Secchi disc, ESMCBD, Kc Denmark


Secchi disc

18.000 – KC-Secchi Disc, diameter 25 or 30 cm:
The Secchi Discs are circular discs used to measure water transparency in oceans and lakes. The disc is mounted on a pole or line, and lowered slowly down into the water. The depth at which the pattern on the disk is no longer visible is taken as a measure of the transparency of the water. This measure is known as the Secchi depth and is related to water turbidity.

Lower the disc into the water using a graduated line. The depth at which the disc is no longer visible is recorded. The disc is then raised, and a recording of the depth at which the disc reappears should be made. The mean of these two recordings is considered to be the limit of visibility. Recommended line is a Ø5 mm polyester line, for both models.
Available in 2 sizes. Both Secchi discs are made of 10 mm VIKUPOR SC white PVC plates. A lead weight is mounted in the bottom.

Images are reference purpose only. Actual product may be different.

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Ordering No.

Secchi disc O.D. 25 cm Weight 0.75 kg 18.000
Secchi disc O.D. 30 cm Weight 2 kg 18.001

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Secchi disc, Kc Denmark

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