Digital outside micrometer-3109-25a
Insize digital outside micrometer-3109-25a
- Insize digital outside micrometer-3109-25a
- Resolution: 0.001 mm/0.00005 inch
- Button function: on/off, set, mm/inch, abs/inc
- No data output
- Lr44 battery with automatic power off
- Carbide measuring faces, friction thimble, supplied with spherical anvil
- Brand name: insize
- Immersion depth: 25 micrometer
- Length: 32 millimeters
- Lower temperature rating: 20 degrees_celsius
- Manufacturer series number: 3109-25s
- Measurement accuracy: ±2μm
- Model number: 3109-25s
- Number of items: 1
- Part number: 3109-25s
- Power source type: battery powered
- Range: dkd
- Specification met: 0-25mm/0.1″
- Upper temperature rating: 30 degrees_celsi0us
Supplier in BD: Elite Scientific & Meditech Co