Aquamatic 5200 Grain Moisture Tester


Second Generation 150 MHz Technology – Moisture and Hectoliter Weight/Test Weight in 10 seconds.

The Aquamatic 5200 is Perten’s second-generation high frequency moisture meter. Drawing on the experience from more than 5,000 installed units, we have designed a moisture meter improved in every aspect – accuracy, repeatability, reliability, and user interface. It can be a stand-alone moisture meter for use at terminals or can be integrated into automated testing systems

Higher frequencies provide greater penetration of samples; the updated UGMA provides a more accurate result regardless of temperature or crop type; the improved mechanism provides better repeatability. Together this makes the AM 5200 the most accurate and repeatable moisture meter available. It can analyze grains, oilseeds, pulses, beans, lentils, seeds and more for moisture, Test Weight/Hectoliter Weight, and temperature.

Features and benefits
  • Superior accuracy – Save money by paying the right price for the grain you buy
  • Moisture and Specific Weight – Save time with one instrument for two measurements
  • 10-second analysis – Save time and costs
  • Touch screen operation – Easier to use with fewer mistakes
Features and benefits

The Aquamatic 5200 utilizes new, advanced technology to bring benefits to you.

Superior Accuracy

Superior accuracy and repeatability are obtained using 150 MHz measurement cell made of robust, high precision die-cast aluminum. The new cell is slightly larger providing a more representative sample.

Rapid Analysis

Just pour the sample and the AM 5200 begins analysis automatically. Results are displayed in less than 10 seconds. An optional flow-through provides for automated testing when the sample can be discarded.

Modern Technology

Using higher frequency, advanced computational power, USB data transfer, and the updated UGMA, the AM 5200 is designed for today’s grain trade.

Accurate Results on Fresh Field Samples

Older moisture meters read up to 1% low in moisture when analyzing grain straight from the field (known as the rebound effect). The higher frequency measurement employed by the AM 5200 penetrates deeper into the grain providing more accurate results and shorter return of investment.

Easy To Use

The large color touch screen with intuitive user interface makes the AM 5200 simple to use. Input sample IDs, view results on a remote screen, and update through USB memory sticks all add to its flexibility and ease of use. The touchscreen uses resistance technology and will even respond to gloved hands.

Operation and handling

A moisture meter has to be easy to use, and what could be simpler than
just selecting the product to be analyzed and then pouring the sample into the instrument?

At Perten Instruments we have always taken pride in developing analyzers that are so easy to use that they can be used confidently by non-technical personnel. The Aquamatic 5200 follows the tradition and can be used by anyone after just a 1-minute introduction. Three simple steps is all it takes.

Select grain type on the touch screen Pour the sample. The analysis will start automatically. After ten seconds the results are displayed on the screen, and you can emtpy the sample box.
Easy To Use

The Aquamatic 5200, like all Perten models, was designed to be easy to use. As seasonal workers are often used at grain receivals, it’s important that the equipment they use is as simple to operate as possible. This decreases introduction and training time, and minimizes handling errors.

Printing results

For an immediate receipt of results, the Aquamatic 5200 can be equipped with an optional ticket printer.

Data Transfer

The Aquamatic 5200 can be connected to a computer for easy transfer of analytical results into business systems or office applications. You can either collect analytical results in real-time into a LIMS, or download results from the internal memory to a USB memory stick at your convenience.

Superior design


Quality, Reliability, Excellent Support for an Amazing Price. It all comes together in the best package from Perten Instruments.
Solid Foundation

It’s all about quality. The AM 5200-A is made of heavy metal sheeting and Delrin. The build quality extends instrument life and reduces damage potential during relocation and shipping. It weighs 45 lbs.for a reason.

Measurement Cell & PC Board

The single piece cast cell ensures accurate measurements of volume/density through precise control of cell dimensions. The RF electronics are built directly into the cell center divide eliminating cabling and removes impedance matching issues over time due to connector degradation.

Superior Temperature Sensing

A continuous strip of copper (6.8in2) makes contact with hundreds of kernels for a precise sample temperature measurement over a wide temperature range. The large area/low mass means quick response times when there is a large disparity between room temperature and grain temperature, down to -40F. It means better accuracy and shorter analysis times.


A single, high quality motor is used in the AM 5200-A. The simplicity of design leads to a longer instrument life and less down-time.

Auto-Analysis Mode

Our greater than 7 year experience has resulted in an optimized analysis procedure in this 2nd generation instrument. Select the product once, and the instrument automatically begins analysis each time a sample is poured into the hopper. Not only does it speed up the analysis, it saves wear on the touchscreen.

 Lower Cell Door

The door employs a self-cleaning firm “snap action” close and is gravity driven. The “snap action” is designed to shake loose any build-up of material on the lower door. You can be confident the cell volume will not change due to dust build-up resulting in erroneous weight and volume measurements.

Sample Strike-off

The sample strike-off is critical to controlling flow of product through the instrument. Our design minimizes debris build-up in the instrument. Grain is not sprayed throughout the interior. The AM 5200-A uses 3 brushes to direct grain to the collection drawer.


The AM 5200-A has configurable data output using USB or RS-232 connections. Our Plug and play functionality mimics GAC© systems output for immediate replacement into existing scale software, LIMS, etc. An optional printer is available.


The Aquamatic 5200 is easy to use, but don’t let its apparent simplicity deceive you. It is the most advanced grain moisture meter available, and utilizes advanced technology to provide rapid and accurate results.

How does a moisture meter work?

Just about all bench top moisture meters use what is often referred to as the capacitive method or RF dielectric method. With this method a radio signal at a specified frequency is sent through the sample. As water interacts with radio waves (that’s how your microwave oven works) it is possible to determine the moisture content by measuring how much the radio signal is changed by the sample.

The effect that the sample has on the radio signal is termed the dielectric constant, and it increases proportionally to the moisture content. There are a number of other factors that have an effect on the dielectric constant, perhaps most notably sample density and temperature. These two factors are measured and corrected for in advanced moisture meters.

150 MHz technology improves accuracy

Up until a few years ago moisture meters have used a radio signal with a frequency between 1-15 MHz. This is an area which is easy to work with as moisture has a strong signal there and electronic components have been available off the shelf for a long time. The problem is that there is a lot of noise, so the signal to noise ratio for moisture is poor, decreasing the accuracy of the moisture measurement and creating the need for frequent calibration updates, and
for specific calibrations for the different classes within a grain.

For example, older moisture meters often have to use several calibrations for wheat and barley, one per class. Another problem of older technology was the “rebound effect”, where the instrument would read too low when analyzing grain straight from the field. The reason was the lower radio frequencies would not penetrate the kernels, so the instrument would only see the surface moisture content.

In the USDA study quite some effort was spent on finding the optimal frequency. Measurements were done from 1 MHZ to over 200 MHz, and the results very clearly showed that the accuracy was much better at 150 MHz than the old 1-15 MHz range. At 150 MHz the noise is much lower and the signal is much more specific to moisture. The overall effect is that the shortcomings of the previous technologies are eliminated in a 150 MHz system. The sensitivity to kernel moisture distribution, grain variety, crop year and geographic location is much lower, and the performance will thus be significantly better.

UMA - one calibration for all products

Another important USDA development was the new UMA (Unified Moisture Algorithm) calibration technique. It further improves the accuracy and makes it possible to use one and the same calibration for all grains and oilseeds. There are three main components in the UMA – a new type of sample density correction, the use of a 4th order polynomial equation, and a new way to adjust for sample temperature effects.

A density correction is done in most advanced grain moisture meters. As written above, density has
an effect on the dielectric constant and in order to achieve good accuracy it is necessary to determine the density and adjust for it when calculating the moisture content. What is new in the UMA is the equation by which the density correction is calculated. The new density correction equation creates an almost perfect correlation between the dielectric constant of a sample and its moisture content. It is also an important factor behind the ability of the UMA to use one calibration for all grain types.

The 4th order polynomial equation, which is the actual calibration, is a more advanced mathematical technique than what is used in previous moisture meters. This is possible thanks to the higher processing power of the Aquamatic, which uses modern computing technology.

The effects of sample temperature has always been a difficulty for moisture meters, but with the introduction of UMA this is no longer a problem. The UMA uses a new algorithm for moisture correction which adapts the adjustment to the moisture content of the sample. The right adjustment for a cold wet sample is not the same as for a cold dry sample, and the UMA handles that with very good results.

Power Requirements:
Dimensions (HxWxD):
Net Weight:
Ambient temperature:
115/230 V, 50/60 Hz
415/16.3 x 424/16.7 x 353/13.9 (mm/inches)
18.3 kg / lb 40.3
35-80% RH, non-condensing
Measurement Technique:
Analysis time:
Sample size:
Sample temperature:
RF dielectric constant at 150 Mhz
All grains, oilseeds, beans, lentils, seeds etc.
Moisture, Specific Weight, Temperature
Approximately 10 seconds
700 ml
0-40C / 32-100 F
Interface and Communication
Data storage:
5.7” color touch screen
Optional USB thermal printer
Ethernet, USB
Internal flash memory
Multi-language support
Applications and Performance

The Aquamatic 5200 determines moisture, specific weight and temperature in all kinds of grains and oilseeds. It sets new standards among grain moisture meters when it comes to accuracy, stability and transferability.


The Aquamatic is probably the most accurate grain moisture meter available. In a recent evaluation performed on samples from GIPSA (US Grain Inspection) the performance of the Aquamatic was excellent. 230 samples of nine grain and oilseed types were analyzed, and the average standard error versus the oven reference method was only 0.20. The graph is presented below.


No temperature effect

Thanks to the UMA calibration technique there is no effect of the sample temperature in the Aquamatic 5200. The graph below shows the results from a test of the Aquamatic where the same three samples were analyzed at cold, medium and warm temperatures. Each square represents one analysis, and the three samples were analyzed from 50F (10C) to 100F (35C). As is evident from the graph, the Aquamatic gives the correct results regardless of the temperature a sample is analyzed at.


All Aquamatic units are alike. If you would place two units side by side and analyze the same sample in both of them, you would get the same result. This comes partly from using the 150 MHz technology, and partly from the advanced standardization procedures we have developed. Below is a graph from a group of 7 instruments after being standardized. The same set of 6 samples (2 wheat samples, 1 corn, 1 soybean, 1 sunflower seed and 1 rice sample) ranging from 8.5-13.5% moisture was analyzed in all 7 Aquamatics. In the graph it is hard to make out the dots for the individual units as they are on top of each other, which is good because it means that all units gave almost exactly the same result when analyzing the same sample.


Manual Grain Moisture Meter – AM 5800


Unique among portable moisture meters, the AM 5800 Manual is based on the same high frequency 150 MHz technology and UGMA algorithm as officially approved meters, including the Perten AM 5200-A.

Drawing on the experience from more than 5,000 installed moisture meters, we have designed a battery operated, portable moisture meter benefitting from the accuracy, repeatability and reliability of the AM 5200-A.

The higher frequency signal provides greater penetration of samples and the UGMA (Unified Grain Moisture Algorithm) provides a more accurate result regardless of moisture level, temperature or crop type. Together these make the AM 5800 Manual the most accurate and repeatable portable moisture meter available. It can analyze grains, oilseeds, pulses, beans, lentils, seeds and more for moisture, Test Weight/Hectoliter Weight, and temperature with the same calibrations as the officially approved AM 5200-A.

Features and benefits

Thanks to high frequency 150 MHz technology and the UGMA algorithm you will get accurate readings, also on grain straight from the field or the dryer. Measurements are aligned with the officially approved AM 5200-A.

Easy to use

No sample weighing or volume measurement is required. Just pour the sample to fill the hopper and pull the handle to start the analysis. The AM 5800 Manual takes care of the rest.


Excellent repeatability thanks to precision mechanics and advanced signal processing.


In less than 20 seconds accurate readings for moisture, Test Weight and temperature are presented on the display.


Powered by 2 AA batteries and weighing only 5 kg / 9lb you easily bring the AM 5800 Manual to where you need it.

Smart interface

The touch screen with intuitive user interface makes the AM 5800 Manual simple to use. Input sample IDs, view results on a remote screen, and update through Bluetooth. The touchscreen uses resistance technology and will even respond to gloved hands.

Products Grains, oilseeds, pulses, lentils and more
Parameters Moisture, specific weight (hectolitre weight/test weight) and temperature
Analysis Time ~ 15 seconds
Display 3.4” touch screen
Connectivity Android and Win App for use on smartphones, tablets and PC connected to Bluetooth®
Measurement Technique RF dielectric constant at 150 MHz
Sample Temperature -18 to 70° C / -4 to 160 F (moisture <18%); 0 to 70° C / 32 to 160 F (moisture >18%)
Sample Size 700 ml  / 2/3 quart
Power Requirement 2 x AA Alkaline batteries
Dimensions HxWxD (mm/inches) 338/13.3 x 274/10.8 x 290/11.4
Net Weight (kg/lb) 5/11

Perten – Inframatic 8800 NIR Grain Analyzer


IM 8800 is the next generation portable NIR instrument for protein, moisture and oil determination in grain and oilseed.

The instrument has been designed with portability in mind to give users freedom to measure grain in-field, at grain storage sites and at grain processing locations. Equipped with GPS enables point specific sampling to generate protein maps on-the-go to make informed harvesting and binning decisions.

With uncompromising quality and build standards the instrument provides you with highly accurate data which you can rely on.

Features and benefits

Designed for farm conditions– this rugged meter is ideal for testing grain for moisture, protein and oil. An automated shutter protects the tester from light, insects and vermin to ensure reliable, low maintenance operation for years to come.

Portable – Compact, light enough to hand carry and powered by 12V to 24V, or battery (up to 2 hours), the Inframatic 8800 goes with you where you need it most: in the pickup truck, in the cab of the header and to the silo. The standard carrying bag protects the IM 8800 and is useful for transporting the instrument to inspection sites, fields etc. It’s also useful for long-term, protective storage of the instrument after harvest.

GPS – The Inframatic 8800 is equipped with a GPS so you can create protein maps of your fields. Make fast harvesting and binning decisions to manage your grain quality.

Protein maps allow farmers to extract additional profit by identifying pockets of premium grain. Topography, fertilization, and run-off are known to cause variation in protein content within a field. The Inframatic 8800 helps you get the most value from the grain you are already producing.

Moisture testing in ground wheat using the optional Moisture Module allows grain traders to use correct moisture value when performing Falling Number analysis. This improves accuracy of Falling Number results.

Uses and benefits
Measure in the field

It’s all about portability and fit-for-purpose with the IM 8800. Place it in the cab of your pickup or harvester. It’s small enough to carry around the field for spot testing allowing you to determine optimal harvest time. The 2 hour battery life and GPS allow you to create protein maps of fields.

Variability of protein in wheat within a single row has been shown to be up to 6%. The maps allow you to capture that value. Maximize profitability by better controlling drying, identifying your highest quality grain, and selling it for a premium.

Quality control before delivery

Deliver the right grain to the right buyer. Test your grain as it’s going into storage and as it’s going into the truck. Send the highest quality grain to those willing to pay premiums. Make sure you get the most for your grain.

Rapid Moisture Measurement for Falling Number Analysis

An accurate moisture value of the sample to be analyzed is critical for correct Falling Number results. Equipped with an optional module the Inframatic 8800 NIR grain analyzer can measure the moisture content of samples before Falling Number analysis, helping grain traders, farmers and others to improve analytical accuracy.

The Falling Number® method is standardized and one critical step in the method is to measure the moisture content of the sample, as this determines the exact sample weight to use. When grinding grain about 0.5-2% moisture is lost in the process. The exact moisture loss depends on factor such as the original moisture content of the grain and whether the lab mill is hot because several samples have just been ground in it. If the user estimates the moisture content of the ground grain rather thanmeasure it, Falling Number results could end up being wrong by several 10s of seconds.

With the Falling Number Moisture Module the Inframatic 8800 becomes a rapid instrument for moisture determination in ground grain and flour. It’s easy to use and gives accurate results in less than 1 minute. Not only does it display the moisture content, it also calculates and displays the exact sample weight you should use in the Falling Number analysis. This means you don’t need to look the weight up in tables, which speeds up the process for you and removes one potential source of error.

Operation and handling

Select the type of grain to analyze.

Pour the sample and press “Start”

After analysis, results are displayed on the screen, and the sample box can be emptied.

On-farm NIR grain analyzer

An on farm grain analyzer has been desirable for some time. The demands on such an instrument are high, however, and must balance many requirements. It must be rugged and robust. It must be portable to tote around the field. It must be simple to operate, but sophisticated enough to provide accuracy similar to elevator and lab instruments. And it must do it all in a cost-effective manner.

Recent technological developments have allowed us to develop just such an instrument. The Inframatic 8800 uses solid state components and diode array technology meaning no moving optical components. The lack of moving parts allows us to align and match instruments at the factory – one instrument is exactly like the next. This means the instruments are accurate, repeatable, and reproducible.

The Inframatic 8800 is standardized to our elevator/lab instrument – the Inframatic 9500. The Inframatic 9500 is well established in the market and is an approved for payment instrument in many countries. It has approvals in the USA, Germany, and Australia to name a few.

Technical specifications
Products Grain and oil seeds
Parameters Moisture, protein, gluten, fat and more
Analysis time ~ 90s
Sample volume ~ 400 ml
Sampling Up to 10 samples per sample
Analysis principle Diode-array detector, transmittance
Wavelength range: 850 – 1050 nm 850-1050 nm
Size (W x H x W) 349 x 265 x 274 mm
Weight 7 kg
Connection 4 x USB-A ports, 1 x Ethernet port (RJ45)
Screen 5.7 ”touch color display
Protection Protected against dust and moisture
Battery life ~ 2 hours
Positioning GPS module, connected via USB port
Suitable working ambient temperature 5-45 ° C


Inframatic 9500 NIR Grain Analyzer-Perten


Perten Instruments is the number one company in grain quality testing and has produced Near Infrared grain analyzers for 30 years. The Inframatic 9500 is the latest Inframatic model, and offers the best accuracy available.

It is reliable, robust, and built to meet the requirements of grain handling operations. It analyzes a wide range of grains and oilseeds for moisture, protein, oil and many other parameters in less than 30 seconds.

Features & Benefits

The Inframatic 9500 was designed with modern electronics and the highest precision optical components, guaranteeing the best possible data quality. Combined with the use of advanced chemometrics techniques, the result is unparalleled accuracy. Stable scanning grating optics and reliable calibrations guarantee that you will always get the correct results.


The robust construction of Inframatic 9500 with sealed module construction of standardized components guarantees long term reliability and makes the instrument virtually maintenance free.

Rapid analysis

The short analysis time combined with the simple sample handling makes the Inframatic 9500 one of the fastest whole grain NIT analyzers in the market.

NIR Networking

When grading grain it is important to have full control over the calibrations used in each instrument and to be able to monitor performance in virtually real-time. By using Ethernet, the administration of the network will always be accessible 24 hours a day regardless of the location of the instruments. A large number of Inframatics are operated in networks globally.


The optics house is machined out of a solid piece of metal, which guarantees all instruments to be identical to each other. Thus calibrations are fully transferable and all Inframatic 9500 units produce the same results for the same samples. Wavelength calibration is performed with NIST references, providing full traceability back to measureable standards.

Easy to use

The large color touch screen with its intuitive menus makes it easy both to operate the instrument, and read analysis results – even from a distance. We have designed the user interface to make analysis as rapid and secure as possible. All the operator needs to do is to select which type of grain to analyze and pour it into the funnel. No manual settings or changes are necessary.

Operation and handling

The Inframatic 9500 is designed to be used at grain receivals and grain labs. This means that it can withstand harsh environments and rough handling, that it’s easy to use, and that it has features that match the needs of grain labs.

Analysis takes less than 30 seconds, and the results are shown on the large display.

The position and angle of the display can be adjusted to suit your needs. Move it up or down, back or forward, left or right, to optimize its position for the operator. Tilt it left, right, up or down to view the results from where it’s most convenient.

Analyze flour in IM 9500 NIR instrument

Using the optional Flour Module the IM 9500 NIR instrument can analyze flour for moisture, protein, ash and more.

Flour analysis is rapid and convenient. For flour millers this turns the IM 9500 into a flexible analyzer used both for grading incoming wheat and monitoring the milling process.

The Flour Module consists of two cells and a loading station. To analyze flour simply fill a cell using the loading station, close it and insert it into the funnel of the IM 9500. In just a few seconds analysis results are displayed on the screen. It’s easy, rapid and accurate.

Inframatic 9500 specifications
Products Wheat, Wheat flour, Barley, Corn, Soybeans and many other grains, oilseeds, and flours
Parameters Moisture, Protein, Oil, Hectoliter weight/Test Weight (optional), Starch, Wet Gluten, Fiber, Ash (flour), and many others
Analysis time ~25 s without HLW/TW
Sample size 400 ml (600 ml with specific weight module HLW/TW)
Subsamples Up to 20 per sample.
Analysis principle Scanning grating, Transmittance
Wavelength range 570-1100 nm
 Regression options PLS (Partial Least Squares), ANN (Artificial Neural Networks), HR (Honigs Regression), Classification
Size (W x D x H) 485 x 390 x 370 mm (485 x 390 x 510 mm with HLW/TW)
Weight 34 kg (40 kg with HLW/TW)
Interfaces Ethernet, 4 USB ports
Display 12” LCD color touch screen
Protection Dust and humidity protected


Inframatic 9520 Dedicated NIR Flour Analyzer


Perten Instruments has provided analysis instruments to flour millers and professional bakers for more than 50 years. The Inframatic 9520 is the new dedicated NIR instrument for flour and semolina. In less than 30 seconds it provides accurate results for ash, moisture, protein and other key components.

The Inframatic 9520 produces quality data to monitor and optimize the milling degree. With rapid results process improvements can be carried out in real-time. Flour quality is essential to all baking products. Delivering a product according to specifications is of great importance. With the Inframatic 9520 the flour can be delivered and checked with a high level of confidence without time-consuming chemical methods.

Features and benefits

The robust construction of Inframatic 9520 with sealed module construction of standardized components guarantees long term reliability.

Ready-to-use calibrations

The Inframatic  9520 is delivered with ready-to-use global calibrations. They include a wide variety of flour types. The Inframatic 95 series share the same calibration database and data has been collected over many years.

Remote instrument management

With the web based reporting and networking platform NetPlus supplied by Perten Instruments it is possible to access the instrument from anywhere.

Ease of use

The large color touch screen with its intuitive menus makes it easy both to operate the instrument and read analysis results. We have designed the user interface to make analysis as rapid and secure as possible. With the Perten designed loading station the cuvette is easily packed before analysis and it makes the procedure operator independent.

Operation and Handling

The Inframatic 9520 is delivered with a loading station and two cuvettes.

One or two cuvettes can be filled at the same time. Simply place the cuvettes in loading station and swipe some flour over the holes in the loading station. Close the cuvettes and then start the Inframatic 9520 analysis.

Remote instrument management

The Inframatic 9520 can easily be managed remotely by using the Perten cloud solution NetPlus.

It is possible to access the instrument from anywhere just by logging in to the website. This means production managers can verify that the milling process is within targets and limits. Quality managers can follow up on deliveries to verify compliance with specifications

Products Wheat flour, Semolina, Rye flour, Wheat bran and others
Parameters Moisture, Protein, Ash, Wet gluten, colour and many more
Analysis time ~25 s
Analysis Principle Scanning grating, transmittance
Wavelength range 570-1100 nm
Size (W x D x H) 485 x 370 x 335 mm
Weight 34 kg
Regression options PLS (Partial Least Squares), ANN (Artificial Neural Networks),HR (Honigs Regression), Classification
Interfaces Ethernet, 4 USB ports
Display 12” LCD color touch screen
Protection Dust and humidity protected

Inline NIR sensor DA 7300™


The DA 7300 is a modern, advanced In-Line NIR device with self-camera for analysis of cereals, flour, feed and food.

The system can be easily mounted on the production line, automatically performing continuous analysis, allowing you to keep your production under control at any time. Thanks to the ability to access information without waiting for laboratory results, the following advantages are provided:

  • Automatic production control
  • Possibility of emergency response
  • Easy and flexible installation
  • Possibility to monitor the entire production

DA 7300 In-line NIR device displays analysis results via standard communication interfaces used in production.

Measurement results can be viewed on the computer via the user interface or can be fully integrated into the production automation system. The device is designed for measuring inside the measuring cabinet or pipe. The optical part of the device can monitor the product through the wall of the measuring cabinet. Thanks to its design, the device is able to analyze dust, grain, granules, pellets and similar products.

Features and benefits
Diode Array technology

Diode array technology offers a number of important advantages:
– Simultaneously measures all wavelengths. This is an important advantage over the old technologies during product flow. Just like a digital camera takes pictures, Diode Array measures the wavelengths of all spectra simultaneously. Mono-chromators, Spinning filter wheels and FTNIR technology devices measure the wavelengths in turn. That is, as the product moves, it measures a wavelength on one product, and the other wavelength on the other product. Therefore, Diode Array technology is the most suitable for moving products.

  • High performance
  • Fast
  • Minimun care

The device is equipped with a scratch-resistant sapphire window. This feature extends device life, improves measurement performance and minimizes maintenance requirements.

Communication interface in accordance with industrial standards

The device is equipped with an OPC server for easy integration into existing control systems.

Open data

The data can be entered into the SQL Server database.


The color camera offers many advantages.

  • Color parameters meter
  • Detects pike in flour, semolina and other powder products.
  • Provides photo and video images that help troubleshoot.
  • Detects that the product moves and stops.
Automatic light bulb
Long-term stability

The system is equipped with double bulbs to prevent analysis pause and repair operations. As soon as the first bulb has reached its life, the second bulb is automatically activated.

Robust design

The device is designed for long life and low maintenance. The device is also ATEX certified against dust explosions.

Easy service

The device is designed for easy service. This includes an easy modular design for easy access to parts, troubleshooting and unclear alerts and error messages.

To further reduce the need for servicing, the device is equipped with several diagnostic tools:

  • LED indicators showing current status
  • Warning and fault recording
  • Software update, maintenance and troubleshooting via Windows interface.
  • Easily accessible parts
Technical specifications
Power requirement 24 VDC, 5A
Dimensions (HxDxW) 220 x 230 x 340 mm
Net weight 15 kg
Operating Ambient Temperature -10 to 40 ° C.
Ingress Protection IP65
Measuring speed > 20 spectrum and measurement / second
Spectrometers and Optics
Wavelength range 950-1650 nm
CPU type and speed 1 GHZ Pentium M ULV
Memory card SSD disc, 60 GB
OS Windows 7 Professional
Connectivity TCP / IP over LAN 1/10 MBit
ATEX Zone 21/22.

Measure granules, pellets, powders, pastes, syrups, flakes, liquids and more. The most commonly measured parameters are moisture, protein, ash, fat/oil, fiber and starch.

Many options are available for mounting – all designed for specific uses and products. The DA 7300™ can be mounted on pipes, hoppers, conveyors, mixers, at the entrances of a product, at its outputs, before or after dryers, before packaging or at other critical points in the process.

The DA 7300™ is installed and used at many agri & food production sites worldwide. These are a few examples of its applications.

Flour Milling – Maximize flour extraction through accurate real-time ash measurements. Blend wheat and flour streams to reach target specifi cation. Optimize gluten addition.

Starch Production and Corn Milling – Cost and energy savings by monitoring and controlling the dryer, constant product quality and higher output by protein control loops and avoiding quality giveaways.

Oilseed Processing – Measure moisture, protein and oil in grain for pricing and binning. Monitor and optimize extraction and drying. Control moisture & fat in mixer. Higher productivity by increasing yield and avoiding faulty batches and rework. Control moisture loss in cooling and additions of molasses/oil.

Dairy Processing – Reduce energy costs when spray drying milk powder by monitoring product moisture in real-time. Minimize grade change-over time and reduce waste; monitor black particles. Optimize the fat /moisture content of butter. The DA 7300™ is USDA approved for installation in dairy processing plants.

Accessories for DA 7300™ In-line NIR
Mounting Panel Accessory

The mounting panel is an accessory to the DA 7300™ In-Line NIR analyser. This facilitates mounting on a vessel, a conveyor side or any other location where the instrument is viewing the product from the side. The panel mounts on a frame that is to be welded on to the side of the measurement chamber in question.

Features and Benefits
Easy installation: Simply weld the frame on the vessel side and bolt the door with instrument on the frame.
Easy Cleaning: In the event the instrument window requires cleaning, simply open the door and wipe the window.
Includes a blind panel: In the event the instrument is to be removed, simply mount the blind panel and the production can continue without product spillage.
Stainless Steel Construction: Durable and robust for long life.
Measurement Chamber 25t/h

The measurement Chamber 25t/h is suitable for installation in any grain processing process, such as a flour or feed mill. It presents the grains to the instrument in the reliable and repeatable way that is required for any NIR analyser, and ensures highly accurate and repeatable results.

Features and Benefits
Repeatable sample presentation: Ensures highly accurate and repeatable results.
Easy Instrument Cleaning: A view window on the side is easily removable for cleaning the instrument window without having to remove the instrument.
Manual Sampler: A sliding sampler mechanism allows a manual sample to be taken. By pressing a button, the instrument readings corresponding to the sample is tagged in the database for future reference.
Non-Blockage design: By design, the over-flow section can handle the entire product flow, ensuring there is no production interruption even if the measurement part is blocked.
Measurement Chamber 120t/h

The measurement Chamber 120t/h is suitable for installation in a grain silo or other grain intake. It presents the product to the instrument in the reliable and repeatable way that is required for any NIR analyser, and ensures highly accurate and repeatable results.

Features and Benefits
Repeatable sample presentation: Ensures highly accurate and repeatable results.
Easy Instrument Cleaning: A view window on the side is easily removable for cleaning the instrument window without having to remove the instrument.
Manual Sampler: A sliding sampler mechanism allows a manual sample to be taken. By pressing a button, the instrumentreadings corresponding to the sample is tagged in the database for future reference.
Non-Blockage design: By design, the over-flow section can handle the entire product flow, ensuring there is no production interruption even if the measurement part is blocked.

No moving parts

Diode array technology is unique in the sense that it doesn’t use any moving parts in the spectrometer. This greatly improves the stability of the instrument as there are no parts that can be worn out or misaligned. The result is an instrument which requires much less maintenance than when moving parts are used, as for example is the case with scanning monochromators.

  1. A lamp illuminates the sample with white light. Some of the light is absorbed (depending on the composition of the sample) and the rest is reflected.
  2. The light which is reflected hits a stationary grating, which separates the light by wavelength. Instead of white light, we now have a “rainbow”.
  3. Each wavelength is measured by a dedicated detector.
All wavelengths simultaneously

With diode array technology all wavelengths are measured simultaneously, as each wavelength has a dedicated detector. This is necessary in order to be able to analyze a moving sample. Using scanning monochromator technology or Spinning filter wheel, the spectrum is collected one wavelength at the time, and if the sample moves the picture will be blurred.

Line Source Wavelength stabilization

In all optical systems, microscopic mechanical movements occur over time and with temperature changes. These small movements give rise to changes in the wavelength scale and alignment. In order to achieve long term stability, it is imperative to correct for any such changes dynamically. In the DA 7300™ On-line, this is done using a line source which brings the wavelength axis back to the starting point. The benefit with using a line source is that this emits light with peaks at certain wavelengths. The position of these peaks depend on the line source used and is constant with that material. This gives unsurpassed wavelength axis accuracy and long erm stability.

Dual lamp with automatic switch-over.

In order to avoid down-time and costly rush repair jobs, the system is fitted with dual lamps. Once the primary lamp reach the end of its working life, the second lamp is automatically put in to operation in a seamless transition.

Real-time DA 7440™ On-line NIR


The DA 7440™ is an advanced, modern and versatile on-line NIR sensor for over-the-belt type measurements. It performs real-time multi-constituent measurements of a product on a processing line providing information for process control and quality monitoring.

Continuous process monitoring helps users to increase efficiency and reduce scrap and re-work while improving product consistency and quality. The instrument performs simultaneous measurement of parameters such as moisture, fat, sugars, protein, starch, fiber and many others. The core diode array technology provides many benefits including durability, stability, accurate measurement of moving products and the ability to track process changes.

Features and benefits
Continuous measurement

Use instrument results for automatic or manual process control.

Real-time result updates

Reduce time for grade changes, reduce waste and re-workby knowing what you produce in real time.

Process optimization

Reduce product variability and optimize production targets whilestaying within product specifications.

Production Log

Track and document measurement results throughout the entire production run.


Industry standard open communication protocol enables remote access andtrue information integration with existing plant systems.

Track process changes accurately

The DA 7440™ uses high speed diode array technology coupled with full-spectrum calibrations and requires little or no adjustment at product change-overs or start-up.

Superior up-time and stability

The DA 7440™ uses no moving optical components and is housed in an ingress protected housing requiring little maintenance.


The flexibility of the DA 7440™ On-line NIR sensor makes it suitable for a wide range of applications.


Analyze moisture, fat, and seasonings during snack-food production to optimize frying and monitor quality prior to packaging.


A wide variety of food products – potatoes, cookies, crackers, pasta – can be analyzed forparameters such as moisture, fat, temperature and others. The measurements are used to control processes such as frying, drying and freezing.


Determine moisture, nicotine and sugars in real-time in leaves as well as processed tobacco. Stable moisture readings with no need for adjustments when you switch to producing a new blend.

Wood based panels  & composite boards

Fast and accurate measurements for wood-based product manufacturers including resin load, moisture and more.


DA 7250™ NIR analyzer


The DA 7250 NIR analyzer is the third generation diode array NIR instrument from Perten, designed specifically for analysis in the food and agriculture industries.

It combines outstanding analytical accuracy with speed, ease of use and ruggedness. The DA 7250 comes pre-calibrated for a wide range of applications and determines moisture, protein, fat and many other parameters in all types of samples.

Anything – Analyze all types of samples from powders to pellets, liquids, pastes, and slurries

Anywhere – Rugged IP65 certified design for use at-line or in the lab

Anytime – Never wait to get results, 6-second analysis without sample preparation

Anybody – Trained chemists or factory staff, everyone will confidently use the DA 7250

DA 7250 NIR instrument overview

The DA 7250 is the 3rd generation diode array based NIR instrument from Perten. It builds on the success of its predecessors which are used by close to 2,000 customers worldwide.

Many applications

The DA 7250 NIR Analyzer analyzes samples in only 6 seconds and can determine moisture, protein, fat, ash, starch and many other parameters with excellent accuracy. Available factory calibrations cover a wide variety of products and parameters and are built from our global database which encompasses hundreds of thousands of samples.

Easy to use

It’s very easy to analyze a sample. In most cases just pour the sample into an open-faced dish, place it in the DA 7250 and it automatically starts the analysis. Results are presented on the large touchscreen. The instrument is fully stand-alone and no external computer is needed.

Minimal sample preparation

Where other NIR instruments require that samples are ground or homogenized prior to analysis, the DA 7250 accurately analyzes samples as they are, minimizing the time from when you take the sample until you have the result. Grains, flakes, pellets, powders, pastes, slurries and liquids are all analyzed as they are without the need for expensive modules.

Accurate and rugged

The DA 7250 is based on diode array technology which is accurate, robust and proven. In diode array technology there are no moving parts and this makes the DA 7250 very suitable for challenging environments as it is not sensitive to vibrations or temperature. It is also IP65 certified which means it is dust and water-proof.

Key features - DA 7250 NIR analyzer

The DA 7250 gives you faster and more accurate results and makes analysis easier than ever before.

6-second analysis

The DA 7250 analyzes a sample in only 6 seconds. Its rapid analysis and minimal requirement for cleaning between samples give the DA 7250 an analysis capacity which is 4-5 times higher other NIR instruments.

No grinding or homogenization of samples

Thanks to its large light spot and real-time analysis of a rotating sample, the DA 7250 analyses a much more representative sample than other instruments do, and can accurately analyze inhomogeneous samples as they are.

Lab and At-line use

The DA 7250 is built for challenging environments.

  • Its IP65 certification means it is dust and waterproof
  • Diode array technology uses no moving parts in the optics and is unaffected by vibrations
  • The spectrometer is temperature stabilized and provides accurate results from 5-40C
Stand-alone instrument

The DA 7250 is a stand-alone instrument and does not require an external computer. External computers often experience communication issues with instruments, and can’t be placed in the dusty or dirty environments that the DA 7250 excels in.

Factory normalization

All instruments are normalized at the factory, in an advanced procedure where the wavelength scale and absorbance scale are standardized to make individual units identical to each other.

Automatic self-tests

The DA 7250 automatically performs several self-tests and diagnostics to ensure that it always performs optimally. The wavelength scale is confirmed using a built-in Xenon lamp which emits light at 7 exact wavelengths, and the absorbance scale is checked using a Teflon-coated ceramic reference flag. As the DA 7250 is so rapid, self-tests can be performed before each analysis, making the DA 7250 a more stable analyzer than other NIR instruments.

Easy to use

The straight-forward sample handling and the intuitive user interface mean that anybody can operate the DA 7250 confidently, and get accurate results.

Large touch screen

The large touch screen lets operators clearly see results even from a distance, and makes it very easy to operate the DA 7250. The screen is rugged and is designed to be used also in process environments.

Feature rich software

While the user interface is intuitive and easy to use, it also incorporates a number of powerful features such as report generation, result display options and data integration with other applications.

Plug & Play devices

Windows-enabled USB devices such as memory sticks, barcode scanners, printers are supported by the DA 7250. Unlike other manufacturers, we don’t limit you in your choice of devices. Just plug your device in and start using it.

Data connectivity

Analysis results are often needed somewhere else than where the instrument is placed. The DA 7250 can export data in a multitude of formats and can be configured to automatically exchange data with other applications.

Web Reporting

Using our optional Web Reporting feature results from one or several instruments can be accessed from anywhere, through a web browser. There are many potential uses: a purchasing manager can pull out reports on incoming materials; a production manager can track key process parameters over time; a lab manager can monitor NIR performance vs reference methods. Several report templates are available, and results are shown in tables as well as graphs.

Same platform as On-line

Diode array is the only NIR technology which is suitable both for benchtop analysis and process analysis. Our online and in-line NIR instruments use the same platform as the DA 7250, which means the seamless transfer of calibrations.

ISO 12099 compliant

The DA 7250 supports the procedures described in the ISO standard 12099 on the development and validation of NIR calibrations and is completely compliant with the standard.

Operation and handling - DA 7250 NIR

The DA 7250 was designed in cooperation with customers with the goal to create the most easily operated NIR instrument on the market. Not just because this makes work easier for operators, but because it matters for performance.

The easier an analysis method is, the fewer mistakes you make, and the better your accuracy will be.

The analysis starts automatically, and results are presented in large numbers after just a few seconds. The video clip below shows the sequence in real-time. That’s how quick and easy it is!

Remote reporting and administration

Our NetPlus software package makes analysis results available everywhere, and the administration of groups of NIR instruments easier than ever before.

NetPlus Reports is a web-based reporting software which gives web-based access to analysis results. Wherever you are you can always access updated analysis results. Monitor production, evaluate supplier performance, or verify product quality – on the fly!

NetPlus Remote is designed for remote administration of groups of instruments. Whether you manage just a few instruments or a NIR network of one hundred instruments, NetPlus Remote streamlines your tasks.

Applications - DA 7250 NIR instrument

The characteristics of the DA 7250 NIR analyzer make it ideal for a wide range of applications.  Grains, pellets, pastes, powders, and liquids are all analyzed in only 6 seconds.

Below are examples of applications the DA 7250 NIR analyzer is used in.

Feed Milling

Use the DA 7250 NIR instrument to analyze ingredients, in-process samples and finished feeds for parameters such as moisture, protein, fat, starch, energy, fibers and amino acids – all without having to grind samples.

  • Verify incoming ingredients against specifications
  • Get true nutritional values for ingredients, and improve formulations
  • Optimize fat, protein, and moisture in your process and save money
Oil seed processing

With the DA 7250 NIR instrument, you can analyze for moisture, oil, fatty acids, protein and other parameters in oilseeds, meals and oil. No grinding is required for oilseed analysis, not even for sunflower seeds.

  • Test seeds at intake to pay the right price
  • Analyze meal to optimize extraction, drying and blending
  • Determine FFA, phosphorous and more in oil

Flour Milling

The DA 7250 NIR instrument lets you analyze wheat and flour for moisture, protein, ash and more. It provides top accuracy in a rugged, IP65 rated housing. Place it anywhere in the mill for immediate analysis results.

  • Test wheat at intake and during tempering
  • Optimize ash content with rapid and accurate analysis
  • Analyze co-products such as bran or middlings
Pet food production

Whether you produce wet or dry pet food, the DA 7250 NIR instrument will analyze ingredients as well as finished petfood for moisture, protein, fat and more. Little or no sample preparation required, minimal cleaning between samples.

  • Analyze the nutritional value of ingredients
  • Optimize production
  • Verify end-product quality
Seed breeding

The accuracy and speed of analysis make the DA 7250 ideal for seed breeding companies and institutes. Analyze any type of grain or oilseed for standard parameters such as moisture, protein and oil, and specialized traits such as fatty acid profile or amino acid levels. Thousands of samples can be analyzed in a very short time, and any size sample can be analyzed – from just a few grains to 500 ml. Several of the leading institutes and companies worldwide use the DA 7250.

Ethanol production

Many ethanol producers have been able to increase output and lower costs thanks to the DA 7250 NIR instrument. Raw materials, fermentation samples, and by-products are all analyzed in just a few seconds. Instead of waiting half an hour for HPLC results you can get an instant analysis of HPLC parameters in fermentation samples.


Analyze cheese, butter, milk, cream and powders with no sample preparation and no clean-up after analysis in the DA 7250 NIR instrument. Using the disposable cup system, the sample is simply placed in a plastic cup which is disposed of after analysis. This makes the DA 7250 extremely rapid and easy to use. Its accuracy makes it possible for you to control production to very tight limits.

Other Food

The unique sample presentation and the speed of analysis make the application possibilities nearly limitless. Snackfoods, potato products, breakfast cereals, and meat products are just a few analysis examples where the abilities of the DA 7250 NIR instrument bring great benefits.

Starch production

The flexible sample presentation of the DA 7250 makes it possible to analyze both the raw materials and nearly all in-process products as well as end-products. Grains, slurries, liquids, and powders – all are easily analyzed in the DA 7250 NIR instrument.

DA 7250 SD NIR Food Analyzer

The DA 7250 SD is designed for placement in labs and production areas where sanitary designs are required.

The sanitary design limits surfaces, crevices and other locations where food material could adhere. This makes it easy to clean, thereby reducing opportunities for microbial growth.

Its stainless steel design and open analysis area make it ideal for use anytime hygienic or cleaning requirements are high, such as in food production environments, in dusty or dirty conditions, or when samples are messy.

The DA 7250 SD is IP65 certified and uses the same optics and calibrations as the standard DA 7250 model.

Accessories for NIR analysis

The DA 7250 is designed to analyze samples as they are. With these sample presentation accessories, nearly every type of sample can be analyzed with little to no sample preparation, and minimal instrument hardware changeovers. Changing from solid to liquid analysis, for example, takes only a few seconds.

Small Sample Dish

When smaller volumes are available, the Small Sample Dish is an excellent way to present your sample to the DA 7250. The Small Sample Dish is suitable for applications such as grains, ground forages, and other agricultural products. It comes in a package of three dishes with volumes of 13, 22 and 43 ml respectively (US liquid oz. 0.44, 0.73 and 1.47).

Micro Mirror Module

When only a few grains or grams are available, the Micro Mirror Module is ideal. Its unique design (patent pending) enhances the signal from very small samples and enables highly accurate analysis.

Disposable Cup Module

Designed to handle slurries, pastes and opaque liquids. The Disposable Cup Module completely removes the need for cleaning between samples.

Clear Liquid Module

Designed for analysis of water-based liquids. A small amount of the liquid (< 1 ml) is administered to a filter pad. After analysis, simply remove the filter pad and prepare for the next sample. The filter pad provides a diffuse surface with constant pathlength.

Transflectance cup

This unique cell for analysis of liquids such as oils makes analysis rapid, accurate and easy. Simply administer the sample using a pipette and place it in the instrument. After the analysis, pour the sample out and wipe the cell off with a chem wipe or similar. The cell is made of non-stick Teflon which makes it easy to clean, with a gold layer underneath which provides diffuse reflectance of light back to the instrument.

Syrup cup

The Syrup Module is an accurate, easy-to-use accessory for NIR analysis of syrups and other high viscosity products. Pour your sample into the center area, strike-off excess into the outer ring and start the analysis. Clean-up consists of rinsing under warm water.

Closed Quartz Cup

The Closed Quartz Cup allows for analysis through a fused silica surface. While there are many good reasons for analyzing samples in open-faced dishes, this cup accessory is useful for users accustomed to analysis with closed cups.

Half-depth Dish

The Half-depth Dish is recommended for use whenever sample volume is limited and the sample is inhomogeneous. In such situations, results will benefit from the analysis of a large sample area.

Petri Dish

Disposable Petri dishes can be used as sample accessories, in combination with rotating carriers. Petri dish carriers are available in large and small versions, for use with both 140 × 21 mm and 90 × 16.2 mm disposable Petri dishes.

Glutomatic® – gluten quantity and quality


The world standard for gluten quantity and quality determination

When baking bread and producing noodles or pasta, the flour gluten content and strength will determine the quality of the finished product. The Glutomatic® System is the world standard for determination of gluten quantity and quality.

The effect of gluten quantity and quality in the flour used for bread, cookies, crackers, and pasta is dramatic. In the photo of bread loaves above it is clear that the wet gluten quantity of the flour strongly influences bread volume. Using the Glutomatic® System you will be able to determine the baking quality of wheat and flour.


Features and benefits
  • Determine gluten quantity and quality – Improve the quality of your finished products.
  • Official world standard – Ensure that trade contracts are fulfilled.
  • For flour and grain – Determine gluten characteristics both for wheat and flour.
  • Measure true gluten – Only the Glutomatic® can measure true gluten. In a number of situations
    protein content is not indicative of gluten characteristics.


Features and benefits

The Glutomatic® System is used worldwide by thousands of grain traders, flour millers, breeders, and pasta/noodle manufacturers, who benefit from its features.

Determine gluten quantity and quality

Improve the quality of your finished products by making sure that your raw materials meet gluten specifications. Higher wet gluten content means higher bread volumes.

Official world standard

For international wheat and flour trade, gluten quantity and quality by the Glutomatic® System are typically specified. Make sure that buyer and seller agree by using the international standard. Approved according to the following standards:

  • AACCI 38-12.02
  • ICC/No. 137/1, 155 & 158
  • ISO 21415-2, 21415-4
  • GAFTA Method 34:2
Easy to use

Confidently operated by non-technical personnel.

For flour and grain

Using Glutomatic® you don’t have to produce a flour to determine the gluten characteristics for wheat. You save time and costs as the Gluten Index method works both for flour and for ground wheat.

Rapid analysis

A complete test takes less than 10 minutes.

Determines true gluten

While gluten is correlated to protein, there are a number of cases where wheat would have a high protein content, but no or very weak gluten. Glutomatic® is the only way to know for sure.


The quality of dough-based products such as bread, pasta or noodles is highly dependent on the gluten quantity and quality of the flour. This means that everyone in the wheat chain, from breeder to baker, benefit from analyzing and controlling gluten properties with the Glutomatic® System.


By measuring the functional properties of protein at an early stage – without having to extract flour – breeders can select the appropriate wheat classes for further breeding and refinement.

Grain Trading and Handling

The ease of use and the speed of the method enable the user to classify the incoming wheat based on gluten quantity and quality, essential for maximizing trade margins and supplying products suitable for varying end-use purposes.

Flour Milling

Millers can blend flour to meet end-user demands while not selling the high-quality product at a low price thereby improving operating margins. With the Gluten Index, the Wet Gluten Content and the Falling Number® analysis results available, millers can quickly predict the final baking quality, reducing the requirement for test baking.


The gluten properties and structure are important to:

  • Form elastic dough
  • Retain gas during fermentation and baking
  • Allow expansion
  • Carry expansion
  • Retain the shape of the loaf

As baking quality is both related to starch and protein characteristics, a combination of the results from the Falling Number® and Glutomatic® tests can be used to predict the baking quality. With the Gluten quality and quantity information at hand, bakeries are able to use the most cost-effective grade of flour while still meeting end-user quality. Maximizing the use of high-quality flour and minimizing the addition of expensive vital gluten results in substantial savings.

Durum and Pasta

The Gluten Index is reported worldwide in crop reports as an important quality indicator. During pasta manufacturing, gluten has great influence in:

  • Forming non-sticky dough
  • Achieving desired processing characteristics
  • Maintaining firmness and cooking stability
  • Obtaining products with desired cooking characteristics
About gluten

Gluten is the functional component of protein and determines many dough and processing characteristics of wheat and wheat flour.

Gluten consists of the two proteins “Glutenin” and “Gliadin”. It is not until the dough has been made that they actually form gluten. This is why it is not possible to determine gluten in wheat without actually making a dough. Flour, water and the energy from the kneading are all needed for gluten to form. A disulfide bond is then created between the glutenin and the gliadin as illustrated in the picture to the left. Click it to open a larger picture in a new window.

The protein content is a purely quantitative analysis that may or may not be indicative of protein quality. While gluten content and protein content are correlated, there are situations during which protein content will not be indicative of quality. These situations include:

  • Variable Growing Conditions
  • Yearly Growing Variation
  • Wheat Varietal Variation
  • Wheat or Flour Blends
  • Heat Damage
  • Bug Damage
  • Enzymatic Addition

It is under these conditions when the reported protein content is not indicative of the quality that another set of tests is required. The Glutomatic® system is designed to measure protein quality for the following parameters:

  • Wet Gluten Content
  • Dry Gluten Content
  • Water Binding of Gluten
  • Gluten strength by Gluten Index


The Gluten Index method

Wet Gluten is prepared from a whole meal or flour by the Glutomatic® 2200 gluten washer. Gluten Index Centrifuge 2015 is used to force the wet gluten through a specially designed sieve cassette. The relative amount of gluten passing through the sieve indicates gluten characteristics. The wet gluten is further dried in the Glutork 2020 for dry gluten content and water binding in the wet gluten calculation.

The steps in detail

The steps are illustrated in the picture above. Click the picture to enlarge it.

  1. Weighing
    10.0 g ± 0.01 g of wholemeal or flour is weighed and put into the Glutomatic® wash chamber with an 88-micron polyester sieve. When vital wheat gluten is measured, 1.5 ± 0.01 g is weighed.
  2. Dispensing
    4.8 ml of salt solution is added to the meal or flour samples. No salt solution is added to vital wheat gluten samples.
  3. Mixing
    Meal or flour and the salt solution are mixed to form a dough during 20 seconds.
  4. Washing
    After termination of the mixing phase, the washing automatically starts and continues for five minutes. For the wheat meal, the sample is transferred to a chamber equipped with a coarse 840-micron sieve allowing bran particles to be washed out.
  5. Centrifuging
    Exactly 30 seconds after completed washing, the undivided wet gluten piece is transferred to the special sieve cassette and centrifuged one minute at 6000 ± 5 rpm in Centrifuge 2015.
  6. Weighing
    The fraction passed through the sieves is scraped off with a spatula and weighed. The fraction remaining on the inside of the sieve is collected and added to the balance. The total wet gluten weight is obtained.
  7. Drying
    The total wet gluten piece is dried at min. 150°C during four minutes in the Glutork 2020. After drying the gluten is weighed on the balance.
  8. Calculation
    The amount of gluten remaining on the centrifuge sieve in relation to total wet gluten weight is the Gluten Index.
The Glutomatic® System

The Glutomatic® System consists of

  • Glutomatic® 2200
  • Gluten Index Centrifuge 2015
  • Glutork 2020

You also need a lab mill model LM 3100 or LM 120.

Power requirements:
Power consumption:
Dimensions (HxDxW):   
Net Weight:     
Ambient temperature:
115/230 V, 50/60 Hz
Glutomatic® 2200 185 W / Centrifuge 2015 90 W / Glutork 2020 840 W
415 x 300 x 400 mm
Glutomatic® 2200 24 kg / Centrifuge 2015 9 kg / Glutork 2020 2 kg
35-80% RH, non-condensing
Wheat, wheat flour, durum, semolina, vital gluten
Gluten Index, wet gluten content, dry gluten content, water binding

DoughLAB Analyzes Flour Properties


AACCI approved analysis of flour water absorption, dough development and mixing tolerance.

The doughLAB determines water absorption of flour, dough development time and other dough mixing parameters. The instrument uses the traditional 20 minute test and the new 10-minute high-speed mixing test (AACCI 54-70.01). The 10 minute test increases lab throughput and efficiency. It improves analysis results by making it easier to interpret samples with long development times, indistinct development peaks and multiple peaks. In addition, the high speed method more closely resembles today’s bread making processes. Results are presented in FU or SI units.

Reproducibility is key and the doughLAB was designed to minimize differences between individual instruments.

Features and benefits
Approved high speed rapid mixing method

Fast 10 minute high energy mixing AACCI Method 54-70.01.


Choice of traditional 20 minute test, new 10 minute high speed mixing test and user defined methods.  Bake labs can create specific tests to study flour performance using variable temperature and high speed/energy mixing. Programmable temperature to study dough performance during heating, cooling and gelling/cooking. Variable speed mixing to study stiff and crumbly dough, novel formulations, evaluate dough response to changing stress and mimic commercial mixing.


Integrated bowl temperature control system. Integrated, automatic water dispensing with “drip” function for repeatable, operator independent measurement of water absorption.

User Friendly

Windows software with flour/dough quality methods included in the software library, plus user can create their own methods. Real time graphs, data analysis and diagnostics. Test configuration, data and analysis programs stored in software and easily transferable. Easy to use “routine user” mode.


Calibrated in standard and traceable toque units (Nm). Complies with ISO9000 and Quality System requirements.

Secure results

Software password protection and single-page report with traceable data comply with Electronic Registration/Electronic Signature requirements.

Easy Clean UpBowl disassembles quickly for easy cleaning to increase sample throughput.

Virtual Blending

Millers can quickly calculate flour blends to meet target water absorption specifications using the software. Perform complex “what if” analyses without having to run lots of tests. These blend models can be used to manage crop changeover issues and design flour blends to maintain specifications for specific purposes and products while reducing costs.

Power Requirements:
Computer Requirements:
Dimensions (HxWxD):
Net Weight:
Data Interface:
Temperature Range:
Water supply:Heating/Cooling Rate:Temperature Monitoring:
Speed Range:
Motor Torque:
AC 220/240 V ± 10% 50/60 Hz, 1200 VA.
PC with Windows Vista or later operating system.
370 x 490 x 970 mm.
91 kg incl. bowl.
USB B type.
10–80°C (variable).
1 L/min at maximum, 100 kPa (at instrument), <25 ºC. (Chilled water supply required for operation below room temperature.)
Heating: 2.5°C/minute max. Cooling: 5°C/minute max. (depending on cooling system).
Sample, bowl and water.
0, 10-200 rpm.
Up to 25 Nm.
FN series Falling Number®-Sprout damage detection

Falling Number®-Germination damage detection


The Falling Number® System measures the alpha-amylase enzyme activity in grains and flour to detect sprout damage, optimise flour enzyme activity and guarantee soundness of traded grain. Alpha-amylase activity is crucial for final product quality of bread, pasta, noodles and malt. Anyone handling wheat, barley, rye or sorghum intended for these applications will benefit from the Falling Number® system.

The method is standardized by international bodies such as
the ICC, AACCI, ISO and ASBC in the standards:

ICC/No. 107/1 (1968)
AACCI/No. 56-81.03 (1972)
ISO/No. ISO/DIS 3093 (1974)
ASBC Barley 12-A

Falling Number® applications

Why measure the alpha-amylase activity? Rainy, adverse weather conditions during harvest can cause sprouting. When sprouting occurs the alpha-amylase enzyme develops. Alpha-amylase activity has direct impact on bread and pasta quality and adversely affects the malting process. As little as 5 % sprouted grain, mixed with 95 % sound grain, can render the entire mixture unacceptable.

The end users of wheat, rye and barley suffer when the grain is sprout damaged, and need to monitor the ingredients they buy. To prevent sprout damaged grain from entering the production chain, farmers and grain receivals should test the grain during harvest, and when it’s delivered.

Follow the links in the menu to the right, and read more about the benefits of Falling Number® testing in grain trade, flour milling and more.

Models and Accessories

Perten Instruments offers a range of Falling Number® models, to suit the various needs of our customers. We also offer accessories that can help you facilitate analyses and save costs.

Follow the links in the menu to the right to find a Falling Number® model and accessories which suit your needs. In common for all models is that they follow all international standards – only Falling Number® equipment from Perten Instruments do. All of them are also produced with all the experience and knowledge of the company that introduced the Falling Number® method to the global grain industry.

The new FN 1000

The World Standard is Faster, Safer and Easier to use than ever before.

The FN 1000 is the newest and most modern Falling Number®instrument model and offers many new benefits and improved features. It’s a dual analysis system suitable for everyone who requires reliable analysis and high capacity.

Correct FN results

World Standard – The Perten Falling Number® models are the only validated instruments for Falling Number testing according to international standards: AACCI/No. 56-81.03, ICC/No. 107/1, ISO/DIS 3093.

Automatic water level control – The FN 1000 automatically controls the level in the water bath, improving consistency of results.

Fungal Falling Number® – The FN 1000 is equipped to test flours with addition of fungal alpha-amylase.

Altitude correction – Above 600 m altitude the Falling Number® results need to be adjusted for the lower atmospheric pressure. The FN 1000 includes a sensor which alerts the operator to activate automatic correction when required.


Optimized analysis time – The FN 1000 can be set to a target FN value representing non-sprouted grain, and will automatically stop the test once that value is reached. It then pushes down the stirrers, and reports the result as greater than the input target value – i.e. “275+” or “300+”.

Auto-start – When test tubes are placed in the water bath the FN 1000 starts the test automatically while awaiting confirmation from the operator.


Insulated water bath –The FN 1000 is designed with an insulated water bath and a plastic outer part on the cooling lid, making it safe to touch and protecting operators.

Reduced steam – The water bath briefly turns off at the end of tests allowing operators to remove the tubes and cassette under reduced steam.

Easier to use

Automated water addition – No need for operators to monitor water level and add water as this is done automatically by the FN 1000.

Touch screen operation – The intuitive user interface of the large color touch screen makes it easy to operate the FN 1000 and use its advance features such as blend calculation, malt addition, moisture correction and more.

Connectivity – The FN 1000 is equipped with 4 USB ports and one Ethernet port, enabling simultaneous use of printers, data capture connection, bar code readers and more.

FN 1500

The FN 1500 is the perfect Falling Number® system for a smaller flour mill.

It is an automatic single analysis system, equipped with a control unit with a printer, a keypad and a small display which can be set to a local language.

Fungal Falling Number

The FN 1500 can be ordered with the option to test flours with addition of fungal alpha-amylase.

Built-in printer

The built-in printer gives a receipt of the analysis results.

Sample ID registration

To include sample ID on the printout and in the data sent to any connected computer, you can enter a number through the keypad or by connecting a barcode reader.


The FN 1500 is equipped with an RS-232 connection which allows it to automatically send Falling Number® results to a connected computer after the analysis. This makes it possible to capture results in a LIMS system.

Blend optimization

The Falling Number® of a mix of two batches of grain or flour is not the same as the average of the two individual Falling Number® values. To get the correct value use the calculation feature of the FN 1500 to get the right result.

Altitude correction

If you use the Falling Number® method above 600 meter above sea level the result needs to be corrected for the lower boiling temperature of water at this altitude. The FN 1500 can be set to automatically adjust the Falling Number® result if you activate this feature.

FN 1310

The FN 1310 is our basic model which allows users to buy an original Perten system at a value price.

The Falling Number® 1310 System is an automatic single analysis system designed for fast and convenient operation of the Falling Number® test. The high quality standards to which the FN 1310 is built offer high return on your investment through many years of trouble-free operation.


Its simple, robust design gives the FN 1310 exceptional instrument life.

Easy to use

The FN 1310 is very easy to use, and is confidently used by all operators.

Official approvals

International standards and recommendations such as AACC International Method 56-81.03, ICC Standard No. 107/1, ISO 3093.

Falling Number® accessories

Our accessories helps you achieve consistent results and make your use of Falling Number® instruments more efficient.

Shakematic 1095
Remove operator influence on results and reduce total analysis time by using the Shakematic automatic sample mixer.
Recirculating Cooler
Reduces water consumption to practically zero and makes it possible to place FN units almost everywhere.
Clean Falling Number® Viscometer Tubes rapidly and safely. The fast cleaning saves time and liberates operators for more important work.
      FN accessorie LM 3100
Time stamps and documents Falling Number® results for storage or transfers to a log book.For use with FN 1000 and FN 1700.
Easily and accurately dispenses 25 ml water for the Falling Number® test. Can also be set to 30 ml for the Fungal Falling Number® test.
Lab mills
To analyze grain for Falling Number® according to the standard methods it needs to be ground using the correct lab mills. The Perten LM 120 and LM 3100 hammer mills are both approved for the Falling Number® method.
Factors affecting FN® results

A number of factors can affect Falling Number® results. The list below is not a complete list, but mentions the most important ones that operators can influence.

A representative sample must be obtained in order to assure accuracy. Through experimentation and statistical confirmation, the sample size has been to be determined to be 300 g. This is extremely important since the alpha-amylase activity of one sprouted kernel may be 100 times greater than that of an unsprouted kernel.

Correct grinding

It’s critical to obtain a standardized particle size for grain samples. In other words the samples must be ground the same. The FN method is based on the rapid gelatinization of starch. This process is greatly influenced by the particle size of the meal and it’s critical the correct grinder is used – LM 120 and LM 3100 are approved.

Moisture content

The moisture content of a sample will dictate how much sample is to be used for the test. The sample weight is corrected to the appropriate moisture level. The AACC and ICC correct to 14% while the ISO currently corrects to 15%. The moisture must be measured after grinding since moisture loss can occur during the grinding process. A table is available to calculate the correct sample amount depending on moisture content.

Approved, clean and dry tubes and stirrers

The Falling Number® viscometer tube has very specific dimensions with tight limits, and if these dimensions are not following the specifications, this may lead to faulty results and even breakage when used in the test. Also the stirrer must have correct dimensions and weight and be free from defect. The viscometer tubes, stirrers and stoppers must be clean and dry, for obvious reasons. Since soaps are surfactants and may react with the sample matrix, we strongly recommend cleaning with only water and no detergents.

Properly mixed sample

The sample must be mixed well, preferably using the Shakematic, and the bottom of the stopper should be wiped into the tube after mixing. As with all types of measurements, proper analytical lab techniques must be observed.

The Falling Number® Method

The Falling Number® method is standardized and should always be performed in the same way. The steps are described below, and are also illustrated in the picture.

To learn more about the theory behind the Falling Number® test

To download a checklist on how to achieve correct Falling Number® results

1. Sample Preparation
For grain a 300 gram sample is ground in a Laboratory Mill LM 3100 or LM 120 equipped with a 0.8 mm sieve. The large sample is to avoid sampling error. For flour a representative sample is taken.

2. Weighing
7.0 ± 0.05 g of whole meal or flour is weighed and put into a Viscometer tube. The flour amount should be moisture corrected by measuring the actual moisture content of the sample.

3. Dispensing
25 ± 0.2 ml of distilled water is added to the tube.

4. Shaking
Sample and water are mixed by vigorously shaking the tube to obtain a homogeneous suspension.

5. Stirring
The Viscometer tube with the stirrer inserted is put into the boiling water bath and the instrument is started. After 5 seconds the stirring begins automatically.

6. Measuring
The stirrer is automatically released in its top position after 60 (5 + 55) seconds and is allowed to fall down under its own weight.

7. The Falling Number®
The total time in seconds from the start of the instrument until the stirrer has fallen a measured distance is registered by the instrument. This is the Falling Number®.

Laboratory mills 120, ESMC, Parten



Convenient and rapid sample preparation

The type of sample preparation depends on the requirements in the analysis to be made. For this reason it is important to select the correct preparation for the analysis in question. Perten Instruments can offer two types of Laboratory Mills, the hammer type mill and the disc type mill.Disc mills are used when grinding samples for moisture determination, whereas hammer mills are used for most other applications, such as Falling Number, Glutomatic and NIR analysis for example.

Features and Benefits
  • Falling Number and Gluten Index – Officially approved mills for Falling Number and Gluten Index sample preparation.
  • High sample homogeneity – Improves repeatability and accuracy of analytical results.
  • Robust design – Excellent durability and very low cost of ownership.
  • Suitable for grains, oilseeds and more – Flexible mills for grinding of many different sample types.
Models and Accessories

The type of sample preparation depends on the requirements in the analysis to be made. For this reason it is important to select the correct preparation for the analysis in question. Perten Instruments can offer two types of Laboratory Mills, the hammer type mill and the disc type mill. Disc mills are used when grinding samples for moisture determination, whereas hammer mills are used for most other applications, such as Falling Number, Glutomatic and NIR analysis for example. Read more about hammer mills and disc mills on the page “Technology”.We hope that you will be able to find a model that suits your needs, and recommend that you use the “Model selection guide”. Don’t hesitate to contact Perten Instruments or your local representative to discuss your needs.Laboratory Mill 3100

LM 3100 is a hammer mill with a robust metal construction built in and insulated for low noise level. It is suitable for grinding for Falling Number, Glutomatic, Kjeldahl and NIR analysis. It has a cyclone sample outlet for convenient sample collection, which also makes the mill virtually self-cleaning between grindings.Laboratory Mill 120

This is a simpler hammer mill with a robust metal construction. The sample is collected in a nylon bag. It is suitable for the same applications as the LM 3100.Laboratory Mill 3310

is a disc mill specifically designed for grain moisture analysis and is approved for both oven and NIR moisture tests. It is also adopted by AACC, standard methods No. 55-30 to determine wheat hardness by PSI (Particle Size Index). It can grind samples of up to 50 grams.Laboratory Mill 3610

is a larger disc mill also approved for oven and NIR moisture tests. It is also well suited for grinding large size material such as feed raw material, pellets etc. The LM 3610 can grind larger samples than the LM 3310.Accessory

Mill feeder

A motor driven rubber paddle Mill Feeder can be added to provide a consistent feed rate. This improves grinding of high moisture grain and grain with the hull remaining, e.g. barley, oats and rice. The constant feed rate also improves overall mill performance and reduces motor strain caused by overfeeding of sample.

Model selection guide
Selecting which mill to use for a specific application can be difficult. This guide intends to help you find the right model for your application. For each question, click the answer that corresponds the best to your situation.

Micro-DoughLAB (Dough Rheology)


The micro-doughLAB is a small scale (4g) dough mixer and analysis system to determine the quality and processing characteristics of flour and dough.

The small sample size is ideal for researchers, wheat breeders, grain handlers, millers and bakers with limited sample and/or valuable samples.

It can be used to screen breeder lines, develop rapid and small scale methods and to establish the performance, specification, water and mixing requirements of flour. It enables users to save time and money by accurately and quickly identifying the best flour for their application.

The micro-doughLAB uses doughLAB for Windows (DLW) software. It is easy to use, compact, reproducible, accurate, and cleans up quickly.

Features and benefits

Small Sample Size: Integrated 4g micro scale bowl.

Fast: High-energy mixing for high-throughput testing

Variable Speed & Temperature: To study dough performance during heating, cooling and gelling/cooking. Variable speed mixing to study stiff and crumbly doughs, novel formulations, evaluate dough response to changing stress and mimic commercial mixing.

Automated: Integrated bowl temperature control system. Integrated automatic water dispensing.

Easy Clean Up: Bowl disassembles quickly for easy cleaning to increase sample throughput.

doughLAB for Windows (DLW) Software:

Calibration: Traceable software calibration procedure.

User Friendly: Methods included in the software library. Easy to use “routine user” mode. Software password protection.

Programmable Instrument Control:“Profile” style method set up with advanced options and for flexibility and ease of use

Flexible Data Analysis: Auto functions for commonly derived parameters and advanced functions for research.

Real Time Graph Display: Interactive and overlay functions for clarity.

Single Page Report: Traceability data, results and the graph all on a single page.

Traceability: complies with ER/ES (electronic records/electronic signatures) requirements for data security.

Virtual blending: View, chart, average, and analyse data to predict the performance of flour blends.

Power Requirements:
Computer Requirements:
Dimensions (HxDxW), Net Weight:
Data Interface:
Temperature Range:
Heating/Cooling Rate:
Cooling Water Supply:
Speed Range:
Torque Range:
Torque Accuracy:
Dispenser Range:
AC 115/230 V ± 10% 50/60 Hz, 500 VA.
PC with WindowsVista or later operating system.
380x320x550 mm, 25 kg
USB B type.
5 to 95°C*.
20–100 kPa (regulator used if >100 kPa).
Computer controlled infinitely variable 0 – 200 rpm.
+/- 1% at 63 rpm.
0 – 1000 mNm.
0 – 5 ml.

* Low temperature down to 5°C, but can only be 15 °C below supplied coolant temperature.


Wheat flour doughs are nonlinear viscoelastic materials, and as such there is a complicated relationship between the strains imparted during mixing (stretching, shearing, compression and relaxation) and dough resistance. A number of factors related to processing conditions and flour type will also have a large effect on how the dough behaves. Variations in water and protein content, changes in the fibrillar structure of the protein, starch, starch damage, pentosans, gluten strength and the actions of enzymes on the dough components all affect dough behaviour. Due to the complex nature of dough behaviour an empirical instrument test is desirable.

The two key pieces of information required by millers and bakers are the absorption (amount of water required for a dough to reach a definite consistency) and the mixing profile of the dough (development time, stability and softening) which are indicative of the suitability of the flour for different applications. Other parameters may also be measured.

micro-doughLAB information will be useful to:
  • Wheat breeding laboratories developing new lines for milling, baking (bread, cake, pastry, biscuit), pasta and Asian products (eg steam bread, noodles and flat bread), who need to test wheat flour quality and processing characteristics using small samples (F4 and possibly F3 stage). micro-doughLAB can also be used to develop rapid and small scale methods that correlate to standard methods.
  • Flour Millers producing flour that meets the customers’ specification, establishing the performance of new season wheat, mixing and blending old wheat with new in order to meet the specifications, developing flour blends that are optimised for processes, establishing the specification of incoming flour, developing new products and studying gluten characteristics. micro-doughLAB offers high sample throughput, fast tests, convenient handling and commercial process emulation routines.
Operation and handling

The micro-doughLAB is a small-scale sigma arm dough mixer which requires 4g of flour and measures water absorption (WA) and dough mixing parameters.

The small sample requirement makes micro-doughLAB well suited for use by wheat breeders and researchers who typically have limited sample available. It can be used to develop rapid and small scale methods that correlate to standard methods.

1) Open the appropriate micro-doughLAB method in DLW software. Accurately weigh your flour sample using an electronic balance. 2) Raise the safety from the bowl. 3) Dispense the flour sample into the bowl, as shown.
4) Lower the safety lid back into place above the bowl and ensure the dispensing arm is positioned over the bowl. Click on “Run” The flour sample will be mixed for the specified zero time. Water will then be added to the sample. 5) Place the evaporation lid over the bowl. 6) The resistance of the dough will be graphed on the monitor.


RVA series Rapid Visco Analyser

RVA series Fast Viscosity Measurement Device


The Rapid Visco Analyser is a unique tool for product development, quality and process control and quality assurance.

The RVA is a cooking, stirring viscometer with ramped temperature and variable shear capability optimized for testing the viscous properties of starch, grain, flour and foods. The instrument will analyze as little as two or three grams of sample using international standard methods or your own tailor-made test routines of mixing, measuring, heating and cooling.

Applications include: flour and grain quality, native starches, modified starches and starchy samples, formulated foods (e.g. sauce, ketchup, gravy, dressing, mayonnaise, soup, dairy beverages) other ingredients and foods (e.g. hydrocolloids & proteins), cooked and extruded foods (e.g. ready to eat breakfast cereals, snack foods, pet foods, fish feeds and animal feeds), meltability tests (e.g. process cheese, chocolate and confectionery)  and “Miniature Pilot Plant” small scale process emulation.

The new RVA 4800 can perform regular tests below 100°C, as well as high-temperature tests up to 140°C in a specially designed pressure vessel.

Features and benefits - RVA viscometers
Rapid Visco Analyser:

Temperature and Viscosity Range to suit your samples: Mid viscosity range for most samples (RVA-TecMaster), extended range for high viscosity combined with high sensitivity for low viscosity (RVA 4500), and mid range with four preconfigured methods for routine samples (RVA-StarchMaster2). High temperature range, up to 140°C (RVA 4800).

Rapid Viscosity Profile: Standard starch pasting test in 13 minutes.

Easy to Use: Automated operation of RVA 4500 and RVA-TecMaster using Thermocline for Windows (TCW) minimizes training and ensures reliability.

Stand-alone option: Preconfigured RVA-StarchMaster2 operates simply; no computer required; no software to learn.

Calibration: Check with traceable standards to comply with ISO9000 and Quality System requirements.

Glass-free: Safe for food manufacturing areas.

Relevant: Tailor test routines to emulate processing conditions in industry.

Thermocline for Windows (TCW) Software:

Programmable Instrument Control:“Profile” style method set up with advanced options and auto functions
for flexibility and ease of use.

Flexible Data Analysis: Auto functions for commonly derived parameters and advanced functions for research.

Real Time Graph Display: Interactive and overlay functions for clarity.

Single Page Report: Traceability data, results and the graph all on a single page.

Traceability: Complies with ER/ES (electronic records/electronic signatures) requirements for data security.

RVA 4800 
RVA 4500
Power Requirements: 240 VAC, 3,5 A, 50/60 Hz / 115 VAC, 5 A, 50/60 Hz
Input/Output USB port, RS232 serial port  USB for PC, LIMS, USB drive, label printer, keyboard, barcode scanner
Net Weight: 19 kg 18 kg 18 kg 18 kg
Temperature Range: 0-140°C  0-99.9°C
Heating/Cooling Rate: Up to 14°C/minute (infinitely variable).
Coolant Consumption: Water, 1 l/min at cooling, 100-250 kPa.*
Speed Range: Computer controlled infinitely variable 0,20 – 2000 rpm
Viscosity Range: 20-50,000 cP
at 80 rpm,
10-25,000 cP
at 160 rpm
20-50,000 cP
at 80 rpm,
10-25,000 cP
at 160 rpm
40-16,000 cP
at 80 rpm,
20-8,000 cP
at 160 rpm
Viscosity Accuracy: +/- 2% for S2000 oil nom. 5000 cP. +/- 3% for S2000 oil nom. 5000 cP.

* Chilled coolant required for cooling below room temperature.

Applications for RVA Viscometers

The RVA is ideal for fingerprinting the viscosity, hydration and degree of cook of wide range of products. If your application is not listed below, click on “Industries” in the menu bar and link to your industry for more applications information. Still can’t find what you are looking for? Click on “Ask us a question” below.

  • Starches and Starchy Samples:
    Native and modified starches of grains, roots, tubers and others. High-temperature characterization with the RVA 4800.
  • Hydrocolloids:
    Gelling/thickening profile, hydration profile, preparation of samples that will gel.
  • Proteins:
    Soy products, milk proteins, gluten, gelatin and egg whites.
  • Milling and Baking:
    Grain soundness and bug damage, starch pasting quality for cakes, breads, batters, pasta and noodles, flour amylase, malt amylase, fungal amylase, anti-staling, heat treatment of flour, wheat gluten quality and solvent retention capacity test.
  • Barley – Malting – Brewing:
    Predicting safe storage life for malting barley, rapid recording mashing system (and the effect of addition of enzymes, adjuncts and chemicals to malts), monitoring the progression of malting, predicting barley malting quality and simulated industrial mashing process.
  • Dairy:
    Process cheese manufacture and meltability, effect of drying temperature on milk protein powders, rennet caseinate rehydration, dairy beverages, custard, age thickening of sweetened condensed milk and “Miniature Pilot Plant” small scale manufacture of yoghurt, ice cream mix and dairy desserts. Assess ingredient suitability for UHT applications for dairy and other food products with the TVA 4800.
  • Formulated foods:
    Low viscosity products (premixes & ready to use) such as sauce, ketchup, gravy, dressing, mayonnaise, soup, other low viscosity foods with starches, hydrocolloids & proteins, melt tests such as chocolate and confectionery and “Miniature Pilot Plant” small scale emulation of manufacturing conditions.
  • Extruded and Cooked Foods:
    Ready to eat breakfast cereals, snack foods, pet foods, aqua feeds and animal feeds.
RVA Viscometer Models

Perten Instruments offers a range of Rapid Visco Analyser  models and accessories to suit your needs.

The RVA 4800 offers an extended temperature range up to 140°C.

The RVA 4500 and RVA-TecMaster combine speed, precision, flexibility and automation with Thermocline for Windows (TCW) software for viscometric data acquisition and analysis.

The RVA-StarchMaster2 offers the same speed and precision with simple stand alone operation. The RVA-StarchMaster2 is ideal for routine testing, process and quality control.

NEW - RVA 4800

With the extended temperature range (up to 140°C), the RVA 4800 provides a tool for performing more relevant analysis for a variety of applications, including ingredient (e.g. starch and hydrocolloid) performance under conditions relevant to ultra-high-temperature (UHT) pasteurization of dairy and food products, retorting, pressure cooking, extrusion and other aseptic processing conditions.

RVA 4500

The best choice for analyzing low viscosity samples (down to 10 cP at 160 rpm) because of its exceptional sensitivity and accuracy.

Low viscosity applications include: low solids starches (e.g. ethylated & cationic starch for paper & packaging), low viscosity food starch (e.g. acid/enzyme thinned), low viscosity products (e.g. sauce, ketchup, gravy, dressing, mayonnaise, soup, dairy beverages) and other low viscosity non starch foods (e.g. with hydrocolloids & proteins).

Also optimized for the widest viscosity range (up to 25,000 cP at 160 rpm).

High viscosity applications include: extruded and cooked foods (e.g. ready to eat breakfast cereals, snack foods, pet foods, fish feeds and animal feeds), meltability tests (e.g. process cheese, chocolate and confectionery) and high solids and high viscosity modified starches (e.g. substituted and cross linked cook up food starches).


A fully featured viscometer for analyzing most samples. It covers the mid viscosity range (20 – 8,000 cP at 160 rpm). General purpose applications include: starches and starchy samples, hydrocolloids, proteins, formulated, cooked and extruded foods and “Miniature Pilot Plant” small scale process emulation.


The easy to operate, stand alone (no computer or software required), economical viscometer for routine analysis of  most samples. It covers the mid viscosity range (20 – 8,000 cP at 160 rpm). Routine applications include: starches and starchy samples, hydrocolloids, proteins, formulated, cooked and extruded foods, flour and grain quality.

RVA Viscometer Accessories


Robot Dispenser

The Robot Dispenser is an automated sample weigher and dispenser to accompany the Rapid Visco Analyser. Simply scoop sample into an RVA can, and the Robot Dispenser dispenses the correct amount of water into the can.

Sample cans & stirring paddles

Box of 200 cans and paddles in dispenser box for convenient storage and access.

Calibration check starch

Standard test starch ensures that the RVA is operating within specifications in compliance with the principles of Good Laboratory Practice. The test starch is supplied in sachets to maximise shelf life and for convenient storage. (Pack of ten for small users, and a more economical pack of 50.)

NIST calibration check oil

NIST certified oil for monitoring instrument performance and
compliance with calibration to meet the principles of Good
Laboratory Practice.

Coated cans & paddles 
for broad spectrum resistance

Tests of some types of modified starches, meals and food preparations are best carried out under significantly acid or alkaline conditions, or in the presence of heavy metals. Sicpa Buff coated canisters impart broad spectrum resistance, including at high and low pH, at an economical price.

High Temperature cans & paddles

Tests run at temperatures above 100°C, in the RVA 4800, requires special cans and paddles. A practical tray of 42 high temperature cans and paddles is available.

RVA Handbook

Published by AACC International, the RVA Handbook helps you to review the scope of applications available, guides you when developing new applications, or improving existing ones, and helps you to interpret RVA test results. With this book you can avoid the pitfalls, get up to speed quickly with your application, and find inspiration for adapting the RVA to new uses.

Operating the RVA viscometer
The steps in detail

  1. Select Method
    Open the appropriate RVA method in TCW software or select the appropriate RVA method using the instrument keypad if using a stand alone RVA.
  2. Weighing
    Accurately weigh your sample and water using an electronic balance. Add first the water and then the sample into the canister.
  3. Mixing
    Place a paddle into the canister, mix and push down any sample lumps.
  4. Inserting
    Slide the paddle into the RVA motor coupling.
  5. Starting
    Depress the tower to lower the canister into the RVA and start the test.
  6. Measuring
    The viscosity of the sample will be graphed on the monitor or on the display if using a stand alone RVA.
  7. Result
    The test will end automatically and analysis results will be reported.



Food Texture Analyzer (Dual Load Cell)- TVT 6700


The examination of structural tissue is usually based on sensory evaluation and experience. The TVT 6700 Texture Analyzer is fast, objective and more accurate and verifiable than sensory judgment.

The TVT 6700 applies pressure or stretching to food and other samples under controlled conditions to precisely measure a texture profile. It measures the compression and tension force and position accurately over time using standard test modes, such as single or multiple stresses, tensile strength, compression and retention, extension-retention, rupture, and relaxation to define product texture. The data is taken as a graph and stored in the database.

The TVT 6700 texture analyzer is user-friendly, efficient and versatile with platforms and probes for measuring the texture properties of many food products and different materials.

Feature and benefits - TVT Texture Analyzer

A single model suits the needs of the food industry.

User friendly

Easy to use with a large library of standard test routines and starter methods in software.


Sensitive, accurate and reproducible complete texture profiles.

Powerful software

Comparison graph overlay, automated statistical calculations, customizable analysis and report options, flexible data export to spreadsheet programs and graph export.


Robust design suits laboratory and production environments.


The TVT 6700 is supplied with two Load Cells. Change between the two in less than a minute. Standard and custom tests for hardness/firmness/softness, fracturability (brittleness), cohesiveness, adhesiveness/stickiness, springiness (elasticity), chewiness, gumminess, stringiness/shortness.

Cost Efficient

Reduce the need for sensory panels.

Operating the TVT Texture Analyzer
  1. Ensure the load cell is tared.
  2. Attach suitable probe to the instrument. Use a rig if required. Calibrate the probe position.
  3. Position the sample centrally underneath the probe.
  4. Select an appropriate product and test method and start the measurement.
  5. Force is applied (compression or extension) and plotted as a function of time or distance. Test results are shown on screen with statistical information calculated automatically. Test results and measurement data can easily be exported to a spreadsheet program for further analysis.
Instrument specifications
Max Product Height:   300 mm
Dimensions (HxWxD), Net Weight   65x34x44 cm, 24 kg
Load Cells/Force Range (Standard configuration 10 & 50 kg):   5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100 kg.
Force Resolution:   1 gf (grams-force)
Load Cell Accuracy:   <0.03%
Speed Range:   0.1-30.0 mm/sec
Speed Accuracy:   0.03% at 5mm/s
Position Accuracy:   ± 0.02 mm
Precision (RSDr*):   ≤ 0.5%
Power Requirements:   110-240 V, 50 – 60 Hz

* Relative Standard Deviation within-instrument repeatability

Computer Requirements:

PC with Windows XP, Vista or Win7 operating system, DirectX 8 compatible 3D Graphics card, 1 RS 232 com port, 1 USB com port, 1.6 GHz CPU, 512 Mb RAM, hard disk space for data files (>100Mb recommended).

Texture analysis applications - TVT 6700

The flexibility of the TVT 6700 Texture Analyzer makes it suitable for a wide range of applications including

  • quality control of raw materials
  • in-process and finished products testing
  • product formulation
  • process development
  • evaluation of ingredient and processing changes
  • monitor changes during storage and transport
  • imitating chewing
  • imitating consumer handling.

Application notes include:

Bakery Applications

Bagel crumb; firmness by puncture (AIB method)
Biscuit and cookie; firmness and fracturability by penetration
Biscuit, cookie and cracker; hardness and fracturability by cutting
Biscuit and cookie; hardness and fracturability (AIB method)
Bread crumb; compression (AACC 74-09)
Bread crumb; double cycle compression
Bread crumb; firmness by compression (AIB method)
Bread crumb; firmness by compression (hold until time)
Cinnamon roll; firmness by puncture (AIB method)
Crisp bread; fracturability using break probe
Croissant; firmness by cutting
Dough; hardness by penetration
Dough; adhesiveness by penetration
Hamburger bun; crust firmness by puncture (AIB method)
Muffin; shelf life by compression (hold until time) (AIB method)
Pancakes and thin bakery products; extensibility by puncture
Sponge cake; firmness and springiness (hold until time)
Sponge cake; firmness and springiness by multiple cycle compression
Sponge cake; firmness by puncture
Sponge cake; firmness by puncture (AIB method)
Tortilla; stretchability by penetration (AIB method)
Tortilla and other thin, baked products: elasticity by tension
Tortilla chips and tostada shells; fracturability (AIB method)

Confectionery Applications

Caramel: hardness, stickiness and stringiness by puncture
Chocolate bars; hardness by penetration
Hard candy; fracturability and hardness by cutting
Soft chewy confectionery; hardness and stickiness by puncture test
Soft gummy confectionery; firmness and elasticity by compression test

Dairy Products Applications

Cheese, hard; firmness by cutting
Cheese, soft; hardness and stickiness by puncture
Cheese, soft; spreadability by compression
Cheese spread; hardness and stickiness by puncture
Ice cream; cutting (shear) force by cutting
Margarine; firmness by cutting
Margarine; firmness by puncture
Mayonnaise; firmness by puncture
Mayonnaise; consistency by back extrusion
Milk foam; firmness by back extrusion
Mousse; firmness by puncture
Yoghurt; firmness by back extrusion
Yoghurt; firmness by compression

Extruded Products Applications

Extruded snack: hardness by penetration
Pet food pellets; hardness of dehydrated pellets by compression

Fruits and Vegetables Applications

Almonds; hardness (exterior and interior) by cutting
Apples and other fruits; hardness (to predict bruising) by puncture
Apples and other fruits; hardness (to predict bruising) by compression
Beans, processed (canned); firmness by back extrusion
Potatoes: Cutting (shear) force by cutting
Potatoes, french fries; firmness by cutting
Potatoes, mashed; firmness by back extrusion

Gels (including jam and marmalade) Applications

Gel; Gel strength, elasticity by puncture
Gelatin; bloom strength by penetration
Marmalade; gel strength and elasticity by penetration

Grains Applications

Rice, cooked; firmness and stickiness by compression

Pasta and Noodles Applications

Spaghetti and noodles; cutting (shear) (AACC 16-50)
Spaghetti and noodles, cooked; firmness by cutting
Spaghetti and noodles, cooked; elasticity by tension
Spaghetti and noodles cooked; firmness and adhesiveness by compression
Spaghetti, lasagne and noodles, dry; hardness using break probe

Protein Products (meat, fish, eggs) Applications

Chicken; Firmness and cutting strength by cutting test
Egg shell; hardness (transportation strength) by puncture
Fish; firmness by cutting
Fish; firmness by puncture
Meat products, circular; firmness, (bite force) by cutting
Meat products; firmness, cohesiveness, springiness, gumminess by compression

TVT Texture Analyzer accessories

A wide range of accessories are available, making the TVT 6700 a very versatile analyzer for various texture and sensory characteristics in many different types of samples.


The probe is what the TVT uses to analyze the sample. As the probe comes into contact with the sample the instrument will measure the force needed to bend, compress, break, extend or displace the sample. To get the right information about your sample you need the right type of probe. Perten offers a wide range of probes to suit your application. Read more about our texture analysis probes.


Rigs are used to hold products and to give them the right position. We offer a range of standard rigs, and can customize rigs for your specific application.

SPD 4200 Sample Divider


Almost everyone testing the grain needs to divide large amounts of grain samples into a smaller but still representative sample of the whole batch. The SPD 4200 does this faster, easier and better than ever before.

Some grain analyzes require a very small sample amount, which represents the entire batch. Sample dividers have been used for this purpose for many years, but large divider designs cause users to divide the sample in multiple steps that take time and affect accuracy. The SPD 4200 single-step divider provides a sub-sample representing large amounts of samples, small and the whole batch in less than 15 seconds.

Pour the sample into the upper chamber, open the lid to allow the sample to fall from the divider, and open the drawer to take the sample. The system works with gravity and has no moving parts. Transparent separating sections eliminate the risk of sample cross contamination, ensuring that no sample remains in the compartment.

Features and Benefits

For mycotoxin testing, use SPD 4200 for sub-sample, visual grain check, malt germination tests, or other applications where a small representative sample is required.

FastA fully representative sub-sample in a single step and only 15 seconds provides 3.125% of the original sample size. This sample is ready for use for many analyzes.

Easy to Use

Just pour the sample and let it fall by gravity from the dividers. Used safely by users.


Its unique design provides a highly representative sub-sample.


Simple, robust design without moving parts or motors, outstanding device life and low cost.


If a larger sub-sample is desired, the SPD 4200 can be used with fewer divider sections, and if additional sub-samples are required, you can run the sample again after removing the first sub-sample.


It saves space.

Operation and Handling

The SPD 4200 is very easy to use. Just follow the simple steps shown below.

Pour the grain Pull out the tray Sample in measuring cup
 Pour the grain into the funnel and open the shutter. When ready, pull out the tray  Divided sub-sample in measuring cup
Technical specifications
Dimensions (H x D x W): 610 x 290 x 290 mm
Net weight: 4 kg
Grain Types: Small grains such as Rice, Wheat, Barley, Rapeseed (Canola), Oats
Sample Volume: Maximum 1 liter
Perten DA 6200™ NIR Analyzer

NIR Analyzer – DA 6200™ Perten


The DA 6200™ is an advanced and portable NIR transmission analyzer. A cost-effective analytical solution making routine analysis easier than ever before.

The DA 6200™ sets new standards for advanced and portable NIR analysis. Enabling user to verify raw material compositions, improve consistency and ensure quality of finished products. Measurement results are accurate and based on a large representative sample volume. Analysis cost is minimal as the DA 6200™ uses no consumables or chemicals expenditures.

DA 6200™ NIR Analyzer - Specifications
Analysis principle: Diode Array, transmittance
Regression options: ANN (Artificial Neural Networks), PLS (Partial Least Squares)
Analysis time: 30-60 seconds depending on product, 20 sub-measurements
Sample volume: Up to 170 cm3
Wavelength range: 850 – 1050 nm
Size (W x D X H): 200 X 225 X 300 mm
Weight:  5.5 kg
Display: 5.7” color touch screen
Battery operation: Up to 3 hours operation, 8 hours standby
Ambient temperature: 5 to 35 oC
Interfaces: Ethernet, 2 USB ports
Key features – DA 6200™ NIR Analyzer

The DA 6200™ sets new standards for advanced, cost-effective quality and process control.


The DA 6200™ is based on robust Diode Array technology with analysis done using transmittance NIR technology. A very large sample volume is analyzed in each measurement, ensuring a representative and accurate measurement.

Easy to use

The straight-forward sample handling and intuitive user interface enable anyone to operate the DA 6200™ confidently and get accurate results.

Compact & Stand-alone

The DA 6200™ is a stand-alone analyzer operated through an integrated touch screen and designed to have a small footprint.


With a light weight design and a battery, the analyzer is easy to carry and place in different sampling positions. Up to eight hours of battery operation enables the analyzer to be used for measurements by the line without external power supply for an entire production shift.

Robust & low cost of ownership

Analyze as often as desired. There are no associated consumables or chemical expenditures. The DA 6200™ analyzer is based on robust Diode Array technology, without the use of moving parts in spectrometer. External check sample is included, proving an easy tool to verify instrument performance regularly.

Ready-to-use calibrations

The DA 6200™ is equipped with pre-developed calibrations to provide results from day one.

Calibrations have been developed in collaboration with multiple institutes, laboratories and processing plants, based on a large variability in samples and using advanced PLS and ANN algorithms.

If needed, calibrations can be further updated using locally collected samples.

Meat & Meat products 

Whether you produce ground meats, sausages, mechanically separated poultry or other meat products, the DA 6200™ will help you reduce costs improve quality. The DA 6200™ can analyze all types of ground or homogenized meat samples for fat, moisture and protein content in 30 seconds. Additional parameters like collagen, salt or ash are also available upon request.

• Analyze incoming meat batches to ensure they meet minimum purchasing criteria. Use compositional information to optimize their use.
• Reduce lean meat give away and out-of-spec products by monitoring fat content in mixing step.
• Verify finished product quality to ensure it is consistent and meets customer expectations. Reduce dependency and cost of sending samples to external laboratories.

Olive products

The DA 6200™ helps you to improve profit and yield in olive milling. Olives milled to paste and olive pomace from the milling line can be analyzed in 30 seconds without use of any associated consumables or chemical expenditures.
• Analyze incoming olives for fat and moisture content to ensure fair payments and know the potential yield.
• Analyze olive pomace fat and moisture content to optimize extraction and avoid wasting valuable oil.

Operation and handling – DA 6200™ NIR

The DA 6200™ is designed for easy sample handling and operation. Sample cups are easily filled and placed in measurement position with magnetic coupling. A touchscreen with intuitive user interface enables anyone to confidently operate the DA 6200™ and get accurate results. Automatic start of measurements is also possible.

Nonhomogeneous samples such as meats, finished meat samples or olives should be ground prior to analysis. Homogenous samples such as sausage fillers taken from mixer or olive pomace can be analyzed as such.

Just how easy it is:

1. Prepare sample in dish 2. Analyze sample 3. Results in 30 seconds

Near Infrared Transmission analysis

The DA 6200™ is based on novel Diode Array Near Infrared Transmission Technology. During each analysis 20 sub-readings are taken on a large rotating sample with measurement light shined and detected through the cup to ensure a representative and accurate measurement, even for nonhomogeneous samples.

Simultaneous wavelengths measurement

Based on Diode Array technology all wavelengths are measured simultaneously and combined into a continuous spectrum. This allows for high flexibility in product types analyzed and a high speed analysis.

Advanced calibration algorithms

The DA 6200™ determines sample composition using advanced Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Partial Least Squares (PLS) calibrations for accurate and robust measurements with the ability to include large sample variability in calibration models.

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