Roughness of paper or similar material is defined as the volume of air that forced by a specified pressure difference escapes in unit time by passing between the surface of the specimen and flat metal ring resting on a specimen and exerting a definite pressure on it.
A sample is placed on a perfect plane glass plate, measuring head on the test piece a controlled and small air pressure difference read off on selected rotameter tube.
The Bendtsen Smoothness & Porosity Tester is used for determines the smoothness and porosity of paper paperboard and similar material is based on air leak principle.
Measuring Range: Three Rotameter tubes ranging from 5 – 150,50 – 500,300 – 3000 ml/min.
Smoothness / Roughness Contact Pressure roughness air Pressure: 98 kPa by measuring head of weight 267±0.5 gram. Through pressure governor consisting of a rotating cylindrical body and 3 Manostat weights which give constant pressure of approx. 0.75, 1.5 & 2.25 kPa. Ensures an accurately regulated constant air supply
Air Permenance: 10 cm2 area
Compressor: The mean air flow through an area of 10 cm test piece clamp between circular gasket Specially designed Reciprocating compressor to provide oil and dust free air supply at 5.0 atmosphere pressure before the governor.
Accessories Included: Face ground glass plate. Air permeance measuring head. Specially designed compressor electrically operated. Extra weight for compressibility measurements. Loading plate with 4 holes for the measuring head to flatten out stiff paper & board.
Power Supply / Consumption: 220 / 240 V Single Phase 50 Hz. / 50 W
Compliance with International Standards
ISO 5636/3, 8791/2, SCAN P21, P60, BS 4420, APPI UM 535