simulator price in bd, XC-412 price in bd, XC-412 Advanced maternity price in bd, XC-414 price in bd, XC-414 Development process for ferus price in bd, XC-414 A price in bd, XC-414 A The development process for ferus (half size) price in bd, XC-416 price in bd, XC-416 New born CPR Trainning manikin price in bd, XC-417 price in bd, XC-417 Conception Guidance price in bd, XC-417 A price in bd, XC-417 A Female Contraception Guidance price in bd, XC-417 B price in bd, XC-417 B Male Condom Simulator (Transparent Base) price in bd, XC-418 price in bd, XC-418 Breast Examination price in bd, XC-418 B price in bd, XC-418 B Lactation Trainning model price in bd, XC-BLS saler in bd, XC-BLS Basic life support saler in bd, BLS manikin (CPR & AED simulator) AED monitor saler in bd, XC-101 saler in bd, XC-101 Life size skeleton (180 cm) with stand saler in bd, XC-101 A saler in bd, XC-101 A Skeleton (180 cm) Muscles & Ligaments saler in bd, XC-101 E saler in bd, XC-101 E Skeleton (180 cm) Flexible saler in bd, XC-101 F saler in bd, XC-101 F Flexible Skeleton with Ligaments saler in bd, XC-102 saler in bd, XC-102 Skeleton (85 cm) saler in bd, XC-102 A saler in bd, XC-102 A Skeleton (85 cm) with Spinal Nerves saler in bd, XC-102 B saler in bd, XC-102 B Skeleton (85 cm) with Spinal Nerves & Blood Vessel saler in bd, XC-102 C saler in bd, XC-102 C Skeleton (85 cm) with Painted Muscles saler in bd, XC-102 CN saler in bd, XC-102 CN Skeleton (85 cm) with Painted Muscles saler in bd, XC-103 saler in bd, XC-103 Mini Skeleton saler in bd, XC-104 saler in bd, XC-104 Life size Skull saler in bd, XC-104 B saler in bd, XC-104 B Life size Skull Painted saler in bd, XC-104 C saler in bd, XC-104 C Life size Skull colored bones saler in bd, XC-104 D saler in bd, XC-104 D Deluxe Life size Skull (Style D) saler in bd, XC-104 E saler in bd, XC-104 E Skull with 8 parts Brain saler in bd, XC-105 saler in bd, XC-105 Life size Vertebrae Column with Pelvis saler in bd, XC-105 A saler in bd, XC-105 A Vertebrae Column with Pelvis & Painted Muscles saler in bd, XC-105 AN saler in bd, XC-105 AN Vertebrae Column with Pelvis & Numbered Painted Muscles saler in bd, XC-105 C saler in bd, XC-105 C Didactic Flexible Vertebrae Column with Pelvis saler in bd, XC-106 saler in bd, XC-106 Miniature Plastic Skull saler in bd, XC-107 saler in bd, XC-107 Life size Vertebral column saler in bd, XC-107 A saler in bd, XC-107 A Vertebral column with painted muscles saler in bd, XC-107 C saler in bd, XC-107 C Didactic Vertebral column saler in bd, XC-107 D saler in bd, XC-107 D Vertebral column disarticulate model saler in bd, XC-109 saler in bd, XC-109 Life size shoulder joint saler in bd, XC-109 A saler in bd, XC-109 A Life size muscled Shoulder joint saler in bd, XC-110 saler in bd, XC-110 Life size Hip Joint saler in bd, XC-111 saler in bd, XC-111 Life size Knee Joint saler in bd, XC-112 saler in bd, XC-112 Life size Elbow Joint saler in bd, XC-113 saler in bd, XC-113 Life size foot Joint saler in bd, XC-113 A saler in bd, XC-113 A Life size foot Joint with Ligaments saler in bd, XC-114 Life size hand Joint saler in bd, XC-114 A saler in bd, XC-114 A Life size hand Joint with Ligaments saler in bd, XC-115 saler in bd, XC-115 Life size pelvis with 5 pcs Lumber Vertebrae saler in bd, XC-115 A saler in bd, XC-115 A Half size pelvis with 5 pcs Lumber Vertebrae saler in bd, XC-116 saler in bd, XC-116 Lumber set 2 Pcs saler in bd, XC-117 saler in bd, XC-117 Lumber set 3 Pcs saler in bd, XC-118 saler in bd, XC-118 Lumber set 4 Pcs saler in bd, XC-119 saler in bd, XC-119 Life size lumber Vertebrae with sacrum & Coccyx & Herniated saler in bd, XC-119 A saler in bd, XC-119 A Mini Lumber Vertebrae with Sacrum & Coccyx & Herniated Disc saler in bd, XC-120 saler in bd, XC-120 Thoracic Spinal Column saler in bd, XC-121 saler in bd, XC-121 Life size Upper Extremity saler in bd, XC-122 saler in bd, XC-122 Life size lower Extremity saler in bd, XC-123 saler in bd, XC-123 Adult male Pelvis saler in bd, XC-124 saler in bd, XC-124 Adult Female Pelvis saler in bd, XC-125 saler in bd, XC-125 Female Pelvic Muscles & Organs saler in bd, XC-126 saler in bd, XC-126 Life size vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur head saler in bd, XC-126A saler in bd, XC-126A vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur heads & Painted Muscies saler in bd, XC-126AN saler in bd, XC-126AN vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur heads and numbered Painted Muscies saler in bd, XC-126 C saler in bd, XC-126 C Didactic vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur head saler in bd, XC-126 D saler in bd, XC-126 D Flexible vertebral with removable Pelvis & Femur saler in bd, XC-127 saler in bd, XC-127 Birth Demonstration saler in bd, XC-128 saler in bd, XC-128 Life size pelvis with 2 Pcs Lumber Vertebrae saler in bd, XC-130 saler in bd, XC-130 Disarticulated Skeleton with Skull saler in bd, XC-133 saler in bd, XC-133 Cervical Vertebral Clumn with Nack Artery saler in bd, XC-134 saler in bd, XC-134 Cutaway Osteoporosis saler in bd, XC-135 saler in bd, XC-135 Skull with CervicalmSpine saler in bd, XC-135 E saler in bd, XC-135 E Skull with Brain and Cervical Spain 8 Parts saler in bd, XC-201 saler in bd, XC-201 Male Torso (85 cm) 19 Parts saler in bd, XC-202 A saler in bd, XC-202 A Male Torso (42 cm) 13 Parts saler in bd, XC-203 saler in bd, XC-203 Torso (26 cm) 15 Parts saler in bd, XC-204 saler in bd, XC-204 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 23 Parts saler in bd, XC-205 saler in bd, XC-205 Unisex Torso (45 cm) 23 Parts saler in bd, XC-206 saler in bd, XC-206 Sexless Torso (85 cm) 20 Parts saler in bd, XC-207 saler in bd, XC-207 Sexless Torso (42 cm) 18 Parts saler in bd, XC-208 saler in bd, XC-208 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 40 Parts saler in bd, XC-209 saler in bd, XC-209 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 20 Parts saler in bd, XC-210 saler in bd, XC-210 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 30 Parts saler in bd, XC-301 saler in bd, XC-301 Magnified Human Lartnx saler in bd, XC-302 saler in bd, XC-302 Magnified Pulmonary Alveoli saler in bd, XC-303 A saler in bd, XC-303 A Giant Ear saler in bd, XC-303 B saler in bd, XC-303 B Middle Ear saler in bd, XC-303 C saler in bd, XC-303 C New Style Giant Ear saler in bd, XC-303 D saler in bd, XC-303 D Desktop Ear saler in bd, XC-304 saler in bd, XC-304 Brain saler in bd, XC-304 A saler in bd, XC-304 A New Style Brain saler in bd, XC-304 B saler in bd, XC-304 B Brain saler in bd, XC-305 saler in bd, XC-305 Expansion of Human Teeth saler in bd, XC-306 saler in bd, XC-306 Stomach saler in bd, XC-307 saler in bd, XC-307 Jumbo Heart saler in bd, XC-307 A saler in bd, XC-307 A Life size Heart saler in bd, XC-307 B saler in bd, XC-307 B New style life size heart saler in bd, XC-307C saler in bd, XC-307C New style Jumbo Heart saler in bd, XC-307 D saler in bd, XC-307 D Middle Heart saler in bd, XC-308 saler in bd, XC-308 Brain with Arteries saler in bd, XC-308 A saler in bd, XC-308 A Brain with Arterial saler in bd, XC-308 D saler in bd, XC-308 D Brain with Arterial 9 Parts saler in bd, XC-309 saler in bd, XC-309 Anatomy Nasal Cavity saler in bd, XC-310-1 saler in bd, XC-310-1 Kidney saler in bd, XC-310-2 saler in bd, XC-310-2 Kidney 2 Parts saler in bd, XC-310-3 saler in bd, XC-310-3 Kidney with Adrenal Gland saler in bd, XC-310-4 saler in bd, XC-310-4 Enlarged Kidney saler in bd, XC-311 saler in bd, XC-311 Liver saler in bd, Pancreas & Duodenum saler in bd, XC-312 saler in bd, XC-312 Liver saler in bd, XC-313 saler in bd, XC-313 Enlarge Skin saler in bd, XC-313-2 saler in bd, XC-313-2 Skin Block saler in bd, XC-313-3 saler in bd, XC-313-3 Skin Section saler in bd, XC-315 saler in bd, XC-315 Digestive System saler in bd, XC-316 saler in bd, XC-316 Giant Eye saler in bd, XC-316 A saler in bd, XC-316 A Giant Eye A saler in bd, XC-316 B saler in bd, XC-316 B Eye with Orbit saler in bd, XC-317 saler in bd, XC-317 Expansion of Urinary Bladder saler in bd, XC-318 saler in bd, XC-318 Brain with Arteries on Head saler in bd, XC-318 B saler in bd, XC-318 B Head with Brain saler in bd, XC-319 saler in bd, XC-319 Median section of the Head saler in bd, XC-319 A saler in bd, XC-319 A Frontal Section & Median Section of the Head saler in bd, XC-319 B saler in bd, XC-319 B Frontal section of Head saler in bd, XC-320 saler in bd, XC-320 Larynx saler in bd, Heart & Lung saler in bd, XC-321 saler in bd, XC-321 Lung saler in bd, XC-321 B saler in bd, XC-321 B Lung saler in bd, XC-322 saler in bd, XC-322 Circulatory system saler in bd, XC-324 saler in bd, XC-324 The Head saler in bd, XC-325 saler in bd, XC-325 Plam Anatomy saler in bd, XC-326 saler in bd, XC-326 Normal Flat & Arched Foot saler in bd, XC-330 saler in bd, XC-330 Transparent Lung Segment saler in bd, XC-331 saler in bd, XC-331 Male Urogenital system saler in bd, XC-331 A saler in bd, XC-331 A Human male Pelvis section Part 1 saler in bd, XC-331 B saler in bd, XC-331 B Human male Pelvis section Part 2 saler in bd, XC-331 C saler in bd, XC-331 C Advanced Male internal & external Gental Organs saler in bd, XC-331 D saler in bd, XC-331 D Male Gental Organ saler in bd, XC-332 saler in bd, XC-332 Female Urogenital System saler in bd, XC-332 A saler in bd, XC-332 A Female Pelvis section 1 Part saler in bd, XC-332 B saler in bd, XC-332 B Female Pelvis section 4 Parts saler in bd, XC-332 B-1 saler in bd, XC-332 B-1Female Pelvis section 2 Part2 saler in bd, XC-332 C saler in bd, XC-332 C Advanced Female internal & external Gental Organ saler in bd, XC-332 D saler in bd, XC-332 D Female Pelvis saler in bd, XC-333 saler in bd, XC-333 Urinary system saler in bd, XC-334 saler in bd, XC-334 Human (80 cm) Muscles Male (27 Parts) saler in bd, XC-335 saler in bd, XC-335 Human Muscles 50 cm 1 Part saler in bd, XC-336 saler in bd, XC-336 Muscles of human Arm 7 parts saler in bd, XC-337 saler in bd, XC-337 Muscles of Lower Limb 13 Parts saler in bd, XC-338 saler in bd, XC-338 Life size human Muscle foot (7 parts) saler in bd, XC-401 saler in bd, XC 401Multifunctional patient care Manikin saler in bd, XC-401 A saler in bd, XC-401 A High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Male) saler in bd, XC-401 A-1 saler in bd, XC-401 A-1 New style High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Male) saler in bd, XC-401 A-2 saler in bd, XC-401 A-2 Advanced Nurse Trainning Doll (with BP Trainning Arm Male) saler in bd, XC-401 B saler in bd, XC-401 B High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Female) saler in bd, XC-401 B-1 saler in bd, XC-401 B-1 New style High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Female) saler in bd, XC-401 B-2 saler in bd, XC-401 B-2 Advanced Nurse trainning doll (with BP Trainning Arm Female) saler in bd, XC-401 C saler in bd, XC-401 C Advanced Multifunctional Nursing Trainning Doll saler in bd, XC-401 D saler in bd, XC-401 D Advanced Trauma Simulator saler in bd, XC-401 D-1 saler in bd, XC-401 D-1 Advance Trauma Accessories saler in bd, XC-401 M saler in bd, XC-401 M Multifunctional patient care Manikin (Male) saler in bd, XC-402 saler in bd, XC-402 Course of delivery saler in bd, XC-402 A saler in bd, XC-402 A Advanced Course of delivery saler in bd, XC-402 A-1 saler in bd, XC-402 A-1 Delivery Machine saler in bd, XC-403 saler in bd, XC-403 Dental Care (28 teeth) saler in bd, XC-403 A saler in bd, XC-403 A Dental Care (32 teeth) saler in bd, XC-403 B saler in bd, XC-403 B Small Dental Care (28 teeth) saler in bd, XC-403 C saler in bd, XC-403 C Small Dental Care (32 teeth) saler in bd, XC-403 D saler in bd, XC-403 D Dental Care with Cheek saler in bd, XC-404 saler in bd, XC-404 Basic CPR Trainning (half Body) saler in bd, XC-404 A saler in bd, XC-404 A Half body CPR Trainninf (male) saler in bd, XC-404 B saler in bd, XC-404 B Half body CPR Trainninf (Female) saler in bd, XC-405 saler in bd, XC-405 Nurse Basic Practice Teaching 5 parts saler in bd, XC-405 A saler in bd, XC-405 A Simple male Urethral catheterization simulator saler in bd, XC-405 B saler in bd, XC-405 B Simple Female Urethral catheterization simulator saler in bd, XC-405-2 saler in bd, XC-405-2 Transparent gastric lavage model saler in bd, XC-406-1 saler in bd, XC-406-1 Whole body basic CPR Manikin style 100 (Male/Female) saler in bd, XC-406-2 saler in bd, XC-406-2 Whole body basic CPR Manikin style 200 (Male/Female) saler in bd, XC-406-5 saler in bd, XC-406-5 Whole body basic CPR Manikin style 500 (Male/Female) saler in bd, XC-406-5 Plus saler in bd, XC-406-5 Plus New style CPR Trainning Manikin saler in bd, XC-406A 5 Plus saler in bd, XC-406A 5 Plus Whole advanced CPR Manikin style 500 (Female) saler in bd, XC-407 saler in bd, XC-407 Human Trachea Intubation saler in bd, XC-407 A saler in bd, XC-407 A Advanced Human Trachea Intubation saler in bd, XC-408 saler in bd, XC-408 Electronic Urinary saler in bd, XC-408 C saler in bd, XC-408 C Advanced male Urethral Catheterization simulator saler in bd, XC-408 D saler in bd, XC-408 D Advanced female Urethral Catheterization simulator saler in bd, XC-408 E saler in bd, XC-408 E Transparant male Urethral Catheterization simulator saler in bd, XC-408 F saler in bd, XC-408 F Transparent female Urethral Catheterization simulator saler in bd, XC-409 saler in bd, XC-409 New Born baby saler in bd, XC-409 A saler in bd, XC-409 A New style New Born baby saler in bd, XC-409A-1 saler in bd, XC-409A-1 New style New Born baby model (Girl) saler in bd, XC-409 B saler in bd, XC-409 B Advanced New Born care saler in bd, XC-409 C saler in bd, XC-409 C Advanced neonate Umbilical cord saler in bd, XC-409 C-1 saler in bd, XC-409 C-1 Umbilical Cord saler in bd, XC-409 D saler in bd, XC-409 D Tracheostomy care infant saler in bd, XC-409 E saler in bd, XC-409 E Neonate scalp venipuncture saler in bd, XC-410 saler in bd, XC-410 New born Intubation saler in bd, XC-410 A saler in bd, XC-410 A Infant Intubation trainning saler in bd, XC-411 saler in bd, XC-411 Gynecological Trainning simulator saler in bd, XC-412 saler in bd, XC-412 Advanced maternity saler in bd, XC-414 saler in bd, XC-414 Development process for ferus saler in bd, XC-414 A saler in bd, XC-414 A The development process for ferus (half size) saler in bd, XC-416 saler in bd, XC-416 New born CPR Trainning manikin saler in bd, XC-417 saler in bd, XC-417 Conception Guidance saler in bd, XC-417 A saler in bd, XC-417 A Female Contraception Guidance saler in bd, XC-417 B saler in bd, XC-417 B Male Condom Simulator (Transparent Base) saler in bd, XC-418 saler in bd, XC-418 Breast Examination saler in bd, XC-418 B saler in bd, XC-418 B Lactation Trainning model saler in bd, XC-BLS seller in bd, XC-BLS Basic life support seller in bd, BLS manikin (CPR & AED simulator) AED monitor seller in bd, XC-101 seller in bd, XC-101 Life size skeleton (180 cm) with stand seller in bd, XC-101 A seller in bd, XC-101 A Skeleton (180 cm) Muscles & Ligaments seller in bd, XC-101 E seller in bd, XC-101 E Skeleton (180 cm) Flexible seller in bd, XC-101 F seller in bd, XC-101 F Flexible Skeleton with Ligaments seller in bd, XC-102 seller in bd, XC-102 Skeleton (85 cm) seller in bd, XC-102 A seller in bd, XC-102 A Skeleton (85 cm) with Spinal Nerves seller in bd, XC-102 B seller in bd, XC-102 B Skeleton (85 cm) with Spinal Nerves & Blood Vessel seller in bd, XC-102 C seller in bd, XC-102 C Skeleton (85 cm) with Painted Muscles seller in bd, XC-102 CN seller in bd, XC-102 CN Skeleton (85 cm) with Painted Muscles seller in bd, XC-103 seller in bd, XC-103 Mini Skeleton seller in bd, XC-104 seller in bd, XC-104 Life size Skull seller in bd, XC-104 B seller in bd, XC-104 B Life size Skull Painted seller in bd, XC-104 C seller in bd, XC-104 C Life size Skull colored bones seller in bd, XC-104 D seller in bd, XC-104 D Deluxe Life size Skull (Style D) seller in bd, XC-104 E seller in bd, XC-104 E Skull with 8 parts Brain seller in bd, XC-105 seller in bd, XC-105 Life size Vertebrae Column with Pelvis seller in bd, XC-105 A seller in bd, XC-105 A Vertebrae Column with Pelvis & Painted Muscles seller in bd, XC-105 AN seller in bd, XC-105 AN Vertebrae Column with Pelvis & Numbered Painted Muscles seller in bd, XC-105 C seller in bd, XC-105 C Didactic Flexible Vertebrae Column with Pelvis seller in bd, XC-106 seller in bd, XC-106 Miniature Plastic Skull seller in bd, XC-107 seller in bd, XC-107 Life size Vertebral column seller in bd, XC-107 A seller in bd, XC-107 A Vertebral column with painted muscles seller in bd, XC-107 C seller in bd, XC-107 C Didactic Vertebral column seller in bd, XC-107 D seller in bd, XC-107 D Vertebral column disarticulate model seller in bd, XC-109 seller in bd, XC-109 Life size shoulder joint seller in bd, XC-109 A seller in bd, XC-109 A Life size muscled Shoulder joint seller in bd, XC-110 seller in bd, XC-110 Life size Hip Joint seller in bd, XC-111 seller in bd, XC-111 Life size Knee Joint seller in bd, XC-112 seller in bd, XC-112 Life size Elbow Joint seller in bd, XC-113 seller in bd, XC-113 Life size foot Joint seller in bd, XC-113 A seller in bd, XC-113 A Life size foot Joint with Ligaments seller in bd, XC-114 Life size hand Joint seller in bd, XC-114 A seller in bd, XC-114 A Life size hand Joint with Ligaments seller in bd, XC-115 seller in bd, XC-115 Life size pelvis with 5 pcs Lumber Vertebrae seller in bd, XC-115 A seller in bd, XC-115 A Half size pelvis with 5 pcs Lumber Vertebrae seller in bd, XC-116 seller in bd, XC-116 Lumber set 2 Pcs seller in bd, XC-117 seller in bd, XC-117 Lumber set 3 Pcs seller in bd, XC-118 seller in bd, XC-118 Lumber set 4 Pcs seller in bd, XC-119 seller in bd, XC-119 Life size lumber Vertebrae with sacrum & Coccyx & Herniated seller in bd, XC-119 A seller in bd, XC-119 A Mini Lumber Vertebrae with Sacrum & Coccyx & Herniated Disc seller in bd, XC-120 seller in bd, XC-120 Thoracic Spinal Column seller in bd, XC-121 seller in bd, XC-121 Life size Upper Extremity seller in bd, XC-122 seller in bd, XC-122 Life size lower Extremity seller in bd, XC-123 seller in bd, XC-123 Adult male Pelvis seller in bd, XC-124 seller in bd, XC-124 Adult Female Pelvis seller in bd, XC-125 seller in bd, XC-125 Female Pelvic Muscles & Organs seller in bd, XC-126 seller in bd, XC-126 Life size vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur head seller in bd, XC-126A seller in bd, XC-126A vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur heads & Painted Muscies seller in bd, XC-126AN seller in bd, XC-126AN vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur heads and numbered Painted Muscies seller in bd, XC-126 C seller in bd, XC-126 C Didactic vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur head seller in bd, XC-126 D seller in bd, XC-126 D Flexible vertebral with removable Pelvis & Femur seller in bd, XC-127 seller in bd, XC-127 Birth Demonstration seller in bd, XC-128 seller in bd, XC-128 Life size pelvis with 2 Pcs Lumber Vertebrae seller in bd, XC-130 seller in bd, XC-130 Disarticulated Skeleton with Skull seller in bd, XC-133 seller in bd, XC-133 Cervical Vertebral Clumn with Nack Artery seller in bd, XC-134 seller in bd, XC-134 Cutaway Osteoporosis seller in bd, XC-135 seller in bd, XC-135 Skull with CervicalmSpine seller in bd, XC-135 E seller in bd, XC-135 E Skull with Brain and Cervical Spain 8 Parts seller in bd, XC-201 seller in bd, XC-201 Male Torso (85 cm) 19 Parts seller in bd, XC-202 A seller in bd, XC-202 A Male Torso (42 cm) 13 Parts seller in bd, XC-203 seller in bd, XC-203 Torso (26 cm) 15 Parts seller in bd, XC-204 seller in bd, XC-204 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 23 Parts seller in bd, XC-205 seller in bd, XC-205 Unisex Torso (45 cm) 23 Parts seller in bd, XC-206 seller in bd, XC-206 Sexless Torso (85 cm) 20 Parts seller in bd, XC-207 seller in bd, XC-207 Sexless Torso (42 cm) 18 Parts seller in bd, XC-208 seller in bd, XC-208 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 40 Parts seller in bd, XC-209 seller in bd, XC-209 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 20 Parts seller in bd, XC-210 seller in bd, XC-210 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 30 Parts seller in bd, XC-301 seller in bd, XC-301 Magnified Human Lartnx seller in bd, XC-302 seller in bd, XC-302 Magnified Pulmonary Alveoli seller in bd, XC-303 A seller in bd, XC-303 A Giant Ear seller in bd, XC-303 B seller in bd, XC-303 B Middle Ear seller in bd, XC-303 C seller in bd, XC-303 C New Style Giant Ear seller in bd, XC-303 D seller in bd, XC-303 D Desktop Ear seller in bd, XC-304 seller in bd, XC-304 Brain seller in bd, XC-304 A seller in bd, XC-304 A New Style Brain seller in bd, XC-304 B seller in bd, XC-304 B Brain seller in bd, XC-305 seller in bd, XC-305 Expansion of Human Teeth seller in bd, XC-306 seller in bd, XC-306 Stomach seller in bd, XC-307 seller in bd, XC-307 Jumbo Heart seller in bd, XC-307 A seller in bd, XC-307 A Life size Heart seller in bd, XC-307 B seller in bd, XC-307 B New style life size heart seller in bd, XC-307C seller in bd, XC-307C New style Jumbo Heart seller in bd, XC-307 D seller in bd, XC-307 D Middle Heart seller in bd, XC-308 seller in bd, XC-308 Brain with Arteries seller in bd, XC-308 A seller in bd, XC-308 A Brain with Arterial seller in bd, XC-308 D seller in bd, XC-308 D Brain with Arterial 9 Parts seller in bd, XC-309 seller in bd, XC-309 Anatomy Nasal Cavity seller in bd, XC-310-1 seller in bd, XC-310-1 Kidney seller in bd, XC-310-2 seller in bd, XC-310-2 Kidney 2 Parts seller in bd, XC-310-3 seller in bd, XC-310-3 Kidney with Adrenal Gland seller in bd, XC-310-4 seller in bd, XC-310-4 Enlarged Kidney seller in bd, XC-311 seller in bd, XC-311 Liver seller in bd, Pancreas & Duodenum seller in bd, XC-312 seller in bd, XC-312 Liver seller in bd, XC-313 seller in bd, XC-313 Enlarge Skin seller in bd, XC-313-2 seller in bd, XC-313-2 Skin Block seller in bd, XC-313-3 seller in bd, XC-313-3 Skin Section seller in bd, XC-315 seller in bd, XC-315 Digestive System seller in bd, XC-316 seller in bd, XC-316 Giant Eye seller in bd, XC-316 A seller in bd, XC-316 A Giant Eye A seller in bd, XC-316 B seller in bd, XC-316 B Eye with Orbit seller in bd, XC-317 seller in bd, XC-317 Expansion of Urinary Bladder seller in bd, XC-318 seller in bd, XC-318 Brain with Arteries on Head seller in bd, XC-318 B seller in bd, XC-318 B Head with Brain seller in bd, XC-319 seller in bd, XC-319 Median section of the Head seller in bd, XC-319 A seller in bd, XC-319 A Frontal Section & Median Section of the Head seller in bd, XC-319 B seller in bd, XC-319 B Frontal section of Head seller in bd, XC-320 seller in bd, XC-320 Larynx seller in bd, Heart & Lung seller in bd, XC-321 seller in bd, XC-321 Lung seller in bd, XC-321 B seller in bd, XC-321 B Lung seller in bd, XC-322 seller in bd, XC-322 Circulatory system seller in bd, XC-324 seller in bd, XC-324 The Head seller in bd, XC-325 seller in bd, XC-325 Plam Anatomy seller in bd, XC-326 seller in bd, XC-326 Normal Flat & Arched Foot seller in bd, XC-330 seller in bd, XC-330 Transparent Lung Segment seller in bd, XC-331 seller in bd, XC-331 Male Urogenital system seller in bd, XC-331 A seller in bd, XC-331 A Human male Pelvis section Part 1 seller in bd, XC-331 B seller in bd, XC-331 B Human male Pelvis section Part 2 seller in bd, XC-331 C seller in bd, XC-331 C Advanced Male internal & external Gental Organs seller in bd, XC-331 D seller in bd, XC-331 D Male Gental Organ seller in bd, XC-332 seller in bd, XC-332 Female Urogenital System seller in bd, XC-332 A seller in bd, XC-332 A Female Pelvis section 1 Part seller in bd, XC-332 B seller in bd, XC-332 B Female Pelvis section 4 Parts seller in bd, XC-332 B-1 seller in bd, XC-332 B-1Female Pelvis section 2 Part2 seller in bd, XC-332 C seller in bd, XC-332 C Advanced Female internal & external Gental Organ seller in bd, XC-332 D seller in bd, XC-332 D Female Pelvis seller in bd, XC-333 seller in bd, XC-333 Urinary system seller in bd, XC-334 seller in bd, XC-334 Human (80 cm) Muscles Male (27 Parts) seller in bd, XC-335 seller in bd, XC-335 Human Muscles 50 cm 1 Part seller in bd, XC-336 seller in bd, XC-336 Muscles of human Arm 7 parts seller in bd, XC-337 seller in bd, XC-337 Muscles of Lower Limb 13 Parts seller in bd, XC-338 seller in bd, XC-338 Life size human Muscle foot (7 parts) seller in bd, XC-401 seller in bd, XC 401Multifunctional patient care Manikin seller in bd, XC-401 A seller in bd, XC-401 A High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Male) seller in bd, XC-401 A-1 seller in bd, XC-401 A-1 New style High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Male) seller in bd, XC-401 A-2 seller in bd, XC-401 A-2 Advanced Nurse Trainning Doll (with BP Trainning Arm Male) seller in bd, XC-401 B seller in bd, XC-401 B High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Female) seller in bd, XC-401 B-1 seller in bd, XC-401 B-1 New style High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Female) seller in bd, XC-401 B-2 seller in bd, XC-401 B-2 Advanced Nurse trainning doll (with BP Trainning Arm Female) seller in bd, XC-401 C seller in bd, XC-401 C Advanced Multifunctional Nursing Trainning Doll seller in bd, XC-401 D seller in bd, XC-401 D Advanced Trauma Simulator seller in bd, XC-401 D-1 seller in bd, XC-401 D-1 Advance Trauma Accessories seller in bd, XC-401 M seller in bd, XC-401 M Multifunctional patient care Manikin (Male) seller in bd, XC-402 seller in bd, XC-402 Course of delivery seller in bd, XC-402 A seller in bd, XC-402 A Advanced Course of delivery seller in bd, XC-402 A-1 seller in bd, XC-402 A-1 Delivery Machine seller in bd, XC-403 seller in bd, XC-403 Dental Care (28 teeth) seller in bd, XC-403 A seller in bd, XC-403 A Dental Care (32 teeth) seller in bd, XC-403 B seller in bd, XC-403 B Small Dental Care (28 teeth) seller in bd, XC-403 C seller in bd, XC-403 C Small Dental Care (32 teeth) seller in bd, XC-403 D seller in bd, XC-403 D Dental Care with Cheek seller in bd, XC-404 seller in bd, XC-404 Basic CPR Trainning (half Body) seller in bd, XC-404 A seller in bd, XC-404 A Half body CPR Trainninf (male) seller in bd, XC-404 B seller in bd, XC-404 B Half body CPR Trainninf (Female) seller in bd, XC-405 seller in bd, XC-405 Nurse Basic Practice Teaching 5 parts seller in bd, XC-405 A seller in bd, XC-405 A Simple male Urethral catheterization simulator seller in bd, XC-405 B seller in bd, XC-405 B Simple Female Urethral catheterization simulator seller in bd, XC-405-2 seller in bd, XC-405-2 Transparent gastric lavage model seller in bd, XC-406-1 seller in bd, XC-406-1 Whole body basic CPR Manikin style 100 (Male/Female) seller in bd, XC-406-2 seller in bd, XC-406-2 Whole body basic CPR Manikin style 200 (Male/Female) seller in bd, XC-406-5 seller in bd, XC-406-5 Whole body basic CPR Manikin style 500 (Male/Female) seller in bd, XC-406-5 Plus seller in bd, XC-406-5 Plus New style CPR Trainning Manikin seller in bd, XC-406A 5 Plus seller in bd, XC-406A 5 Plus Whole advanced CPR Manikin style 500 (Female) seller in bd, XC-407 seller in bd, XC-407 Human Trachea Intubation seller in bd, XC-407 A seller in bd, XC-407 A Advanced Human Trachea Intubation seller in bd, XC-408 seller in bd, XC-408 Electronic Urinary seller in bd, XC-408 C seller in bd, XC-408 C Advanced male Urethral Catheterization simulator seller in bd, XC-408 D seller in bd, XC-408 D Advanced female Urethral Catheterization simulator seller in bd, XC-408 E seller in bd, XC-408 E Transparant male Urethral Catheterization simulator seller in bd, XC-408 F seller in bd, XC-408 F Transparent female Urethral Catheterization simulator seller in bd, XC-409 seller in bd, XC-409 New Born baby seller in bd, XC-409 A seller in bd, XC-409 A New style New Born baby seller in bd, XC-409A-1 seller in bd, XC-409A-1 New style New Born baby model (Girl) seller in bd, XC-409 B seller in bd, XC-409 B Advanced New Born care seller in bd, XC-409 C seller in bd, XC-409 C Advanced neonate Umbilical cord seller in bd, XC-409 C-1 seller in bd, XC-409 C-1 Umbilical Cord seller in bd, XC-409 D seller in bd, XC-409 D Tracheostomy care infant seller in bd, XC-409 E seller in bd, XC-409 E Neonate scalp venipuncture seller in bd, XC-410 seller in bd, XC-410 New born Intubation seller in bd, XC-410 A seller in bd, XC-410 A Infant Intubation trainning seller in bd, XC-411 seller in bd, XC-411 Gynecological Trainning simulator seller in bd, XC-412 seller in bd, XC-412 Advanced maternity seller in bd, XC-414 seller in bd, XC-414 Development process for ferus seller in bd, XC-414 A seller in bd, XC-414 A The development process for ferus (half size) seller in bd, XC-416 seller in bd, XC-416 New born CPR Trainning manikin seller in bd, XC-417 seller in bd, XC-417 Conception Guidance seller in bd, XC-417 A seller in bd, XC-417 A Female Contraception Guidance seller in bd, XC-417 B seller in bd, XC-417 B Male Condom Simulator (Transparent Base) seller in bd, XC-418 seller in bd, XC-418 Breast Examination seller in bd, XC-418 B seller in bd, XC-418 B Lactation Trainning model seller in bd, XC-BLS supplier in bd, XC-BLS Basic life support supplier in bd, BLS manikin (CPR & AED simulator) AED monitor supplier in bd, XC-101 supplier in bd, XC-101 Life size skeleton (180 cm) with stand supplier in bd, XC-101 A supplier in bd, XC-101 A Skeleton (180 cm) Muscles & Ligaments supplier in bd, XC-101 E supplier in bd, XC-101 E Skeleton (180 cm) Flexible supplier in bd, XC-101 F supplier in bd, XC-101 F Flexible Skeleton with Ligaments supplier in bd, XC-102 supplier in bd, XC-102 Skeleton (85 cm) supplier in bd, XC-102 A supplier in bd, XC-102 A Skeleton (85 cm) with Spinal Nerves supplier in bd, XC-102 B supplier in bd, XC-102 B Skeleton (85 cm) with Spinal Nerves & Blood Vessel supplier in bd, XC-102 C supplier in bd, XC-102 C Skeleton (85 cm) with Painted Muscles supplier in bd, XC-102 CN supplier in bd, XC-102 CN Skeleton (85 cm) with Painted Muscles supplier in bd, XC-103 supplier in bd, XC-103 Mini Skeleton supplier in bd, XC-104 supplier in bd, XC-104 Life size Skull supplier in bd, XC-104 B supplier in bd, XC-104 B Life size Skull Painted supplier in bd, XC-104 C supplier in bd, XC-104 C Life size Skull colored bones supplier in bd, XC-104 D supplier in bd, XC-104 D Deluxe Life size Skull (Style D) supplier in bd, XC-104 E supplier in bd, XC-104 E Skull with 8 parts Brain supplier in bd, XC-105 supplier in bd, XC-105 Life size Vertebrae Column with Pelvis supplier in bd, XC-105 A supplier in bd, XC-105 A Vertebrae Column with Pelvis & Painted Muscles supplier in bd, XC-105 AN supplier in bd, XC-105 AN Vertebrae Column with Pelvis & Numbered Painted Muscles supplier in bd, XC-105 C supplier in bd, XC-105 C Didactic Flexible Vertebrae Column with Pelvis supplier in bd, XC-106 supplier in bd, XC-106 Miniature Plastic Skull supplier in bd, XC-107 supplier in bd, XC-107 Life size Vertebral column supplier in bd, XC-107 A supplier in bd, XC-107 A Vertebral column with painted muscles supplier in bd, XC-107 C supplier in bd, XC-107 C Didactic Vertebral column supplier in bd, XC-107 D supplier in bd, XC-107 D Vertebral column disarticulate model supplier in bd, XC-109 supplier in bd, XC-109 Life size shoulder joint supplier in bd, XC-109 A supplier in bd, XC-109 A Life size muscled Shoulder joint supplier in bd, XC-110 supplier in bd, XC-110 Life size Hip Joint supplier in bd, XC-111 supplier in bd, XC-111 Life size Knee Joint supplier in bd, XC-112 supplier in bd, XC-112 Life size Elbow Joint supplier in bd, XC-113 supplier in bd, XC-113 Life size foot Joint supplier in bd, XC-113 A supplier in bd, XC-113 A Life size foot Joint with Ligaments supplier in bd, XC-114 Life size hand Joint supplier in bd, XC-114 A supplier in bd, XC-114 A Life size hand Joint with Ligaments supplier in bd, XC-115 supplier in bd, XC-115 Life size pelvis with 5 pcs Lumber Vertebrae supplier in bd, XC-115 A supplier in bd, XC-115 A Half size pelvis with 5 pcs Lumber Vertebrae supplier in bd, XC-116 supplier in bd, XC-116 Lumber set 2 Pcs supplier in bd, XC-117 supplier in bd, XC-117 Lumber set 3 Pcs supplier in bd, XC-118 supplier in bd, XC-118 Lumber set 4 Pcs supplier in bd, XC-119 supplier in bd, XC-119 Life size lumber Vertebrae with sacrum & Coccyx & Herniated supplier in bd, XC-119 A supplier in bd, XC-119 A Mini Lumber Vertebrae with Sacrum & Coccyx & Herniated Disc supplier in bd, XC-120 supplier in bd, XC-120 Thoracic Spinal Column supplier in bd, XC-121 supplier in bd, XC-121 Life size Upper Extremity supplier in bd, XC-122 supplier in bd, XC-122 Life size lower Extremity supplier in bd, XC-123 supplier in bd, XC-123 Adult male Pelvis supplier in bd, XC-124 supplier in bd, XC-124 Adult Female Pelvis supplier in bd, XC-125 supplier in bd, XC-125 Female Pelvic Muscles & Organs supplier in bd, XC-126 supplier in bd, XC-126 Life size vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur head supplier in bd, XC-126A supplier in bd, XC-126A vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur heads & Painted Muscies supplier in bd, XC-126AN supplier in bd, XC-126AN vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur heads and numbered Painted Muscies supplier in bd, XC-126 C supplier in bd, XC-126 C Didactic vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur head supplier in bd, XC-126 D supplier in bd, XC-126 D Flexible vertebral with removable Pelvis & Femur supplier in bd, XC-127 supplier in bd, XC-127 Birth Demonstration supplier in bd, XC-128 supplier in bd, XC-128 Life size pelvis with 2 Pcs Lumber Vertebrae supplier in bd, XC-130 supplier in bd, XC-130 Disarticulated Skeleton with Skull supplier in bd, XC-133 supplier in bd, XC-133 Cervical Vertebral Clumn with Nack Artery supplier in bd, XC-134 supplier in bd, XC-134 Cutaway Osteoporosis supplier in bd, XC-135 supplier in bd, XC-135 Skull with CervicalmSpine supplier in bd, XC-135 E supplier in bd, XC-135 E Skull with Brain and Cervical Spain 8 Parts supplier in bd, XC-201 supplier in bd, XC-201 Male Torso (85 cm) 19 Parts supplier in bd, XC-202 A supplier in bd, XC-202 A Male Torso (42 cm) 13 Parts supplier in bd, XC-203 supplier in bd, XC-203 Torso (26 cm) 15 Parts supplier in bd, XC-204 supplier in bd, XC-204 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 23 Parts supplier in bd, XC-205 supplier in bd, XC-205 Unisex Torso (45 cm) 23 Parts supplier in bd, XC-206 supplier in bd, XC-206 Sexless Torso (85 cm) 20 Parts supplier in bd, XC-207 supplier in bd, XC-207 Sexless Torso (42 cm) 18 Parts supplier in bd, XC-208 supplier in bd, XC-208 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 40 Parts supplier in bd, XC-209 supplier in bd, XC-209 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 20 Parts supplier in bd, XC-210 supplier in bd, XC-210 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 30 Parts supplier in bd, XC-301 supplier in bd, XC-301 Magnified Human Lartnx supplier in bd, XC-302 supplier in bd, XC-302 Magnified Pulmonary Alveoli supplier in bd, XC-303 A supplier in bd, XC-303 A Giant Ear supplier in bd, XC-303 B supplier in bd, XC-303 B Middle Ear supplier in bd, XC-303 C supplier in bd, XC-303 C New Style Giant Ear supplier in bd, XC-303 D supplier in bd, XC-303 D Desktop Ear supplier in bd, XC-304 supplier in bd, XC-304 Brain supplier in bd, XC-304 A supplier in bd, XC-304 A New Style Brain supplier in bd, XC-304 B supplier in bd, XC-304 B Brain supplier in bd, XC-305 supplier in bd, XC-305 Expansion of Human Teeth supplier in bd, XC-306 supplier in bd, XC-306 Stomach supplier in bd, XC-307 supplier in bd, XC-307 Jumbo Heart supplier in bd, XC-307 A supplier in bd, XC-307 A Life size Heart supplier in bd, XC-307 B supplier in bd, XC-307 B New style life size heart supplier in bd, XC-307C supplier in bd, XC-307C New style Jumbo Heart supplier in bd, XC-307 D supplier in bd, XC-307 D Middle Heart supplier in bd, XC-308 supplier in bd, XC-308 Brain with Arteries supplier in bd, XC-308 A supplier in bd, XC-308 A Brain with Arterial supplier in bd, XC-308 D supplier in bd, XC-308 D Brain with Arterial 9 Parts supplier in bd, XC-309 supplier in bd, XC-309 Anatomy Nasal Cavity supplier in bd, XC-310-1 supplier in bd, XC-310-1 Kidney supplier in bd, XC-310-2 supplier in bd, XC-310-2 Kidney 2 Parts supplier in bd, XC-310-3 supplier in bd, XC-310-3 Kidney with Adrenal Gland supplier in bd, XC-310-4 supplier in bd, XC-310-4 Enlarged Kidney supplier in bd, XC-311 supplier in bd, XC-311 Liver supplier in bd, Pancreas & Duodenum supplier in bd, XC-312 supplier in bd, XC-312 Liver supplier in bd, XC-313 supplier in bd, XC-313 Enlarge Skin supplier in bd, XC-313-2 supplier in bd, XC-313-2 Skin Block supplier in bd, XC-313-3 supplier in bd, XC-313-3 Skin Section supplier in bd, XC-315 supplier in bd, XC-315 Digestive System supplier in bd, XC-316 supplier in bd, XC-316 Giant Eye supplier in bd, XC-316 A supplier in bd, XC-316 A Giant Eye A supplier in bd, XC-316 B supplier in bd, XC-316 B Eye with Orbit supplier in bd, XC-317 supplier in bd, XC-317 Expansion of Urinary Bladder supplier in bd, XC-318 supplier in bd, XC-318 Brain with Arteries on Head supplier in bd, XC-318 B supplier in bd, XC-318 B Head with Brain supplier in bd, XC-319 supplier in bd, XC-319 Median section of the Head supplier in bd, XC-319 A supplier in bd, XC-319 A Frontal Section & Median Section of the Head supplier in bd, XC-319 B supplier in bd, XC-319 B Frontal section of Head supplier in bd, XC-320 supplier in bd, XC-320 Larynx supplier in bd, Heart & Lung supplier in bd, XC-321 supplier in bd, XC-321 Lung supplier in bd, XC-321 B supplier in bd, XC-321 B Lung supplier in bd, XC-322 supplier in bd, XC-322 Circulatory system supplier in bd, XC-324 supplier in bd, XC-324 The Head supplier in bd, XC-325 supplier in bd, XC-325 Plam Anatomy supplier in bd, XC-326 supplier in bd, XC-326 Normal Flat & Arched Foot supplier in bd, XC-330 supplier in bd, XC-330 Transparent Lung Segment supplier in bd, XC-331 supplier in bd, XC-331 Male Urogenital system supplier in bd, XC-331 A supplier in bd, XC-331 A Human male Pelvis section Part 1 supplier in bd, XC-331 B supplier in bd, XC-331 B Human male Pelvis section Part 2 supplier in bd, XC-331 C supplier in bd, XC-331 C Advanced Male internal & external Gental Organs supplier in bd, XC-331 D supplier in bd, XC-331 D Male Gental Organ supplier in bd, XC-332 supplier in bd, XC-332 Female Urogenital System supplier in bd, XC-332 A supplier in bd, XC-332 A Female Pelvis section 1 Part supplier in bd, XC-332 B supplier in bd, XC-332 B Female Pelvis section 4 Parts supplier in bd, XC-332 B-1 supplier in bd, XC-332 B-1Female Pelvis section 2 Part2 supplier in bd, XC-332 C supplier in bd, XC-332 C Advanced Female internal & external Gental Organ supplier in bd, XC-332 D supplier in bd, XC-332 D Female Pelvis supplier in bd, XC-333 supplier in bd, XC-333 Urinary system supplier in bd, XC-334 supplier in bd, XC-334 Human (80 cm) Muscles Male (27 Parts) supplier in bd, XC-335 supplier in bd, XC-335 Human Muscles 50 cm 1 Part supplier in bd, XC-336 supplier in bd, XC-336 Muscles of human Arm 7 parts supplier in bd, XC-337 supplier in bd, XC-337 Muscles of Lower Limb 13 Parts supplier in bd, XC-338 supplier in bd, XC-338 Life size human Muscle foot (7 parts) supplier in bd, XC-401 supplier in bd, XC 401Multifunctional patient care Manikin supplier in bd, XC-401 A supplier in bd, XC-401 A High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Male) supplier in bd, XC-401 A-1 supplier in bd, XC-401 A-1 New style High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Male) supplier in bd, XC-401 A-2 supplier in bd, XC-401 A-2 Advanced Nurse Trainning Doll (with BP Trainning Arm Male) supplier in bd, XC-401 B supplier in bd, XC-401 B High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Female) supplier in bd, XC-401 B-1 supplier in bd, XC-401 B-1 New style High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Female) supplier in bd, XC-401 B-2 supplier in bd, XC-401 B-2 Advanced Nurse trainning doll (with BP Trainning Arm Female) supplier in bd, XC-401 C supplier in bd, XC-401 C Advanced Multifunctional Nursing Trainning Doll supplier in bd, XC-401 D supplier in bd, XC-401 D Advanced Trauma Simulator supplier in bd, XC-401 D-1 supplier in bd, XC-401 D-1 Advance Trauma Accessories supplier in bd, XC-401 M supplier in bd, XC-401 M Multifunctional patient care Manikin (Male) supplier in bd, XC-402 supplier in bd, XC-402 Course of delivery supplier in bd, XC-402 A supplier in bd, XC-402 A Advanced Course of delivery supplier in bd, XC-402 A-1 supplier in bd, XC-402 A-1 Delivery Machine supplier in bd, XC-403 supplier in bd, XC-403 Dental Care (28 teeth) supplier in bd, XC-403 A supplier in bd, XC-403 A Dental Care (32 teeth) supplier in bd, XC-403 B supplier in bd, XC-403 B Small Dental Care (28 teeth) supplier in bd, XC-403 C supplier in bd, XC-403 C Small Dental Care (32 teeth) supplier in bd, XC-403 D supplier in bd, XC-403 D Dental Care with Cheek supplier in bd, XC-404 supplier in bd, XC-404 Basic CPR Trainning (half Body) supplier in bd, XC-404 A supplier in bd, XC-404 A Half body CPR Trainninf (male) supplier in bd, XC-404 B supplier in bd, XC-404 B Half body CPR Trainninf (Female) supplier in bd, XC-405 supplier in bd, XC-405 Nurse Basic Practice Teaching 5 parts supplier in bd, XC-405 A supplier in bd, XC-405 A Simple male Urethral catheterization simulator supplier in bd, XC-405 B supplier in bd, XC-405 B Simple Female Urethral catheterization simulator supplier in bd, XC-405-2 supplier in bd, XC-405-2 Transparent gastric lavage model supplier in bd, XC-406-1 supplier in bd, XC-406-1 Whole body basic CPR Manikin style 100 (Male/Female) supplier in bd, XC-406-2 supplier in bd, XC-406-2 Whole body basic CPR Manikin style 200 (Male/Female) supplier in bd, XC-406-5 supplier in bd, XC-406-5 Whole body basic CPR Manikin style 500 (Male/Female) supplier in bd, XC-406-5 Plus supplier in bd, XC-406-5 Plus New style CPR Trainning Manikin supplier in bd, XC-406A 5 Plus supplier in bd, XC-406A 5 Plus Whole advanced CPR Manikin style 500 (Female) supplier in bd, XC-407 supplier in bd, XC-407 Human Trachea Intubation supplier in bd, XC-407 A supplier in bd, XC-407 A Advanced Human Trachea Intubation supplier in bd, XC-408 supplier in bd, XC-408 Electronic Urinary supplier in bd, XC-408 C supplier in bd, XC-408 C Advanced male Urethral Catheterization simulator supplier in bd, XC-408 D supplier in bd, XC-408 D Advanced female Urethral Catheterization simulator supplier in bd, XC-408 E supplier in bd, XC-408 E Transparant male Urethral Catheterization simulator supplier in bd, XC-408 F supplier in bd, XC-408 F Transparent female Urethral Catheterization simulator supplier in bd, XC-409 supplier in bd, XC-409 New Born baby supplier in bd, XC-409 A supplier in bd, XC-409 A New style New Born baby supplier in bd, XC-409A-1 supplier in bd, XC-409A-1 New style New Born baby model (Girl) supplier in bd, XC-409 B supplier in bd, XC-409 B Advanced New Born care supplier in bd, XC-409 C supplier in bd, XC-409 C Advanced neonate Umbilical cord supplier in bd, XC-409 C-1 supplier in bd, XC-409 C-1 Umbilical Cord supplier in bd, XC-409 D supplier in bd, XC-409 D Tracheostomy care infant supplier in bd, XC-409 E supplier in bd, XC-409 E Neonate scalp venipuncture supplier in bd, XC-410 supplier in bd, XC-410 New born Intubation supplier in bd, XC-410 A supplier in bd, XC-410 A Infant Intubation trainning supplier in bd, XC-411 supplier in bd, XC-411 Gynecological Trainning simulator supplier in bd, XC-412 supplier in bd, XC-412 Advanced maternity supplier in bd, XC-414 supplier in bd, XC-414 Development process for ferus supplier in bd, XC-414 A supplier in bd, XC-414 A The development process for ferus (half size) supplier in bd, XC-416 supplier in bd, XC-416 New born CPR Trainning manikin supplier in bd, XC-417 supplier in bd, XC-417 Conception Guidance supplier in bd, XC-417 A supplier in bd, XC-417 A Female Contraception Guidance supplier in bd, XC-417 B supplier in bd, XC-417 B Male Condom Simulator (Transparent Base) supplier in bd, XC-418 supplier in bd, XC-418 Breast Examination supplier in bd, XC-418 B supplier in bd, XC-418 B Lactation Trainning model supplier in bd, XC-BLS bd, XC-BLS Basic life support bd, BLS manikin (CPR & AED simulator) AED monitor bd, XC-101 bd, XC-101 Life size skeleton (180 cm) with stand bd, XC-101 A bd, XC-101 A Skeleton (180 cm) Muscles & Ligaments bd, XC-101 E bd, XC-101 E Skeleton (180 cm) Flexible bd, XC-101 F bd, XC-101 F Flexible Skeleton with Ligaments bd, XC-102 bd, XC-102 Skeleton (85 cm) bd, XC-102 A bd, XC-102 A Skeleton (85 cm) with Spinal Nerves bd, XC-102 B bd, XC-102 B Skeleton (85 cm) with Spinal Nerves & Blood Vessel bd, XC-102 C bd, XC-102 C Skeleton (85 cm) with Painted Muscles bd, XC-102 CN bd, XC-102 CN Skeleton (85 cm) with Painted Muscles bd, XC-103 bd, XC-103 Mini Skeleton bd, XC-104 bd, XC-104 Life size Skull bd, XC-104 B bd, XC-104 B Life size Skull Painted bd, XC-104 C bd, XC-104 C Life size Skull colored bones bd, XC-104 D bd, XC-104 D Deluxe Life size Skull (Style D) bd, XC-104 E bd, XC-104 E Skull with 8 parts Brain bd, XC-105 bd, XC-105 Life size Vertebrae Column with Pelvis bd, XC-105 A bd, XC-105 A Vertebrae Column with Pelvis & Painted Muscles bd, XC-105 AN bd, XC-105 AN Vertebrae Column with Pelvis & Numbered Painted Muscles bd, XC-105 C bd, XC-105 C Didactic Flexible Vertebrae Column with Pelvis bd, XC-106 bd, XC-106 Miniature Plastic Skull bd, XC-107 bd, XC-107 Life size Vertebral column bd, XC-107 A bd, XC-107 A Vertebral column with painted muscles bd, XC-107 C bd, XC-107 C Didactic Vertebral column bd, XC-107 D bd, XC-107 D Vertebral column disarticulate model bd, XC-109 bd, XC-109 Life size shoulder joint bd, XC-109 A bd, XC-109 A Life size muscled Shoulder joint bd, XC-110 bd, XC-110 Life size Hip Joint bd, XC-111 bd, XC-111 Life size Knee Joint bd, XC-112 bd, XC-112 Life size Elbow Joint bd, XC-113 bd, XC-113 Life size foot Joint bd, XC-113 A bd, XC-113 A Life size foot Joint with Ligaments bd, XC-114 Life size hand Joint bd, XC-114 A bd, XC-114 A Life size hand Joint with Ligaments bd, XC-115 bd, XC-115 Life size pelvis with 5 pcs Lumber Vertebrae bd, XC-115 A bd, XC-115 A Half size pelvis with 5 pcs Lumber Vertebrae bd, XC-116 bd, XC-116 Lumber set 2 Pcs bd, XC-117 bd, XC-117 Lumber set 3 Pcs bd, XC-118 bd, XC-118 Lumber set 4 Pcs bd, XC-119 bd, XC-119 Life size lumber Vertebrae with sacrum & Coccyx & Herniated bd, XC-119 A bd, XC-119 A Mini Lumber Vertebrae with Sacrum & Coccyx & Herniated Disc bd, XC-120 bd, XC-120 Thoracic Spinal Column bd, XC-121 bd, XC-121 Life size Upper Extremity bd, XC-122 bd, XC-122 Life size lower Extremity bd, XC-123 bd, XC-123 Adult male Pelvis bd, XC-124 bd, XC-124 Adult Female Pelvis bd, XC-125 bd, XC-125 Female Pelvic Muscles & Organs bd, XC-126 bd, XC-126 Life size vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur head bd, XC-126A bd, XC-126A vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur heads & Painted Muscies bd, XC-126AN bd, XC-126AN vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur heads and numbered Painted Muscies bd, XC-126 C bd, XC-126 C Didactic vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur head bd, XC-126 D bd, XC-126 D Flexible vertebral with removable Pelvis & Femur bd, XC-127 bd, XC-127 Birth Demonstration bd, XC-128 bd, XC-128 Life size pelvis with 2 Pcs Lumber Vertebrae bd, XC-130 bd, XC-130 Disarticulated Skeleton with Skull bd, XC-133 bd, XC-133 Cervical Vertebral Clumn with Nack Artery bd, XC-134 bd, XC-134 Cutaway Osteoporosis bd, XC-135 bd, XC-135 Skull with CervicalmSpine bd, XC-135 E bd, XC-135 E Skull with Brain and Cervical Spain 8 Parts bd, XC-201 bd, XC-201 Male Torso (85 cm) 19 Parts bd, XC-202 A bd, XC-202 A Male Torso (42 cm) 13 Parts bd, XC-203 bd, XC-203 Torso (26 cm) 15 Parts bd, XC-204 bd, XC-204 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 23 Parts bd, XC-205 bd, XC-205 Unisex Torso (45 cm) 23 Parts bd, XC-206 bd, XC-206 Sexless Torso (85 cm) 20 Parts bd, XC-207 bd, XC-207 Sexless Torso (42 cm) 18 Parts bd, XC-208 bd, XC-208 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 40 Parts bd, XC-209 bd, XC-209 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 20 Parts bd, XC-210 bd, XC-210 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 30 Parts bd, XC-301 bd, XC-301 Magnified Human Lartnx bd, XC-302 bd, XC-302 Magnified Pulmonary Alveoli bd, XC-303 A bd, XC-303 A Giant Ear bd, XC-303 B bd, XC-303 B Middle Ear bd, XC-303 C bd, XC-303 C New Style Giant Ear bd, XC-303 D bd, XC-303 D Desktop Ear bd, XC-304 bd, XC-304 Brain bd, XC-304 A bd, XC-304 A New Style Brain bd, XC-304 B bd, XC-304 B Brain bd, XC-305 bd, XC-305 Expansion of Human Teeth bd, XC-306 bd, XC-306 Stomach bd, XC-307 bd, XC-307 Jumbo Heart bd, XC-307 A bd, XC-307 A Life size Heart bd, XC-307 B bd, XC-307 B New style life size heart bd, XC-307C bd, XC-307C New style Jumbo Heart bd, XC-307 D bd, XC-307 D Middle Heart bd, XC-308 bd, XC-308 Brain with Arteries bd, XC-308 A bd, XC-308 A Brain with Arterial bd, XC-308 D bd, XC-308 D Brain with Arterial 9 Parts bd, XC-309 bd, XC-309 Anatomy Nasal Cavity bd, XC-310-1 bd, XC-310-1 Kidney bd, XC-310-2 bd, XC-310-2 Kidney 2 Parts bd, XC-310-3 bd, XC-310-3 Kidney with Adrenal Gland bd, XC-310-4 bd, XC-310-4 Enlarged Kidney bd, XC-311 bd, XC-311 Liver bd, Pancreas & Duodenum bd, XC-312 bd, XC-312 Liver bd, XC-313 bd, XC-313 Enlarge Skin bd, XC-313-2 bd, XC-313-2 Skin Block bd, XC-313-3 bd, XC-313-3 Skin Section bd, XC-315 bd, XC-315 Digestive System bd, XC-316 bd, XC-316 Giant Eye bd, XC-316 A bd, XC-316 A Giant Eye A bd, XC-316 B bd, XC-316 B Eye with Orbit bd, XC-317 bd, XC-317 Expansion of Urinary Bladder bd, XC-318 bd, XC-318 Brain with Arteries on Head bd, XC-318 B bd, XC-318 B Head with Brain bd, XC-319 bd, XC-319 Median section of the Head bd, XC-319 A bd, XC-319 A Frontal Section & Median Section of the Head bd, XC-319 B bd, XC-319 B Frontal section of Head bd, XC-320 bd, XC-320 Larynx bd, Heart & Lung bd, XC-321 bd, XC-321 Lung bd, XC-321 B bd, XC-321 B Lung bd, XC-322 bd, XC-322 Circulatory system bd, XC-324 bd, XC-324 The Head bd, XC-325 bd, XC-325 Plam Anatomy bd, XC-326 bd, XC-326 Normal Flat & Arched Foot bd, XC-330 bd, XC-330 Transparent Lung Segment bd, XC-331 bd, XC-331 Male Urogenital system bd, XC-331 A bd, XC-331 A Human male Pelvis section Part 1 bd, XC-331 B bd, XC-331 B Human male Pelvis section Part 2 bd, XC-331 C bd, XC-331 C Advanced Male internal & external Gental Organs bd, XC-331 D bd, XC-331 D Male Gental Organ bd, XC-332 bd, XC-332 Female Urogenital System bd, XC-332 A bd, XC-332 A Female Pelvis section 1 Part bd, XC-332 B bd, XC-332 B Female Pelvis section 4 Parts bd, XC-332 B-1 bd, XC-332 B-1Female Pelvis section 2 Part2 bd, XC-332 C bd, XC-332 C Advanced Female internal & external Gental Organ bd, XC-332 D bd, XC-332 D Female Pelvis bd, XC-333 bd, XC-333 Urinary system bd, XC-334 bd, XC-334 Human (80 cm) Muscles Male (27 Parts) bd, XC-335 bd, XC-335 Human Muscles 50 cm 1 Part bd, XC-336 bd, XC-336 Muscles of human Arm 7 parts bd, XC-337 bd, XC-337 Muscles of Lower Limb 13 Parts bd, XC-338 bd, XC-338 Life size human Muscle foot (7 parts) bd, XC-401 bd, XC 401Multifunctional patient care Manikin bd, XC-401 A bd, XC-401 A High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Male) bd, XC-401 A-1 bd, XC-401 A-1 New style High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Male) bd, XC-401 A-2 bd, XC-401 A-2 Advanced Nurse Trainning Doll (with BP Trainning Arm Male) bd, XC-401 B bd, XC-401 B High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Female) bd, XC-401 B-1 bd, XC-401 B-1 New style High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Female) bd, XC-401 B-2 bd, XC-401 B-2 Advanced Nurse trainning doll (with BP Trainning Arm Female) bd, XC-401 C bd, XC-401 C Advanced Multifunctional Nursing Trainning Doll bd, XC-401 D bd, XC-401 D Advanced Trauma Simulator bd, XC-401 D-1 bd, XC-401 D-1 Advance Trauma Accessories bd, XC-401 M bd, XC-401 M Multifunctional patient care Manikin (Male) bd, XC-402 bd, XC-402 Course of delivery bd, XC-402 A bd, XC-402 A Advanced Course of delivery bd, XC-402 A-1 bd, XC-402 A-1 Delivery Machine bd, XC-403 bd, XC-403 Dental Care (28 teeth) bd, XC-403 A bd, XC-403 A Dental Care (32 teeth) bd, XC-403 B bd, XC-403 B Small Dental Care (28 teeth) bd, XC-403 C bd, XC-403 C Small Dental Care (32 teeth) bd, XC-403 D bd, XC-403 D Dental Care with Cheek bd, XC-404 bd, XC-404 Basic CPR Trainning (half Body) bd, XC-404 A bd, XC-404 A Half body CPR Trainninf (male) bd, XC-404 B bd, XC-404 B Half body CPR Trainninf (Female) bd, XC-405 bd, XC-405 Nurse Basic Practice Teaching 5 parts bd, XC-405 A bd, XC-405 A Simple male Urethral catheterization simulator bd, XC-405 B bd, XC-405 B Simple Female Urethral catheterization simulator bd, XC-405-2 bd, XC-405-2 Transparent gastric lavage model bd, XC-406-1 bd, XC-406-1 Whole body basic CPR Manikin style 100 (Male/Female) bd, XC-406-2 bd, XC-406-2 Whole body basic CPR Manikin style 200 (Male/Female) bd, XC-406-5 bd, XC-406-5 Whole body basic CPR Manikin style 500 (Male/Female) bd, XC-406-5 Plus bd, XC-406-5 Plus New style CPR Trainning Manikin bd, XC-406A 5 Plus bd, XC-406A 5 Plus Whole advanced CPR Manikin style 500 (Female) bd, XC-407 bd, XC-407 Human Trachea Intubation bd, XC-407 A bd, XC-407 A Advanced Human Trachea Intubation bd, XC-408 bd, XC-408 Electronic Urinary bd, XC-408 C bd, XC-408 C Advanced male Urethral Catheterization simulator bd, XC-408 D bd, XC-408 D Advanced female Urethral Catheterization simulator bd, XC-408 E bd, XC-408 E Transparant male Urethral Catheterization simulator bd, XC-408 F bd, XC-408 F Transparent female Urethral Catheterization simulator bd, XC-409 bd, XC-409 New Born baby bd, XC-409 A bd, XC-409 A New style New Born baby bd, XC-409A-1 bd, XC-409A-1 New style New Born baby model (Girl) bd, XC-409 B bd, XC-409 B Advanced New Born care bd, XC-409 C bd, XC-409 C Advanced neonate Umbilical cord bd, XC-409 C-1 bd, XC-409 C-1 Umbilical Cord bd, XC-409 D bd, XC-409 D Tracheostomy care infant bd, XC-409 E bd, XC-409 E Neonate scalp venipuncture bd, XC-410 bd, XC-410 New born Intubation bd, XC-410 A bd, XC-410 A Infant Intubation trainning bd, XC-411 bd, XC-411 Gynecological Trainning simulator bd, XC-412 bd, XC-412 Advanced maternity bd, XC-414 bd, XC-414 Development process for ferus bd, XC-414 A bd, XC-414 A The development process for ferus (half size) bd, XC-416 bd, XC-416 New born CPR Trainning manikin bd, XC-417 bd, XC-417 Conception Guidance bd, XC-417 A bd, XC-417 A Female Contraception Guidance bd, XC-417 B bd, XC-417 B Male Condom Simulator (Transparent Base) bd, XC-418 bd, XC-418 Breast Examination bd, XC-418 B bd, XC-418 B Lactation Trainning model bd, XC-BLS elitetradebd, XC-BLS Basic life support elitetradebd, BLS manikin (CPR & AED simulator) AED monitor elitetradebd, XC-101 elitetradebd, XC-101 Life size skeleton (180 cm) with stand elitetradebd, XC-101 A elitetradebd, XC-101 A Skeleton (180 cm) Muscles & Ligaments elitetradebd, XC-101 E elitetradebd, XC-101 E Skeleton (180 cm) Flexible elitetradebd, XC-101 F elitetradebd, XC-101 F Flexible Skeleton with Ligaments elitetradebd, XC-102 elitetradebd, XC-102 Skeleton (85 cm) elitetradebd, XC-102 A elitetradebd, XC-102 A Skeleton (85 cm) with Spinal Nerves elitetradebd, XC-102 B elitetradebd, XC-102 B Skeleton (85 cm) with Spinal Nerves & Blood Vessel elitetradebd, XC-102 C elitetradebd, XC-102 C Skeleton (85 cm) with Painted Muscles elitetradebd, XC-102 CN elitetradebd, XC-102 CN Skeleton (85 cm) with Painted Muscles elitetradebd, XC-103 elitetradebd, XC-103 Mini Skeleton elitetradebd, XC-104 elitetradebd, XC-104 Life size Skull elitetradebd, XC-104 B elitetradebd, XC-104 B Life size Skull Painted elitetradebd, XC-104 C elitetradebd, XC-104 C Life size Skull colored bones elitetradebd, XC-104 D elitetradebd, XC-104 D Deluxe Life size Skull (Style D) elitetradebd, XC-104 E elitetradebd, XC-104 E Skull with 8 parts Brain elitetradebd, XC-105 elitetradebd, XC-105 Life size Vertebrae Column with Pelvis elitetradebd, XC-105 A elitetradebd, XC-105 A Vertebrae Column with Pelvis & Painted Muscles elitetradebd, XC-105 AN elitetradebd, XC-105 AN Vertebrae Column with Pelvis & Numbered Painted Muscles elitetradebd, XC-105 C elitetradebd, XC-105 C Didactic Flexible Vertebrae Column with Pelvis elitetradebd, XC-106 elitetradebd, XC-106 Miniature Plastic Skull elitetradebd, XC-107 elitetradebd, XC-107 Life size Vertebral column elitetradebd, XC-107 A elitetradebd, XC-107 A Vertebral column with painted muscles elitetradebd, XC-107 C elitetradebd, XC-107 C Didactic Vertebral column elitetradebd, XC-107 D elitetradebd, XC-107 D Vertebral column disarticulate model elitetradebd, XC-109 elitetradebd, XC-109 Life size shoulder joint elitetradebd, XC-109 A elitetradebd, XC-109 A Life size muscled Shoulder joint elitetradebd, XC-110 elitetradebd, XC-110 Life size Hip Joint elitetradebd, XC-111 elitetradebd, XC-111 Life size Knee Joint elitetradebd, XC-112 elitetradebd, XC-112 Life size Elbow Joint elitetradebd, XC-113 elitetradebd, XC-113 Life size foot Joint elitetradebd, XC-113 A elitetradebd, XC-113 A Life size foot Joint with Ligaments elitetradebd, XC-114 Life size hand Joint elitetradebd, XC-114 A elitetradebd, XC-114 A Life size hand Joint with Ligaments elitetradebd, XC-115 elitetradebd, XC-115 Life size pelvis with 5 pcs Lumber Vertebrae elitetradebd, XC-115 A elitetradebd, XC-115 A Half size pelvis with 5 pcs Lumber Vertebrae elitetradebd, XC-116 elitetradebd, XC-116 Lumber set 2 Pcs elitetradebd, XC-117 elitetradebd, XC-117 Lumber set 3 Pcs elitetradebd, XC-118 elitetradebd, XC-118 Lumber set 4 Pcs elitetradebd, XC-119 elitetradebd, XC-119 Life size lumber Vertebrae with sacrum & Coccyx & Herniated elitetradebd, XC-119 A elitetradebd, XC-119 A Mini Lumber Vertebrae with Sacrum & Coccyx & Herniated Disc elitetradebd, XC-120 elitetradebd, XC-120 Thoracic Spinal Column elitetradebd, XC-121 elitetradebd, XC-121 Life size Upper Extremity elitetradebd, XC-122 elitetradebd, XC-122 Life size lower Extremity elitetradebd, XC-123 elitetradebd, XC-123 Adult male Pelvis elitetradebd, XC-124 elitetradebd, XC-124 Adult Female Pelvis elitetradebd, XC-125 elitetradebd, XC-125 Female Pelvic Muscles & Organs elitetradebd, XC-126 elitetradebd, XC-126 Life size vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur head elitetradebd, XC-126A elitetradebd, XC-126A vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur heads & Painted Muscies elitetradebd, XC-126AN elitetradebd, XC-126AN vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur heads and numbered Painted Muscies elitetradebd, XC-126 C elitetradebd, XC-126 C Didactic vertebral clumn with pelvis & Femur head elitetradebd, XC-126 D elitetradebd, XC-126 D Flexible vertebral with removable Pelvis & Femur elitetradebd, XC-127 elitetradebd, XC-127 Birth Demonstration elitetradebd, XC-128 elitetradebd, XC-128 Life size pelvis with 2 Pcs Lumber Vertebrae elitetradebd, XC-130 elitetradebd, XC-130 Disarticulated Skeleton with Skull elitetradebd, XC-133 elitetradebd, XC-133 Cervical Vertebral Clumn with Nack Artery elitetradebd, XC-134 elitetradebd, XC-134 Cutaway Osteoporosis elitetradebd, XC-135 elitetradebd, XC-135 Skull with CervicalmSpine elitetradebd, XC-135 E elitetradebd, XC-135 E Skull with Brain and Cervical Spain 8 Parts elitetradebd, XC-201 elitetradebd, XC-201 Male Torso (85 cm) 19 Parts elitetradebd, XC-202 A elitetradebd, XC-202 A Male Torso (42 cm) 13 Parts elitetradebd, XC-203 elitetradebd, XC-203 Torso (26 cm) 15 Parts elitetradebd, XC-204 elitetradebd, XC-204 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 23 Parts elitetradebd, XC-205 elitetradebd, XC-205 Unisex Torso (45 cm) 23 Parts elitetradebd, XC-206 elitetradebd, XC-206 Sexless Torso (85 cm) 20 Parts elitetradebd, XC-207 elitetradebd, XC-207 Sexless Torso (42 cm) 18 Parts elitetradebd, XC-208 elitetradebd, XC-208 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 40 Parts elitetradebd, XC-209 elitetradebd, XC-209 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 20 Parts elitetradebd, XC-210 elitetradebd, XC-210 Unisex Torso (85 cm) 30 Parts elitetradebd, XC-301 elitetradebd, XC-301 Magnified Human Lartnx elitetradebd, XC-302 elitetradebd, XC-302 Magnified Pulmonary Alveoli elitetradebd, XC-303 A elitetradebd, XC-303 A Giant Ear elitetradebd, XC-303 B elitetradebd, XC-303 B Middle Ear elitetradebd, XC-303 C elitetradebd, XC-303 C New Style Giant Ear elitetradebd, XC-303 D elitetradebd, XC-303 D Desktop Ear elitetradebd, XC-304 elitetradebd, XC-304 Brain elitetradebd, XC-304 A elitetradebd, XC-304 A New Style Brain elitetradebd, XC-304 B elitetradebd, XC-304 B Brain elitetradebd, XC-305 elitetradebd, XC-305 Expansion of Human Teeth elitetradebd, XC-306 elitetradebd, XC-306 Stomach elitetradebd, XC-307 elitetradebd, XC-307 Jumbo Heart elitetradebd, XC-307 A elitetradebd, XC-307 A Life size Heart elitetradebd, XC-307 B elitetradebd, XC-307 B New style life size heart elitetradebd, XC-307C elitetradebd, XC-307C New style Jumbo Heart elitetradebd, XC-307 D elitetradebd, XC-307 D Middle Heart elitetradebd, XC-308 elitetradebd, XC-308 Brain with Arteries elitetradebd, XC-308 A elitetradebd, XC-308 A Brain with Arterial elitetradebd, XC-308 D elitetradebd, XC-308 D Brain with Arterial 9 Parts elitetradebd, XC-309 elitetradebd, XC-309 Anatomy Nasal Cavity elitetradebd, XC-310-1 elitetradebd, XC-310-1 Kidney elitetradebd, XC-310-2 elitetradebd, XC-310-2 Kidney 2 Parts elitetradebd, XC-310-3 elitetradebd, XC-310-3 Kidney with Adrenal Gland elitetradebd, XC-310-4 elitetradebd, XC-310-4 Enlarged Kidney elitetradebd, XC-311 elitetradebd, XC-311 Liver elitetradebd, Pancreas & Duodenum elitetradebd, XC-312 elitetradebd, XC-312 Liver elitetradebd, XC-313 elitetradebd, XC-313 Enlarge Skin elitetradebd, XC-313-2 elitetradebd, XC-313-2 Skin Block elitetradebd, XC-313-3 elitetradebd, XC-313-3 Skin Section elitetradebd, XC-315 elitetradebd, XC-315 Digestive System elitetradebd, XC-316 elitetradebd, XC-316 Giant Eye elitetradebd, XC-316 A elitetradebd, XC-316 A Giant Eye A elitetradebd, XC-316 B elitetradebd, XC-316 B Eye with Orbit elitetradebd, XC-317 elitetradebd, XC-317 Expansion of Urinary Bladder elitetradebd, XC-318 elitetradebd, XC-318 Brain with Arteries on Head elitetradebd, XC-318 B elitetradebd, XC-318 B Head with Brain elitetradebd, XC-319 elitetradebd, XC-319 Median section of the Head elitetradebd, XC-319 A elitetradebd, XC-319 A Frontal Section & Median Section of the Head elitetradebd, XC-319 B elitetradebd, XC-319 B Frontal section of Head elitetradebd, XC-320 elitetradebd, XC-320 Larynx elitetradebd, Heart & Lung elitetradebd, XC-321 elitetradebd, XC-321 Lung elitetradebd, XC-321 B elitetradebd, XC-321 B Lung elitetradebd, XC-322 elitetradebd, XC-322 Circulatory system elitetradebd, XC-324 elitetradebd, XC-324 The Head elitetradebd, XC-325 elitetradebd, XC-325 Plam Anatomy elitetradebd, XC-326 elitetradebd, XC-326 Normal Flat & Arched Foot elitetradebd, XC-330 elitetradebd, XC-330 Transparent Lung Segment elitetradebd, XC-331 elitetradebd, XC-331 Male Urogenital system elitetradebd, XC-331 A elitetradebd, XC-331 A Human male Pelvis section Part 1 elitetradebd, XC-331 B elitetradebd, XC-331 B Human male Pelvis section Part 2 elitetradebd, XC-331 C elitetradebd, XC-331 C Advanced Male internal & external Gental Organs elitetradebd, XC-331 D elitetradebd, XC-331 D Male Gental Organ elitetradebd, XC-332 elitetradebd, XC-332 Female Urogenital System elitetradebd, XC-332 A elitetradebd, XC-332 A Female Pelvis section 1 Part elitetradebd, XC-332 B elitetradebd, XC-332 B Female Pelvis section 4 Parts elitetradebd, XC-332 B-1 elitetradebd, XC-332 B-1Female Pelvis section 2 Part2 elitetradebd, XC-332 C elitetradebd, XC-332 C Advanced Female internal & external Gental Organ elitetradebd, XC-332 D elitetradebd, XC-332 D Female Pelvis elitetradebd, XC-333 elitetradebd, XC-333 Urinary system elitetradebd, XC-334 elitetradebd, XC-334 Human (80 cm) Muscles Male (27 Parts) elitetradebd, XC-335 elitetradebd, XC-335 Human Muscles 50 cm 1 Part elitetradebd, XC-336 elitetradebd, XC-336 Muscles of human Arm 7 parts elitetradebd, XC-337 elitetradebd, XC-337 Muscles of Lower Limb 13 Parts elitetradebd, XC-338 elitetradebd, XC-338 Life size human Muscle foot (7 parts) elitetradebd, XC-401 elitetradebd, XC 401Multifunctional patient care Manikin elitetradebd, XC-401 A elitetradebd, XC-401 A High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Male) elitetradebd, XC-401 A-1 elitetradebd, XC-401 A-1 New style High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Male) elitetradebd, XC-401 A-2 elitetradebd, XC-401 A-2 Advanced Nurse Trainning Doll (with BP Trainning Arm Male) elitetradebd, XC-401 B elitetradebd, XC-401 B High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Female) elitetradebd, XC-401 B-1 elitetradebd, XC-401 B-1 New style High quality Nurse Trainning Doll (Female) elitetradebd, XC-401 B-2 elitetradebd, XC-401 B-2 Advanced Nurse trainning doll (with BP Trainning Arm Female) elitetradebd, XC-401 C elitetradebd, XC-401 C Advanced Multifunctional Nursing Trainning Doll elitetradebd, XC-401 D elitetradebd, XC-401 D Advanced Trauma Simulator elitetradebd, XC-401 D-1 elitetradebd, XC-401 D-1 Advance Trauma Accessories elitetradebd, XC-401 M elitetradebd, XC-401 M Multifunctional patient care Manikin (Male) elitetradebd, XC-402 elitetradebd, XC-402 Course of delivery elitetradebd, XC-402 A elitetradebd, XC-402 A Advanced Course of delivery elitetradebd, XC-402 A-1 elitetradebd, XC-402 A-1 Delivery Machine elitetradebd, XC-403 elitetradebd, XC-403 Dental Care (28 teeth) elitetradebd, XC-403 A elitetradebd, XC-403 A Dental Care (32 teeth) elitetradebd, XC-403 B elitetradebd, XC-403 B Small Dental Care (28 teeth) elitetradebd, XC-403 C elitetradebd, XC-403 C Small Dental Care (32 teeth) elitetradebd, XC-403 D elitetradebd, XC-403 D Dental Care with Cheek elitetradebd, XC-404 elitetradebd, XC-404 Basic CPR Trainning (half Body) elitetradebd, XC-404 A elitetradebd, XC-404 A Half body CPR Trainninf (male) elitetradebd, XC-404 B elitetradebd, XC-404 B Half body CPR Trainninf (Female) elitetradebd, XC-405 elitetradebd, XC-405 Nurse Basic Practice Teaching 5 parts elitetradebd, XC-405 A elitetradebd, XC-405 A Simple male Urethral catheterization simulator elitetradebd, XC-405 B elitetradebd, XC-405 B Simple Female Urethral catheterization simulator elitetradebd, XC-405-2 elitetradebd, XC-405-2 Transparent gastric lavage model elitetradebd, XC-406-1 elitetradebd, XC-406-1 Whole body basic CPR Manikin style 100 (Male/Female) elitetradebd, XC-406-2 elitetradebd, XC-406-2 Whole body basic CPR Manikin style 200 (Male/Female) elitetradebd, XC-406-5 elitetradebd, XC-406-5 Whole body basic CPR Manikin style 500 (Male/Female) elitetradebd, XC-406-5 Plus elitetradebd, XC-406-5 Plus New style CPR Trainning Manikin elitetradebd, XC-406A 5 Plus elitetradebd, XC-406A 5 Plus Whole advanced CPR Manikin style 500 (Female) elitetradebd, XC-407 elitetradebd, XC-407 Human Trachea Intubation elitetradebd, XC-407 A elitetradebd, XC-407 A Advanced Human Trachea Intubation elitetradebd, XC-408 elitetradebd, XC-408 Electronic Urinary elitetradebd, XC-408 C elitetradebd, XC-408 C Advanced male Urethral Catheterization simulator elitetradebd, XC-408 D elitetradebd, XC-408 D Advanced female Urethral Catheterization simulator elitetradebd, XC-408 E elitetradebd, XC-408 E Transparant male Urethral Catheterization simulator elitetradebd, XC-408 F elitetradebd, XC-408 F Transparent female Urethral Catheterization simulator elitetradebd, XC-409 elitetradebd, XC-409 New Born baby elitetradebd, XC-409 A elitetradebd, XC-409 A New style New Born baby elitetradebd, XC-409A-1 elitetradebd, XC-409A-1 New style New Born baby model (Girl) elitetradebd, XC-409 B elitetradebd, XC-409 B Advanced New Born care elitetradebd, XC-409 C elitetradebd, XC-409 C Advanced neonate Umbilical cord elitetradebd, XC-409 C-1 elitetradebd, XC-409 C-1 Umbilical Cord elitetradebd, XC-409 D elitetradebd, XC-409 D Tracheostomy care infant elitetradebd, XC-409 E elitetradebd, XC-409 E Neonate scalp venipuncture elitetradebd, XC-410 elitetradebd, XC-410 New born Intubation elitetradebd, XC-410 A elitetradebd, XC-410 A Infant Intubation trainning elitetradebd, XC-411 elitetradebd, XC-411 Gynecological Trainning simulator elitetradebd, XC-412 elitetradebd, XC-412 Advanced maternity elitetradebd, XC-414 elitetradebd, XC-414 Development process for ferus elitetradebd, XC-414 A elitetradebd, XC-414 A The development process for ferus (half size) elitetradebd, XC-416 elitetradebd, XC-416 New born CPR Trainning manikin elitetradebd, XC-417 elitetradebd, XC-417 Conception Guidance elitetradebd, XC-417 A elitetradebd, XC-417 A Female Contraception Guidance elitetradebd, XC-417 B elitetradebd, XC-417 B Male Condom Simulator (Transparent Base) elitetradebd, XC-418 elitetradebd, XC-418 Breast Examination elitetradebd, XC-418 B elitetradebd, XC-418 B Lactation Trainning model elitetradebd

Human Female Pelvis Section (4 parts), XC-332B, ESMC, Xinch, China

Product Name: 
XC-332B Human Female Pelvis Section (4 parts)
Product No: XC-332B
Origin: China
Material: PVC

This median section model shows the female pelvis during the 40th week of pregnancy with a removable fetus. Demonstrate normal position of child before birth, female genital organs, human reproductive and urinary systems. A uterus with embryo in 3rd month of pregnancy is mounted on base for study.

Packing: 4pcs/carton, 77x54x42cm, 16kgs
Supplier: Elite Scientific & Meditech Co., Click for inquiry & purchase
For details elitetradebd@gmail.com; Visit:www.elitetradebd.com

Images are reference purpose only. Actual product may be different.

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